aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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Right now, the Chinese name of the outspoken magazine caught up in a tense struggle of wills with the government – Southern Weekend in English, 南方周末 (nan fang zhou mo) in Chinese – is censored in Chinese on WeChat. But it’s not just restricted to users in China (where the app is called Weixin), and typing that name in the Chinese language is now blocked globally. The restriction notice says (pictured):

The message “南方周末” you sent contains restricted words. Please check it again.

We’ve tested it out going from users in China to Thailand (blocked), Thailand to China (blocked), and even Thailand to Singapore (blocked); the prohibited words are not sent at all. The name of the magazine can be sent in English.


ちょうど今、率直な意見を掲載して政府との関係が緊迫している雑誌の名前「南方週末」(英語ではSouthern Weekend、簡体字では「南方周末」)の中国名をWechatで送信しようとすると検閲に引っかかる。これはWeixin(微信)と呼ばれる同アプリを利用する中国内のユーザーに限定されておらず、中国語でこの名前を入力した世界中のユーザーがブロックされる。送信しようとすると、以下のようなメッセージが表示される(画像):



kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Around 70% of people take time to hear about other customer’s buying experience and feedback. This means, for a startup it is very important to make sure that the first 1,000 customer are super happy. With customers sharing their experiences, you cannot delete their negative feedback. But still, reply to them, and accept — and correct — your mistakes if any. For any criticism you get, tell customers you are still learning, and thank them for taking the time to share.

What engaging tools have you tried? Have you had success in converting these into sales? Please share your experiences with us.




kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

The other day I met with an online luxury clothing startup. With over 1,000 followers on Facebook and Instagram, they had excellent content, great images and would geo-tag all their images giving out the location of their images. Each content asset shared stood alone with an image, description, well written tags line. It acts as a great content to look at on your wall. But it doesn’t necessarily work together with the sales side of the business.

The content shared must lead to sales of that particular product and/or links to your other products that might suit the taste of the consumer.




kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Likes do not necessarily equate to sales.

One online retail startup in Singapore told me that their marketing was doing well because they pay for likes on Facebook. Their Facebook page grew from 300 likes to over 2,000 likes in three months. It is so cute that they think increasing the likes automatically means great marketing. But is this what social marketing is all about?

When it came to sales, more than 80% of their sales leads came from referrals of people who had never seen their Facebook page. Out of their so called 2,000 fans, only five to seven people shared their posts occasionally.

Do you see the problem here? Marketing + promoting + branding –> (must always lead to) sales.






kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

The modern day startup has to keep multiple social networks in its arsenal for marketing its products, choose the right ones that fit consumers’ personality traits, and fits the niche, knowing the right market is equally important as getting the content right.

Great ways to engage your audience

Asian consumers are most outspoken while purchasing any product on social networking sites. 41% of Asians are likely to Like your ads on Facebook, whereas 31% will share about the product that they purchased as compared to other races and nationalities. Now isn’t this a great news for startups selling on social media.

Here are a few tips on how you can drive sales by using Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram.




