aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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Baidu Debuts Siri-like Service

Chinese search engine Baidu just launched its own approach to Siri with the debut of ‘YuYinZhuShou’ (or Voice Assistant in English). You can control your smartphone via the app by your voice to do a lot of things like making phone calls, sending texts, searching for information, downloading apps, opening links in browser and so on, to name just a few.

Baidu claimed that it integrated a technology named DNN (Deep Neural Network) into the app and mistakes of speech recognition would be reduced by 25%, which means the accuracy of speech recognition are better improved.



中国の検索エンジンBaiduはちょうどSiriへの独自アプローチとして、「語音助手(YuYinZhuShou)」(英語ではVoice Assistant)をデビューさせた。このアプリを使うと、ユーザーは自分の声でスマートフォンを動かすことができる。電話をかける、テキストメッセージを送る、情報を検索、アプリのダウンロード、ブラウザ内のリンクをクリックするなど、その他多くのことをあなたが声をかけることで実行させられるのだ。


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It’s the future trend that search engines dip their toes into the field of voice searching. These homegrown voice-searching systems might be better than Apple’s Siri in three aspects. First, some search engines are more experienced in voice recognition and prediction of user intention from their long-time operation. Secondly, search engines have access to data on various open platforms, including weather, flight information, food searching, etc. And thirdly, big search engine has its own knowledge-graph system that could be leveraged to ramp up accuracy in understanding and answering users’ questions.



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Risk arises when data from one segment in a server escapes into another segment, which in return makes one’s data backup strategy and recoverability extremely important. Backups should be frequent and reliable. Virtualization software – widely known as the “hypervisor” – should be able to deal with this risk.

In short, securing infrastructure and protecting the user’s data and applications, are among the provider’s main duties. Meanwhile, making sure that the vendor has taken necessary security measures properly in order to protect the aforementioned vital components, is the client’s primary task in terms of security.




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Addressing user’s concerns and expectations

Institutions and companies of various types and sizes will usually have deep concerns about loss of control in cloud computing. Yet, as security concerns are among the major factors limiting greater adoption, this simply encourages users to better scrutinize terms and conditions, liability provisions, process transparency, indemnification, and exit strategies as very crucial aspects of cloud service.

Because systems and human resources are under third-party providers, and not managed by the customers directly, users tend to rely on contracts for better security enforcement.





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Three years ago, the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) was formed to provide information and standards, conduct research on cloud computing best practices, and engage in educational activities about cloud security, with 31 chapters worldwide, 10 of which in Asia Pacific region. They introduced the first certification on cloud computing security, CSA’s Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK) and will be offering CCSK, PCI Cloud, and GRC stack training.

Regardless what the above organization has been trying to do thus far, most importantly, educating employees on the importance of security is the preliminary step for both vendor and customers need to take security seriously to ensure sustained awareness.


3年前、クラウドコンピューティングに関する情報や規格を提供、ベストプラクティスに関する研究を行い、クラウドセキュリティについての教育活動に携わるため、Cloud Security Alliance(CSA)が結成された。この組織は世界中で31の支部を持ち、そのうち10の支部がアジア太平洋地域にある。この組織はクラウドコンピューティングのセキュリティに関する最初の認証基準を導入した。それはCSAのCertificate of Cloud Security Knowledge(CCSK)であり、さらに同組織はCCSK、PCIクラウドとGRCスタックのトレーニングコースを提供することになるだろう。


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The next big thing

Best practices, policies and standards on cloud security are just emerging. Audits are important, and standards (such as ISO 27001 or SAS 70) are necessary to ensure compliance.

Another thing that users and IT managers should implement is improving IT risk management by classifying data based on its sensitivity and then ranking these from highly critical to the less critical. Assess carefully and comprehensively where data should reside, which protection methods will be needed moving forward, and how long data needs to remain in the secure location. Consider the business value against business risk.



クラウドセキュリティに関するベストプラクティス、規定、そして基準はちょうど出現したばかりのことだ。監査が重要である。そして(ISO 27001あるいはSAS 70のような)規格はコンプライアンスを確実にするために必要だ。


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2013 iPhone and iOS 7 Already Appearing in Developer's Logs

TheNextWeb reports that at least one iOS app developer has already spotted references to the next iPhone and iOS 7 in their app logs.

One developer showed us that Apple has been testing hardware relating to a new ‘iPhone6,1′ identifier, powered by a device running iOS 7, which is expected to be released by Apple in the middle part of this year.

For reference, the current iPhone 5 carries an "iPhone5,1" and "iPhone5,2" identifiers. The specific entries were associated with Apple campus IP addresses, making it more likely they were legitimate entries.


2013年の新iPhoneとiOS 7、開発者のログにすでに出現していた

TheNextWebの報告によると、少なくともiOSアプリ開発を手がける1社がアプリ利用ログにおいて、新しいiPhoneおよびiOS 7を参照していることを既に発見しているという。

あるディベロッパーが我々に明らかにしたところによると、AppleはiOS 7を走らせるデバイスを備えた新たな識別名「iPhone6,1」に関連するハードウェアをテストしているとのことだ。これは今年の中頃、Appleからリリースされると予想される。

参考までに、現在のiPhone 5の識別名は「iPhone5,1」と「iPhone5,2」である。そのログ内のデータはApple社のIPアドレスと結び付けられており、本物のデータである可能性が高い。

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Apple first announced iOS 6 at WWDC 2012 in June. iOS 6 was then released to the public in September. The iPhone 5 was also launched in September 2012.

There have been few hints about what might be expected in iOS 7 and the next generation iPhone, though there have been persistent rumors of Apple investigating the use of Near Field Communication for payments. Other rumors have suggested that the 2013 iPhone could arrive earlier than expected with a mid-year launch rather than later in the year.

Update: let us know that they had seen iOS 7 in their weblogs. Looking at MacRumors analytics, we found that iOS 7 visits here starting in December:


Appleは昨年6月のWWDC 2012において、最初にiOS 6を発表した。その後、iOS 6は9月、一般向けに発表された。iPhone 5も2012年9月にリリースされた。

iOS 7と次のiPhoneがどのようなものとなるのかについて、いくつかのヒントはあるが、Appleが決済のための近距離無線通信の使用について調査をしている、という噂はこれまで同様、ささやき続けられている。2013年のiPhoneは、今年遅くに出るという予想よりも早く、中頃に出るだろうという噂もある。

アップデート:Letemsvetemapplem.euは彼らのブログにおいて、すでにiOS 7を見たことについて知らせてくれた。MacRumorsのアクセス解析を見て、我々はiOS 7を探してここへやってくる訪問者が12月から増えはじめていることに気づいた。