aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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But there’s more to censorship than just the technology. The new real-name internet law not only gives ISPs more power to delete “illegal content, it will also serve as an impetus for greater self-censorship, and I expect Chinese users will take fewer risks and say less interesting things on the internet in the coming year if they know their ISP has their name and ID number on file. In 2013, Chinese social media sites will become less introspective and more superficial, which discourages international communication (beyond the sharing of cat pictures).



kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

China’s ongoing territorial disputes are also creating a political wall that makes it difficult for Chinese tech companies to move beyond China. While there are some examples of internationally successful Chinese companies, that is getting harder, especially in Southeast Asia where many local governments are annoyed by China’s increasing assertiveness in territorial disputes. And if you think the fight over some pointless rocks in the ocean doesn’t affect the tech industry, think again — Vietnam just banned a very popular Chinese multiplayer game from operating in the country because of an in-game map that depicted disputed territory as belonging to China. Expect more of that sort of thing in 2013.



kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

There are linguistic bricks in the Wall, too. Obviously the relatively large difference between Chinese and English has played a big role in keeping net users separate, but Chinese companies haven’t helped much either. Sina Weibo, for example, has been around for several years now and still doesn’t even offer an English interface (though there is an English iPhone app). Renren, which has been around far longer, doesn’t have English either. The fact that China’s biggest social media sites don’t even allow for the possibility of non-Chinese-speakers signing up says a lot about the degree to which China’s internet has become estranged from the rest of the world.


そして、言語の「壁」も存在する。明らかに中国語と英語の間にはかなり大きな違いがあるが、これがネットユーザーを遠ざけておくという大きな役割を果たしている。しかし、中国企業がこの壁をなくすために尽力しているとは言い難い。例えば、Sina Weibo(新浪微博)はもう何年もサービスを提供し続けているが、今でも英語のインターフェースを提供していない(が、iPhone用アプリには英語版が用意されてはいる)。新浪微博よりもはるかに長く存在するRenren(人人)でも、同様に英語版がない。中国最大のソーシャルメディアサイトは、非中国語話者が登録する可能性を考慮に入れさえしていないという事実は、どれほど中国のネットワークが世界の残りの部分から疎遠になっているかを大いに物語る。

kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

The one area of tech-related commerce that seems untouched by the Wall is mobile, where Chinese and foreign devices and apps compete both domestically and internationally, with a relatively free market. But with Huawei and ZTE attracting increasing attention for their connections to China’s government (and Iran’s repressive regime), interest in Chinese brands abroad will likely drop a bit this year. Domestically, the once-free app marketplace is due for some regulation, and while it’s not clear yet exactly what will happen, insiders fear the move could block some foreign apps from competing in China while weakening Chinese-developed apps in the global marketplace by slowing them down.



kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

The world is getting app-ified. Apps are driving the mobile internet ecosystem forward and have emerged as one of the biggest forms of media, entertainment, and utility on mobile. As a result, it is important for developers to devise a successful monetization strategy while they continue spurring the innovation cycle.

Gartner forecasts that the mobile advertising industry in Asia Pacific will grow from $1.6 billion in 2011 to $6.9 billion in 2015, and this presents a massive opportunity for developers to maximize the revenue potential from their apps.

So with that in mind, here are four golden app monetization rules for app developers and publishers to consider:





kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Rule 3: Going beyond traditional monetization models

App developers need to have an inclusive monetization model for a successful app strategy – one that targets users which are willing to pay for apps (to upgrade features, remove ads, etc) and also consider users (primarily from emerging markets) who prefer free app downloads. A blend of these two will give app developers the best results in terms of reach and revenues. The ideal model is to allow users to download for free – yes, freemium – and start monetizing them via ads. At the same time, allow users who want a premium experience to upgrade within the free app itself.




kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Rule 4 : Choosing the right ad mediation platform

App developers need to be cognizant of the fact that apps do not possess the same level of flexibility as websites. Once an app is downloaded, the developer is at the users’ mercy for app updates. So if a developer just puts one SDK in their app and it does not monetize well, he is stuck with it. As a result, it is advisable for developers to use a server-side ad mediation platform that gives them choice and control. This platform should also give them an option to add or edit ad networks and generate revenue from multiple ad networks of their preference.




kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

How about Doing Online Video Business in China Fashion?

After years of spending on infrastructure, purchasing content, acquiring users and branding, those well-known Chinese online video services, Youkus in short, started producing original content, the same with what their objects of imitation in the West. Third-party content licensing prices, fueled by Chinese-style competitions, skyrocketed around 2009 and finally fell to a comparatively reasonable level in 2012. At the same time, more than a few services have to share the not-big-at-all online video advertising market in China, and haven’t successfully lured users to subscribe to premium content.


