aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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Erwan notes that he quit smoking 10 years ago using a similar Symbian application, and he thought that the same process could work for others. But with new tracking features, he says that Quit Pro is something entirely new.

Like Muslim Pro, Quit Pro is a freemium app that offers some additional content if you choose to upgrade. Admirably, Erwan is putting five percent back towards cancer research, and so if you’re looking for a reason to choose this over other smoking apps, I think that’s as good a reason as any. You can get it for free over on the app store.

1. Mmmm, turkey…

2. You’ll remember that I’ve been praising Japanese personal finance application Zaim this year. That’s another good one!


Macé氏は似たようなSymbianのアプリを使って、10年前に禁煙したことについて述べ、このプロセスは他の人々にとっても有効だろうと思ったのだ。けれどもユーザーの習慣を追跡して記録するのは新しい機能であり、Quit Proは完全に新しいものだ、と同氏は述べる。

Muslim Proと同じく、Quit Proもフリーミアムアプリだ。アップグレードを望むユーザーにはいくつかの追加コンテンツが提供される。立派なことに、Macé氏は癌の調査研究に対して利益の5%を寄付しており、あなたが他の禁煙アプリではなくこれを選ぶ理由を探しているのであれば、これは良い理由になると思う。アプリストアにおいて無料で入手することができる。



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GREE Ventures makes Series A investment in Indonesia’s Berrybenka, a fashion ecommerce startup, a fashion ecommerce startup from Indonesia, has raised a Series A investment from GREE Ventures, it announced in a press release today. According to Berrybenka’s co-founder Claudia Widjaja, the investment sum is in the seven-digit millions (USD).

The funds will be used to expand product selection, scale up marketing, and improve the startup’s logistics. In addition, Jason Lamuda, co-founder of Groupon Disdus, will join the company’s co-founders, Claudia and Yenti Elizabeth, as president director and CEO. Jason has been acting as an angel investor and advisor to the startup.


GREE Ventures、ファッションネット通販を手がけるインドネシアのBerrybenkaのシリーズAラウンドに投資

インドネシアのファッションネット通販を手がけるスタートアップBerrybenka.comがシリーズAの資金調達でGREE Venturesから出資を受けたことについて、同社は今日、プレスリリースによって発表した。Berrybenkaの共同創業者Claudia Widjaja氏によると、出資額の合計は7桁、数百万米ドルとのことだ。

この資金は取扱商品を増やし、マーケティングの取り組みを強化、さらにロジスティクスの改善に利用される予定だ。Berrybenkaの共同創業者Claudia Widjaja氏とYenti Elizabeth氏の2人に加えて、ここにGroupon Disdusの共同創業者Jason Lamuda氏がプレジデントディレクターとして参加することにもなっている。これまで、Jason Lamuda氏はBerrybenkaのエンジェル投資家およびアドバイザー役を務めていた。

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“I truly believe that fashion is one of the biggest market opportunities in the Indonesian e-Commerce landscape. When you look at more developed regions such as Europe, China, Japan and India, there always existed leading local fashion e-Commerce players. Similarly, we aspire to become the leading fashion e-Commerce player in Indonesia, built locally,” said Jason.

Founded in August 2011, Berrybenka focuses on both local and international brands. They target all Indonesian females with their affordable items, ranging from dresses, tops, outers, accessories, shoes to bags. It has so far collaborated with over 250 local brands.




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In 2012, startup accelerators rise in Asia, but venture funding yet to catch up

Asia has become a much friendlier place to do a startup. That’s because throughout the region, more startup accelerators have been launched to provide aspiring entrepreneurs some handholding as they search for the next big idea.

In 2012 alone, at least 4 startup accelerators have begun their inaugural bootcamps. Singapore’s JFDI.Asia held a successful one from January to May, while South Korea’s SparkLabs unveiled their first batch of startups in August. Philippines’ Launchgarage and Hong Kong’s AcceleratorHK too have started their programs.





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A startup accelerator, essentially, is a type of seed startup funding (see: stages of a startup) vehicle that offers a structured mentorship program and support services over a fixed duration of time — often from 3 months to a year. Investees typically have to go through a rigorous selection process.

Typically, accelerators invest small five to six figure sums in selected applicants, in exchange for a small percentage of equity in the single digits. At the end of a bootcamp — or the structured program — accelerators will hold a demo day where they invite venture capitalists or other early stage funds to scout out the graduates in the hopes of giving follow-on funding.


スタートアップアクセラレーターは、基本的にスタートアップにシード資金(sgeの記事stages of a startupを参照のこと)を提供する手段である。それと同時に組織化されたメンタープログラムと、一定期間、たいていの場合、3ヶ月から1年のサポートを提供する。出資を受ける側はたいてい厳格な選別プロセスを通り抜けなくてはならない。


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But here’s the problem: outside of China and India, the venture capital industry in Asia is dismal. According to the Asian Venture Capital Journal, Southeast Asia accounts for only 4% of Asia’s VC market by investments made, and this share has dropped further to just 1%, or USD 7.8M for 2012 up to September. Greater China and South Asia make up a combined 74% share in 2011, while North Asia contributed 19%.

Taking AVCJ’s figures at face value, we estimate that Asia’s VC market is around USD 780M. That’s peanuts compared to the United States’ annual size of investments, which hit USD 32.6B in 2011.


けれどもここに問題がある。中国とインドを別にすると、アジアのベンチャーキャピタル業界は悲惨である。Asian Venture Capital Journalによると、アジアのベンチャーキャピタル市場においてなされた投資のうち、東南アジアが占める割合はたったの4%である。そしてこの割合は2012年9月までにこの割合はさらに1%、780万米ドルまで下がっている。中華圏と南アジアは2011年、合計で74%のシェアを占め、北アジアは19%となっている。


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This mismatch between early stage funding and venture funding explains why promising startups in Asia are facing problems raising Series A rounds. It also doesn’t help that venture capitalists in Asia favor later stage investments. With the lack of options, promising startups in Asia face a tougher road towards profitability and exit.

Sure, the region’s small venture capital industry could be a strike against the eventual success of its startup accelerators. In the worst-case scenario, new startups that emerge from these bootcamps would not be matched by a growth in the venture capital industry, leading to the much talked about Series A Crunch that is being predicted for Silicon Valley right now.




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As of September 2012, Douban had 62 million registered users. Combing the unregistered audience who only read content created by Douban users, it covered over 100 million unique visitors each month, with 160 million daily page-views. Not big numbers at all by Chinese standards. But Douban doesn’t seem like a company that would inflate numbers that far that some of its Chinese peers do. Founded in 2005, Douban’s valuables include user-generated quality content and niche user groups.

As the end of this year is approaching, let’s do some speculations on where and how Douban can pull together the 80 million revenue.




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Commissions from e-commerce transactions

Starting as a community for book readers — similar to GoodReads, Douban made its first money from commissions by directing users to online book retailers, Dangdang, Amazon China and the like. The rate was less than 10% of the transactions in 2006, according to Yang Bo, the founder and CEO. Now it contributes a total of 200 million yuan ($32mn) worth of online book sales a year.

Later on the site added other categories of content, including movies, music, local events and the like, so did the commission-based business. New feature released in May enables buying movie tickets directly at the Douban page of a movie — Douban takes sales cuts.



GoodReadsのように読書家のコミュニティとして始まったDoubanが最初に収益を上げた方法は、ユーザーをDangdangやAmazon Chinaなどのオンライン書籍販売業者へと誘導することで手数料を取るというものだった。創業者兼最高経営責任者Yang Bo氏によると、2006年のその割合は全取引額の10%以下だった。今ではオンラインでの書籍販売により、年に合計2億元(3200万ドル)に相当する売り上げを得ている。


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Very recently, Douban tried to expand the realm to everything by launching Items; so that what a user can upload isn’t limited to entries of movies, music, books, or online of offline events anymore. Instead it can be an app, a kind of snack, or anything in your life. The same with pages for books or movies, it’s for users to have a space to show how much they like or hate a certain item. For Douban, there’s a possibility to take sales shares from everything sellable. The company, briefly, tested it with cosmetics, placing links of online stores, Amazon China and selected Taobao stores, on pages of makeup items.


ごく最近、Doubanはその領域をあらゆるところに広げようとして、様々な商品を扱うページをリリースした。これによってユーザーがコンテンツをアップロードできる分野は映画、音楽、本、オンラインあるいはオフラインのイベントのみではなくなった。ユーザーはアプリであろうと、お菓子のような類であろうと、生活に関連する何でも扱えるようになったのである。本や映画向けのページと同様、ある特定のアイテムがどれほど好きか、あるいは嫌いかを示すことができるスペースが用意される。Doubanは、あらゆる販売可能な物から売り上げの一部を取る可能性がある。同社は、短い間、化粧品を扱うページ上でコスメについてこれをテスト、Amazon ChinaといくつかのTaobaoストアへのリンクを配置した。