We are a Japanese sleeping gear company. We would like to make gift boxes of bed sheets and towels rtc. We plan to make them in 3 sizes. We are currently studying the design. In order to decrease importation costs we want to make the boxes the kind that can be folded and collapsed. Boxes with a glossy, high quality feel. We want the logo to shine. We are thinking of a design with a frame around a helicopter. Please refer to the attached image. Can you propose the prices of a number of types of paper? We would also like to make paper shopping bags. Around how many hours would it take from manufacturing to shipping them? Do you have a WeChat ID?
商品は取り寄せなので、発送までに数日かかります。航空便でも6月30日までにはお届けできると思います。追跡番号をご希望の場合はお知らせください。その場合は4ドルのインボイスをお送りします。日本からカナダへ最も早くて確実な方法はEMSで、追加料金は 00ドルになります。航空便、EMSのどちらをご希望かお知らせください。それでは、ご購入お待ちしています。よろしくお願いします。
The product has to be delivered to me so it will take a few days before I can send them. I think they can be shipped to you by June 30 ecen by air mail. Please let me know if you want the tracking number. Should that be the case I will send you an invoice for 4 dollars. The fastest, most reliable method from Japan to Canada is EMS so the additional fee for that will be oo dollars. Please let me know if you prefer airmail or EMS. So then, I will be waiting for your purchase.Hoping for your kindness.
I take pains that when I take pictures the color will be close to the color of the actual object but there are cases when it will be seen as different from the actual color, depending on the light and angle, the display or device that you the customer will use etc.This product will have a design of white vertical pinstripes on a dark blue fabric.
Just the eyebrows. Please refer to Camille, the last 3 of the attached pictures. I thought the.shape and length of her brows were.cute. Please make it a lighter brown than her hair color. I want brows that don't stand out too much. Please send Camille and Katie in the same box. I will make it a point to send the details of Katie's order as well. I am always grateful to you.
Sorry. The pic of the OO bag is a little different from the actual article so I'm in the process of checking with my customers.Can you send only the OO shirts ahead ? For now, can you invoice me only the price of the shirts? I'll email you again once I have checked the bags. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you for sending the invoice. I understand about the products having insufficient stock. I apologize for the delayed reply this time. May 3 to 6 are holidays in Jaoan so thank you for letting our company go on break. I have completed the money-sending process today so I think you can confirm if the money came in by Friday. I don't mind if you ship after confirming the money came in so, hopibg for your kindness in the matter. Thank you for always sending the quotation quickly. I work hard so that more Japanese users will know about your company's products.
Thank you for your interest on our products.This product is really popular and I also recommend it as a gift to people who are important to you. If you will make multiple orders we will send them with tracking numbers. If your order exceeds 2 kg, we will send it by speedy postal mail called EMS. Please be assured that your order will be delivered fast and reliably. Our shop is below. We sell many delicious Japanese treats so please do check us out. We are looking forward to your order.
Merchandise that are the same as the ones I sent to your country a little while before was stopped due to customs tax. it's probably just a simple procedure that is delayed but to be safe can't you contact your country's customs and make sure it's merchandise that can be imported? If the merchandise is returned to Japan, the shipping fee will be shouldered by you, the customer. Moreover, the merchandise does not include gas. If it is indeed merchandise that cannot be imported, I will cancel the transaction and refund the whole amount of the payment for it. I apologize for the inconvenience I am causing you but please contact me after you have talked to customs.
I think I have a cold but my throat doesn't feel too good so today I will take a break from work. Hoping for your kindness.
There was a problem with the picture on the certificate.Pictures of children and backgrounds can't be accepted.Please upload something with your own face in it like a passport or license.
The size that can be sent by EMS isFor Hong Kong:The longest length is within 1.5 m and the length plus the width is within 3m. Moreover, the weight is up to 30 kg. I haven't actually seen it so I can't say but if its size and weight are less than the above after packaging then it can be shipped by EMS.Hoping for your kindness.
What an awesome number! I want to order them all but it's probably impossible to order them all right away.I think I will order some so can you give me a little time?
このRugsを3枚注文することは確定しました。在庫確保をお願いします。他の注文商品を選びたいので、最新のprice Listを送って下さい。代金の支払い方法を教えて下さい。PayPalでの支払いは可能ですか?-私は約6年間あなたのおかげで御社とスムーズな取引ができました。本当に有難うございました。次の新しい職場でのご活躍をお祈りしています。あなたへの最後の注文依頼です。念の為de@A.comにも送信しました。AとBの在庫はありますか?なければINVOICEから削除して下さい。
i habe decided to order these 3 rugs.Please ensure there is stock. i want to choose other products to order so please send me the latest price list. Please tell me how to pay for them. Can I pay by Paypal? I have been able to make smooth transactions with your company for around 6 years thanks to you. I am truly thankful. I am praying that you will flourish at your next workplace. My final order request to you.To be safe, I also sent a message to de@A.com. is there stock of A and B?If not, please remove from the invoice.
Good day.I live in Japan. I received your product via an American freight forwarding company. When I checked it, I found out I was sent something different than the one I bidded on. ( What I bidded on was a reel for fishing but I was sent a lure. ) I will send back the item so please give me a replacement item or refund me. Hoping for your kindness.
I'm letting you know our status.We found a nice apartment and have just applied for it.Yesterday we send the documents of our proofs of income, and now are waiting for the results of the evaluation.For now, we are scheduled to be able to move in the house on the 29th or 30th but it might be delayed depending on the evaluation results.It seems that we will be judged as irregular due to being the first foreigners to receive this apartment.
About the A and B delivery period, we have made adjustments so that they can both be delivered by the end of July. I apologize but I can only say thr current status is under adjustment. With regard to the set delivery period, adjustments with our company supplier are still not complete so please give us some time. If your company's production plans falls into a serious situation if A is delivered at the end of July then I would like to do measures such as hurrying the A cleaning delivery period. If you have an idea please tell me. Is the following matter about the A or thr B production line?
私のメールを訳してくれる新しい翻訳者を探していて、時間がかかってしまいました。お返事が遅くなりすみません。確かに、日本の顧客へスピーディにお届けできるという点で、素晴らしいアイデアですね。・まず先に、私が製品を10個購入する形でビジネスをスタートさせるという認識で良いでしょうか?・実際にどのような 1.私への卸値 2.日本での販売価格をお考えですか? ・日本での独占販売権をいただけるのでしょうか。・あなたの現在のオンラインでの毎月もしくは年間の受注数の状況を教えて欲しいです。
I was looking for a new translator to translate my email and it took some time. i'm sorry my reply became delayed. It's definitely a wonderful idea on the point of being able to deliver speedily to customers in Japan. ・First of all, is it alright to assume that you will let me start a business by buying 10 pieces of goods first? ・What kind of 1.wholesale price to me 2. Selling price in Japan do you actually have in mind? ・Can you grant me exclusive rights to sell in Japan? ・I want to know the number of orders you currently receive online every month or yearly.
I understood the content somehow but unfortunately there were probably a lot of times I wasn't able to understand because i was listening to English by ear. It's still showing in theaters so if I have time I'm planning to watch it on the big screen.
携帯電話の動画で撮影してLINEで送ってください!この動画は5/1オープンの為にプレスリリースでメディアやFORTY NINERのメンバーシップ2000人に配信します!とても重要な動画です!
Please take a video using your cell phone then send it to us in LINE!These videos will be transmitted to the media and 2000 members of the FORTY NINER for the May 1 opening. These are very important videos!
Aomoriの皆さんアロハ!ハワイ本店の FORTY NINER レストラン、オーナーのウィルです。いつも FORTY NINER Aomori Towada店に来てくれてありがとう!5月以降もFORTY NINER Aomori Towadaが継続すること、私も大変うれしく思っています!そしてなんと、5月1日から5月6日まで、私もAomoriのフォーティーナイナーに行きます!皆さんにお会いできることを楽しみにしてます!ぜひご来店お待ちしております!!マハロ!
People of Aomori, Aloha! This is Will, owner of the FORTY NINER restaurant with headquarters in Hawaii. Thank you always patronizing the FORTY NINER Aomori Towada restaurant1 Starting on May the FORTY NINER Aomori Towada will reopen and that makes me happy too! And from May 1 to May 6, I will also go to the Aomori FORTY NINER. I am looking forward to being able to meet you all. We will be waiting for you!!Aloha!