Katsuya Sato (ka28310) 翻訳実績

4.9 315 件のレビュー
9年弱前 男性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
ハードウェア ソフトウェア
ka28310 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

I received the lens yesterday, and I'm not entirely happy with it. I noticed a few issues with it:

1. You didn't include the hood. It was pictured with the lens, but it's definitely not in the package

2. There's actually a piece of loose debris inside that is rattling around inside the lens.

I want to keep the lens, but I would like to know if you can give me a partial refund for me to buy a replacement hood and to take the lens in for repair so that loose piece can be removed. I'm thinking $50 USD would be acceptable.

Thanks - please let me know if you agree with my request.



1. レンズフードを同梱して頂いておりません。写真にはレンズと共にフードも写っていました。しかし、パッケージには含まれていませんでした。

2. レンズ内部にがらがら音を立てる小破片が入っているようです。


どうもありがとうございます。 - 上述のリクエストにお応え頂けるかどうか、お知らせくださいませ。

ka28310 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

not to mention the service would have been cheaper for us as well.

The one email correspondence I have had states that it is now with the” technical department for review”. On follow up from me with a phone call I was advised by your “experience centre” that this review will take “another 9-12 months if and when anything will change at all.”

This is not good enough Toyota! This error would be extremely simple to correct and if not addressed as quickly as possible, may cause further injury or death to one of your customers.

I would appreciate it If someone would have the decency to contact me by the end of business today to offer some reassurance and solution to ensure this matter will be attended to expediently






ka28310 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Toyota to me has always been a model company through which other companies emulate and this goes far beyond the entire auto industry. With it simplistic conservative approach towards car designing, yet I wonder how you people pull it through to get the designs you get for your cars because despite the conservativeness, all Toyota cars still get this rare stylishness that never fades that other cars brands don't.
As a car designer myself, I find it difficult to stay conservative or tone the styles down a bit. Well done.

I like the idea of using ""kids as co-creators"" of products on both form and function but I don't know if having all that information available is necessary.

visually pleasant, clearly leading to





ka28310 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

The website sparked my inventor mind, the ad was about technology.... what would you pay me for the newest idea for a technological breakthrough making Toyta the most Advanced automobile ever and on the planet?

there shold be an email adress where costumers can say what they want to their toyota have like inventions

They did wrong thing to me put the car in more value I saw it in the web theyputmy car for trade and they took it off at the end go to see ,I haven't tilte they made me pay for it the the ty put fees on me no reason. For that.i really untrusy. Them the main call Stephen Rosen he is untrusy,then the management used car ,ask Micheal Michael who did it .He knows but he is not in the bad in the bad peop





ka28310 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

This is the world of capitation.new features new changes n challenge make a company prospers

After numerous unsuccessful attempts to contact someone in management at your “experience centre” regarding case no 20, Toyota has left me no option but to file a complaint with the office of fair trading.

My request over the last 9 months was that your service manuals be updated/changed to ensure that at the 150K service the complete fuel transfer pump part no: 77 be used.

At present I am advised that the manual states that part no 23 ? pump only be changed.

Let me point out that it is cheaper and less labour intensive to use the complete part no. 77 so using part no. 23 which is currently recommended, is nonsensical!







ka28310 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

i have Toyota protect dep cap addon insurance policy. my car was damaged by rat bitten. i file for claim.But Toyota had cheat with customer in Toyota claim is passed for new wirings but for customer they have jus repair old one

I really like Toyota Production System, the analogy that makes with a house, the respect for employees and the use of quality tools

Toyota will safe guard the global environment by introducing emission free and less vehicals

I saw on line that there has been a lot of people reporting this,on the 2007 ,,, mine has been using oil for a while now. Just about more oil than gas I have had it service every time it was time, and drove it right as I wanted to keep it as he bought it for me,




