親切にありがとうございます。15ドル割引でお願いします。paypalで入金した金額の中から差額を返金していただければ有難いです。 よろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you kindly. I'd like get $15 discount. It would be greatly appreciated if you could refund me the difference from the amount I paid by paypal. Thank you.
hello..i was just packing your record and cleaning it and i noticed a warp. i cant knowingly send you a record in this condition. if you still want it ill knock $15 off or i can just give you a full refund. choice is yours. let me know..ok..thanks
こんにちは。今ちょうどあなたのレコードを梱包しようと思ってきれいにしていたら歪みがあることに気づきました。 このレコードの状態を知りならがらあなたに送ることはできません。 もしそれでもご購入ご希望であれば15ドル割引させて頂きます。または全額払い戻しをいたします。 いかがいたしましょうか。お返事おまちしております。
Yes, i'm just waiting on the payment for a few other USA orders so I can get them all out at once. Should be out by Friday.
I always make shoes with Goodyear welted method.It is the first time to take V Hinged the wooden shoe patterns in my hands which was designed and manufactured in the USA.
Hello.I am very sorry for not being able to respond to you earlier about material A.Regarding the request of deleting the part of penalty fee, I was not sure why you would ask such a thing. So I looked over a copy of the document I sent.Now I realize that I have signed the document that did not reflect the part you added. I intended to sign the document revised by your company.Again. I am very sorry.I will sign on the revised document and send it to you. Is it be possible to use this revised one as an officially document?
Hello.Thank you very much for the image.We will consider the order.Before we do that, we would like you to send us another image.We request the image which can confirm the shape of the wooden pattern bottom.We are planing to order wooden patters constantly that we would like you to design in the future.Thank you very much for your continued support.
Thank you very much for contacting us.Also thank you very much for confirming the refund from us.We are not allowed to receive the extra shipping fee from our customers, so we refunded the difference.We checked the delivery status of your item a while ago.It seems that your item is currently under review by Japanese Customs.If it goes smoothly, I think that it will be loaded on an airplane heading for your country tomorrow.We greatly appreciate your patience.We hope your item will be delivered to you soon.
私は、あなたが日本のバンドに詳しい事に驚きました。私は80~90年代にHeavy Metal Bandでギターを弾いていたので、リストに書かれているバンドは知っています。リストの中には20-30年前には発売されていたピックがいくつかありますが、残念ながら現在は発売されていません。ですが私はこれらのピックを日本で探してみます。現在、私共が販売しているピックのリストをお送りします。他にも沢山のピックを販売していますので、我々のebay Storeの〇〇を是非ご覧になってください!
I was surprised that you are very familiar with Japanese bands.Since I used to play the guitar in a Heavy Metal Band in the 80s and 90s, I know all the bands on the list.There are some picks that were on sale 20 to 30 years ago in the list, but unfortunately they are not sold anymore.But I will try to find these picks in Japan.We will send you a list of picks that we currently sell.Please take a look at our eBay store as we also sell many other picks,
<1>This attraction A has ended on May 16, 2016. (It changed to attraction B after that.)Because A was very popular attraction, those figures that are close to unused are traded at premium prices even in Japan, and it is difficult to obtain.<2>Thank you very much for your purchase.I hope that you will receive it soon.I understand about product T.I will contact you as soon as I find one in good condition.
We are a purchasing and trading company in Japan.We have a huge warehouse in Japan and we export products we purchased in Japan to all over the world.We handle a wide range of products such as cars, furniture, home appliances, toys, games etc.We can obtain anything you are looking for.Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have something you need.The picture is only a part of what we have in our warehouse.We can obtain the Items not on the price list. Just let us know.
ご返信ありがとうございます。私の国の日本にはVAT/ABN/GSTは存在しません。そこでオーストラリアの税務業者に依頼し、ABNナンバーを取得してGSTを納めようと考えています。アマゾンのseller centralにあるVAT/ABN/GSTを登録する場所を確認しました。住所を選択する項目があるのですが、私の場合は日本の住所でよろしいですか?それともABNを登録するのでオーストラリアの住所である必要はありますか?
Thank you very much for your reply.There is no VAT / ABN / GST in my country, Japan.Therefore, I am thinking of asking a tax agent in Australia to get the ABN number for me and pay GST.I checked the place to register VAT / ABN / GST in Amazon's seller central.I need to enter an address to register there. In my case, do I enter my address in Japan?Or does it have to be an address in Australia since I am registering ABN?
They are shipping today but at the moment they are still finishing up printing the logos. I will send you tracking once its available. Ask me to send your new price guide if you have not received. It goes into effect on Sept 4th,2018 no old pricing will be honored after this date if its a standard price guide item.
今日発送を予定していますが、現時点ではまだロゴを印刷中です。発送しトラッキング番号がでましたらご連絡します。新しい価格ガイドがまだ届いていないようでしたら送りますのでご連絡ください。 標準価格の商品に関しましてはガイドの価格が2018年9月4日から有効になり、この日付以降は古い価格は適用されません。
Unable to use this invoice since you already paid most of the new total. I sent you an invoice for the balance a few days ago. I will re-send it in case you did not receive it.
I haven't had Sunday off recently, so I cleaned my house and washed my car yesterday.I worked pretty hard last week.I worked from 8 in the morning until late night.I have not been able to study English for quite a long time.I got to study pretty long time.I studied for about 4 hours.We completed the office move.I am already at work today and taking a lesson from the office.This is how it look in the office.Did the typhoon come?There was no much damage from the typhoon here.
is auction for a pair ? 2 of them yes?if I purchase 2 sets can you ship both for 9.00?I will just take the 1 pair since it would be an additional 4 ....seems high to me adding just 1 more pair but if thats it thats it....
①Many thanks for your order. We are getting a quote for the cost of carriage to the USA as this is likely to be expensive with the weight of product. As soon as we have a cost we will come back to you as we will either need to ask for a contribution or cancel the order.②we have been advised the cost of carriage will be at least £135.00 to you. You have paid £25 currently. would you be prepared to pay an additional £50 towards the postage and we will cover the difference ?③We will no longer carry this product unfortunately.We do not plan to carry these anymore. Sorry.
①ご注文頂き大変ありがとうございます。 商品が重く送料が高くなる可能性が高いため、運送業者へアメリカまでの送料の見積もりを依頼しています。送料の見積金額によってはお客様に送料一部ご負担のお願いするか、またはオーダーをキャンセルする必要がでてまいりますので、見積もりを受け取り次第すぐにご連絡差し上げます。②送料は最低135.00ポンドの請求になると連絡を受けました。今現在お客様より£25のお支払いを頂いています。もしお客様のほうで郵便料金£50を追加でお支払い頂けるのであれば、残額は当社のほうでお支払いいたします。いかがでしょうか。③残念ながらこの商品は現在取り扱っておりません。入荷予定もございません。大変申し訳ございません。
We are very sorry to have kept you waiting. We appreciate your patience very much.We are contacting you to let you know that your order has been shipped.Heavy rain caused traffic disruption in Japan and affected delivery services.Due to this delay, we finally received the item for your older from our store warehouse today.Tracking number:Confirmation URL:since we processed the shipping at outside hours reception desk in post office, it can take some time to be updated on the system.
We got your order and were eager to pack it and ship it off to you. However, we ran into an unfortunate issue and feel super bad about it! We are back ordered on one of the Merkur Safety Razor Box that you ordered. We try to keep our inventory up to date but if we are off in the least, these things can happen. We should have this item back in stock in the next 2-3 weeks at which time we will get your missing item shipped out to you at no additional cost.
We did not want to delay shipping the rest of your order, so we will be shipping that today. If for any reason you prefer a refund or would like to choose a similar item in it's place that we currently have in stock so you do not have to wait, please feel free to shoot us an email or give us a call.
今回のオーダーの残りの商品の発送を遅らせたくないため、本日発送いたします。 何らかの理由で返金希望、または待つが嫌なので現在在庫のある似た商品と交換をご希望される場合は、お気軽にメールまたはお電話でご連絡ください。
I am writing to you regarding an urgent matter .Today, we received a message from the person in charge for the shipping at another warehouse, and we were told that the left side of the outer box is fading.(Please see attach photos.)This part was not shown in the pictures on the item page on eBay.Also, because the photo stand was unused, the condition of items was described as Mint, and "fading" wasn't mentioned in the item description.We had the shipping person check on the item, but there was no damage such as fading or scratches on the picture stand.