最近日本では若者の仕事の選び方も変わってきている。職種で選ぶ以上に、その仕事に従事する人々のライフワークに共鳴して選ぶ時代が来ている。その人にとって心地がよいイメージや共感・共鳴によって選択して行く傾向が強い時代である。 最近の求職者がよく言う「安心して働ける場所」とは、所属する企業の主義主張や組織の規模・収益性も勿論だが、職場内に自分の共感できるライフワークのカテゴリーが存在し、それに共感できるかどうかも安心の材料の一つになっている。
The way young people choose their job is gradually changing these days in Japan. Nowadays, they regard the life style of the people who are engaged in the job as much important than the kind of job. They tend to choose comfortable workplace which gives a good impression to them.People who are looking for job often talk about a place where they can work with a peace of mind, which means they give an importance to the policy, the scale, and the profitability of the company and also they need a job which they can sympathize with. Therefore it is a key for feeling easy whether they can sympathize with their job or not.
ご無沙汰しています。MARS Japanの松林です。今般MARS Japanにて「マースペットケアトレーニング」という犬猫に関する栄養学や行動学、法律などを学べるe-learningを開設しました。この講座は音声付のスライドショーになっており、学習の最後にはチェックテストがあります。内容は日々の営業活動、商談の場で使える知識が盛り込まれています。本年から実施しています「機能食トレーニング(勉強会)」に受講するために、このe-learningを参加条件としています。
Hello.This is Matsubayashi from Mars Japan.We launched a new e-learning course from which you can learn nutritional science,ethology,and law for dogs and cats called "Mars Pet care Training". This course consists of slide shows with sound, and you can take a final exam so that you can check if you remember what you have learned.This course includes some helpful ideas for daily marketing situations.You need to take this e-learning course in order to join "Special Food Training(study meeting)" which started this year.
rescue 2011 TourIssue Prototype 22 degreeを4個注文をお願いします。19degreeは不要です。合わせて、Burner 2.0 TP TourIssue LCG Driver Head 9.5を3個注文したいです。送料込の値段を教えてください。ちなみに10.5や8.5の在庫はありますか?私のPaypalのEメールアドレスは、1234@gmail.comです。宜しくお願いします。
I want to get 4 "rescue 2011 TourIssue Prototype 22 degrees". I don't need any 19degrees. Also I want to get 3 "2.0 TP TourIssue LCG Driver Head 9.5" Let me know the price including the delivery fee. By the way, do you have any "10.5" or "8.5"?My email address for PayPal is 1234@gmail.com.Thanks.
On this web site, reporters who are half Japanese and have both Japanese identity and foreigner's identity introduce attractions in Japan as they are(Suppin) to you.They will introduce Japanese original gourmet spots, Akihabara which is known as a sacred place of Otakku, many places where Japanese clothing style originate from, and so on. Enjoy!
The icons of apps which is made by designers very closely are very beautiful and you never get bored of them. They get you to keep them in your dock. I think the contents of apps are good when their icons are good.You can find your icon from many icons which fill your screen up using this application. You don't see the ranking list of icons.Some awesome icons are hidden in the many icons. Why don't you find your favorite icon?
This order of T-shirts was selected from the list of your inventory.there are only S size and M size in your inventory. Does it means that I cannot order XS size? The brand which you suggested have common size between male and female.We sell products only for female,so basically we need only smaller ones.If possible, please let me know how many pants which I ordered last time do you have for each size.I will make order placement paper after I get the information about your inventory.
価格は商品価格 ÷ 60 × 1.3 +送料です。例えば、価格が1000円、送料が20ドルの商品の場合、1000 ÷ 60 × 1.3 +20です。説明は翻訳サイトなどを使って、できるだけたくさん記入してください。箇条書きでもかまいません。ただし、子供でも分かりやすい文章を書いてください。写真もできるだけたくさんアップロードしてください。
How to calculate the price: the price of the product ÷ 60 × 1.3 + delivery fee.example: If the price is 1000yen, delivery fee is 20 dollars, the price is 1000÷60×1.3+20Please explain the detail of the product as much as you can using translation service on the internet.You can itemize your explanations.Please write so easy sentences that children also can understand it, and Please upload pictures as many as you can.
First, choose the item that you want to get in Amazon referring to the titles of the list.Please make sure that there is not the same item sold. If you find the items, you have to emphasize it by changing color. If you don't find same items, please make a list referring to template.
Thank you for your purchasing.My name is K.Nice to talk with you.the delivery fee of this product is free, but the way I send you this product is economy shipping.It doesn't have insurance and tracking number.If you worried about missing it, you can use EMS. However, you have to pay delivery fee in this case.If you use EMS, I will send you the bill for the delivery fee via Pay Pal. So please pay the fee via Pay Pal.I will send the product in 5 to 7 days.If you wanna get it earlier, please let me know.Thanks.
I think my translation program didn't work because of Japanese specific expression.I didn't wanna excuse. I just wanted to apologize you.I wrote "I 'm sorry. I mistook your first inquiry of delivery fee for another inquiry from another person. Please send this product to the address in California."Sorry for your inconvenient.Please let me know the tracking number after you send the product.Thank you.
Hello. My name is Tanaka. Thank you for answering my offer.Is it possible to buy your product for 700 dollars. I will pay via Pay Pal.If it's not possible, I am not gonna buy it. Please contact to the e-mail address below.Thank you for your considering.I have purchased "watch" before.I want to buy "watch" for 500 dollars. Can you order it for me?
Thank you for your reference.I'm sorry for late reply.Unfortunately we can't export our products to Singapore because of some regulations.We apologize for your inconvenience. Best Regards.