CHAPTER 10-2Avoid supercontrol A leader of a building company felt that everyone who worked for him was incapable of making right decisions. Workers hated for people to ask them questions. They tried to never make a decision. Work slowed down, and the company lost money because workers and subcontractors couldn't do what they felt was right - they had to wait to be told it was OK for them to do what they knew was right . from the start. The result was a lot of unhappy workers who couldn't do as good a job as they would have liked to do.
CHAPTER 7-5Admit it So, you consider the options, think about the ramifications, and make your decision about what must be done. It turns out to be a bad decision. Own up. Admit that it was a bad decision. Reevaluate the decision, consider solutions to the problems that confront you, get more advice, anticipate future problems, and make a decision to correct the situation. Some managers wait so long to make a decision that problems become more significant, changes are more traumatic, and work suffers in the meantime. Some managers wait so long to make the first decision that they could have decided, evaluated, realized they made a mistake, and fixed the mistake in the same amount of time.
CHAPTER 7-4Don't delay too long If you know what you must do but delay the decision because of the issues you will have to confront after making it, you are really saying that things are OK the way they are. The problems may grow in the time that passes, or they may not. But those who will be affected will experience a growing sense of unease and a reduced level of motivation to perform at their maximum capabilities. You will suffer from the time you know what you must do until you do it.
CHAPTER 7-3Perhaps you have a structural problem within the area you manage. You know you must reorganize several jobs to facilitate a better flow of work or a better quality of work. You know that in the reorganization, there will be some people who will feel slighted because they didn't get a pro-motion or their boss will be changed. Consider all the things that might happen. Get counsel from executives in your company or others who have had the same experience. Evaluate all the information you have, be prepared to make your best decision, and then do it.
CHAPTER 7-2Do it! One company's managers decided to do some reorganization. They talked about it and let everyone know that it was going to happen. Then they spent the next eighteen months trying to figure out what to do. The situation created a significantly heightened sense of anxiety for employees, whether they were going to be affected or not, because no one knew what the future held. When it finally happened, the reorganization was anticlimactic. It affected a few people significantly and had little impact on most, save the anxiety they lived with for such a long period of time.
CHAPTER 7-1Like it or not, as a leader, you are called on to make decisions - many of them each day. You will make good decisions and bad decisions. Some will solve problems, and others will cause even more problems. But you must decide.Don't be hasty A piece of conventional wisdom asserts, "To make no decision is to decide." When confronted with a difficult decision, you should not be hasty. But you do need to keep moving toward a decision. You must consider many aspects of a situation: How will it affect my company? How will it affect morale? How will it affect individuals involved in the decision?
CHAPTER 6-2Better than a trophy There is an old saying that says: ''What goes around comes around." You have to believe that by doing right, you will be treated right. And even if you are not treated properly, you will not be swayed from pursuing personal honor instead of personal honors. Acting with honor for the long term will pay you back abundantly in the long term. Most important, acting with honor develops you as a person. You will be trusted and looked to for an unwavering view of the right thing.
CHAPTER 6-1Reputation Honor can be a guiding principle for you as a manager of people. If you treat those who work for you with respect first, honors will come your way. Why? To know what you believe in your heart to be right or wrong - and to adhere to the principles in every case - is to build a reputation as an honorable person. Being honorable isn't always easy, and it doesn't always get you awards or recognition. But in consistently being an honorable person, you will be rewarded with the peace of mind of doing right and knowing that you have treated others as they deserved to be treated. Peace of mind is a far more valuable commodity than a plaque, a trophy, or a commendation.
Hello, Thank you for your message, and sorry for my late reply.You've been to Japan before, haven't you? You would have experienced old Japan that was probably very different from current Japan. I really want you to visit Japan again. I live in the place near Tokyo, so I will show you around. But I can not speak English very well, I need to ask my friend to help me.Thank you very much for introducing my items. I really appreciate that.What kind of things about Japan are you interested in? I will be happy if you tell me that.
メールの返事が遅くてごめんなさい。あの石鹸があなたの欲しがっているものですか?私のマージンは20%ですので、送料を含めた金額をご連絡しますね。発送方法は何がいいですか?EMSかAirmail を選んでくださいね。それから、ピンクのシャンプーは私のギフトではないですよ。もし、欲しいのであれば、また探しますよ。ご連絡をお待ちしています。
Sorry for the delayed reply.Is this the soap you wanted? The margin I will take is 20%. I will inform you the total amount including shipping fee. Which way of shipping do you prefer?You can choose either EMS or Airmail.And, the pink shampoo is not my gift. if you want it, I will find them more. I am looking forward your reply.
I will not call you as I cannot speak English.I think the transaction should have been done with my credit card.I can use my credit card as normal, so I think something was wrong on your side.Do I have any options? I can pay for the increase, if you want.Did you cancel my order without permission?When I checked the homepage, the items I order were out of stock.You are, off course, making sure of stocks for my items, aren't you?It should be a serious problem, if you don't have stock as my order has been placed.
MiniGames: A Review of Sina Weibo’s Beast WarIn a bid to monetize its user-friendly but financially dragging giant, Sina recently imbued its Weibo microblogging platform with its own currency — the weibi — and games. But are these games actually any good? I dove into a few of them to find out. This is the seventh in a series of reviews of Sina Weibo games.
ミニゲーム:Sina WeiboのBeast Warのレビューユーザーフレンドリーだが、財政的には芳しくない巨人をマネタイズしようとして、Sinaは最近、Weiboのマイクロブログプラットフォームに、彼らの自分達の通貨ーweibiーとゲームを投入した。でも、これらのゲームは実際にどのくらい面白いのだろうか?私はこれらのゲームの幾つかに飛び込んで探ってみた。この記事はSina Weiboのゲームのレビュー連載の7回目である。
Now that is what I’m talking about! The image above is the first thing that greets you when you fire up 魔兽战争, a Sina Weibo game whose title I’ll be loosely translating as Beast War because it sounds cool. The game — its name recalls the Chinese name for World of Warcraft — isn’t quite as cool as the image, of course. But given some of the stuff I’ve seen doing these reviews so far, it’s not bad.At its core, Beast War is very similar to Toy Legion. It sports the same RTS-meets-tower defense DNA, and the same tacked-on social components. Yet I liked it a lot more than Toy Legion. Why?
さて、これが私が話そうとしているものである。上の写真は、Sina Weiboのゲーム「魔兽战争」を始めると最初に出迎えてくれる画面だ。このゲームのタイトル「魔兽战争」は、格好良く訳せばBeast War (魔獣戦争)とでもいうものだ。その名前がWorld of Warcraftの中国でのタイトル名を思い起こさせる、このゲームは、もちろん写真ほどかっこいい訳ではない。しかし、これまでのレビューで見てきたものを考えると、そう悪くは無い。その核心部で、Beast WarはToy Legionととても似ている。同じ「RTSとタワーディフェンスの合体」DNAを誇示していて、同じ、追加のソーシャルコンポーネントを持っている。それでも、私はToy Legionより、こっちのゲームの方がずっと好きだ。ではなぜ?
To begin with, the game starts quickly. Recognizing a flaw that’s apparent in many other Weibo games, it gets you into the action very early in the surprisingly short tutorial, trusting you to figure things out as you go (and guiding you with missions along the way). Before you know it, you’ve got a base that’s cranking out resources so you can build an army of monsters, having successfully used defense towers to fend off a small attack.
The mechanics, as I said, are not new: you collect resources, use those resources to create buildings, use those buildings to create and improve monsters of various sorts, and then, whenever you feel like it, use the monsters to attack any Weibo friends you have playing the game, or a number of computer-controlled monster farms. On paper, it’s Toy Legion. The difference is all in the execution. (OK, the concept makes a difference too; who doesn’t want to raise an army of beasts to destroy their friends?)
Beast War does a much better job of implementing monetization in a way that doesn’t kill the game for non-paying users. Yes, it has an in-game currency system. Yes, this allows you to speed up processes that otherwise take some time, or unlock expensive beasts right out of the gate. But they’ve done a great job of balancing things so that you always feel like you can wait, and you’ll have things to do while you do. It’s not as engrossing as a real RTS, of course, but it’s a fun diversion from work rather than an annoying cartoon that seems dedicated to making you wait whenever it isn’t begging you for money.
Beast Warは、お金を払わないユーザーによってゲームが殺されないような方法で、うまくマネタイズの実装してる。そう、それはゲーム内の通貨システムを持たせたことにある。そう、これにより、本当なら、時間がかかったり、門のすぐ外にいる高価な魔獣を解除しなければならないプロセスをスピードアップすることができる。しかし、彼らは、あなたが常に待っていると感じをいだきつつ、あなたが何かをしているときも、次にすることができているように、非常にいいバランスを成し遂げたている。このゲームはもちろん、本物のRTSほど夢中になれるものではない、しかし、仕事をさぼってする気晴らしの娯楽としては楽しいといえる。お金を使ってないときには、いつでもあなたを待たせようと専念しているように見える、いらいらする漫画よりもよっぽどいい。
Speaking of cartoons, I’m also fairly impressed with the art direction of Beast War. OK, it isn’t Diablo III, but the game itself looks good enough and when you’re selecting beasts — see the menu image below — you get to see cool drawings for each beast you can buy. Does talking about cool drawings of beasts make me sound like a six-year-old boy? Perhaps it does, but in my defense: shut up.Of course, Beast War isn’t all rainbows and kittens (metaphorically; in the more literal sense, there are no rainbows or kittens).
漫画について言えば、私はBeast Warのアート制作もかなり気に入っている。分かってる。これはDiablo IIIではない。しかし、このゲームそのものの見た目は十分にいいし、魔獣を選ぶときに、ー下のメニューの写真を見てくれー あなたが購入できる魔獣それぞれの、かっこいい絵をみることができるのだ。魔物のかっこいい絵について語るなんて、私は6歳の少年のように見えるかい?たぶん、そうなんだろう、でも言い返したい、うるさいと。もちろん、Beast Warは、虹と小猫についでは全くない(抽象的な意味で。文字通りの意味でも、このゲームでは虹も小猫も登場しない。)。
I’ve been playing it on and off for a couple days — far longer than any other Weibo game has held my attention — but I do get the impression there is a glass ceiling for non-paying players. Some of the higher-end beasts require millions of resources (gems, mostly) to unlock, and I just can’t imagine myself playing long enough to rack up those numbers. Like all these games, it is also constantly trying to get you to spam your followers with messages about how great Beast War is. And although I fully realize the hypocrisy of this statement, having no background music or sound at all for most of the game feels odd (I still prefer it to the inane loops of most Weibo games, though).
私は数日間、このゲームを遊んでみた。ー私の注意を引いた他のWeiboのどんなゲームより長時間だーしかし、私は、遊んでいないプレイヤーにとっては、ガラスの天井があるという印象を持った。上位の魔獣のいくつかは解除するのに数百万の資源(ほとんどが宝石)を必要とするし、自分自身がそのような莫大な数を集めるまでプレイする姿を想像できない。他のゲームと同様に、このゲームもあなたのフォロワーに、いかにBeast Warがすばらしいかについての、スパムメッセージを定期的に送ろうとする。それから、私は、この言動の持つ偽善を完全に理解した上でいうが、BGM無しや音声無しでは、ほとんどのゲームは奇妙に感じる(それでも、私はほとんどのWeiboのゲームのばかげたBGMのループよりも、音楽、音声無しを好む。)
Even so, Beast War is the best Weibo game I’ve played yet. Or, perhaps my expectations are dropping and I’m just learning to settle. Either way, it doesn’t matter — there’s still nothing here that would convince me to spend money because the fundamental monetization strategy of all these games is: spend money to make the game not boring. Beast War stands on its own better than any of the other offerings I’ve seen, but that doesn’t mean it deserves to be in the pantheon of games I will pay money for.So, for the moment, it’s goodbye to Beast War and back to Battlefield 3.
そうであっても、Beast Warは私がプレイしてきたWeiboのゲームの中で一番だ。あるいはたぶん、私の期待が落ちて来ていて、心を落ち着かせる方法を学習しただけなのかもしれない。どちらにしろ、それは問題ではない。ーここにはまだ、私がお金をつぎ込もうと納得させるものがない。なぜなら、これら全てのゲームの基本的なマネタイズの戦略とは、つまり、ゲームをつまんなくさせないためには、お金をつぎ込め、だからだ。Beast Warは、これまで見てきた他の提供物よりも、ちゃんと自分の足で自立している。sかし、それは、このゲームが、私がお金を払おうと思いたいゲームの殿堂に入る価値があることを意味しない。だから、今は、Beast Warにさよならし、Battlefeild 3に戻るとしよう。
8Securities Raises US$8m to Connect Investors Around the WorldHong Kong is one of the major financial cities in the world and has the 3rd largest stock exchange in Asia after Tokyo and Shanghai. Making and spending money is a passion of Hong Kong and is reflected in the big shiny buildings, sports cars and model only clubs crowded in the small island.To make the money, people love to trade securities. Online trading has remained stagnant for a long time, mainly due to the high barriers to entry in terms of cost and skill. Now Hong Kong start-up 8securities is looking to shake things up by launching an online trading portal that is simple, customizable and social.