Eiko (gloria) 翻訳実績

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gloria 英語 → 日本語

Lalique Owl Paperweight - Excellent Condition - France - Figurine
This little guy is striking as he looks at you "face on."
His feathers are mostly frosted crystal while his "chest" area is clear crystal.
He does not have any chips or scratches, except for extremely minimal surface scratches on the base's bottom (you must angle the piece in the light to even see them).

Lalique Owl Paperweight - Excellent Condition - Older Style
This little guy is striking as he looks at your "over his shoulder."
He does not have any chips or scratches, including on the bottom of the base.
Sorry, the original box is not available.




gloria 英語 → 日本語

This policy will allow us to maintain our current low prices for all our customers. Thank you for understanding this policy change

Product Availability
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Early on, our customers told us they would like to be able to browse through complete catalogs with images of all the product lines we carry. We have worked very hard to provide you with one of the largest and most comprehensive on-line catalogs of European Model Railway products. Note: We make no guarantees that the catalogs are 100% correct as the factories themselves do not accept any responsibility for misprints or errors in printing and/or translation errors. To this, we do our best to ensure as much accuracy as possible.





gloria 英語 → 日本語

Due to the wide variety of shapes, sizes and weights, we cannot provide accurate costs on the internet. We will confirm the shipping method and provide a cost estimate upon request. Regardless, you will be charged the actual shipping cost we incur when we ship your order.

Canadian orders are shipped by Canada Post insured mail services at actual cost and/or Fed-Ex as they are the most economical options.

Items shipped outside of Canada will be shipped by the best means available at actual cost of shipping. We typically use Fed-Ex Ground or OCS for the United States and OCS/TNT for shipping overseas. Again, these are the most economical options.





gloria 英語 → 日本語

Note: All orders over $100.00 will also be insured over and above the shipper's insurance.

Shipments to the USA
Some customers have asked if any additional charges, taxes and duties apply when we ship to the USA. US customers pay NO ADDITIONAL duties or taxes on the items we ship (any kind of shipment - orders, repairs, digital installations etc.). In most cases, shipping charges are comparable to US domestic charges for the services we use. Customs brokerage fees are charged ONLY on items shipped by FedEx ground when a value is over $200. US Funds - in most of these cases we then use OCS for shipment. If you have any questions about our shipping procedures and costs, please contact us.




gloria 英語 → 日本語

Pricing Policies
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All prices on our site are shown in both US Dollars (USD) and Canadian Dollars (CDN). As we are located in Canada, all invoices are in Canadian Dollars and that amount will then be converted into US Dollars or other currencies, on your credit card statement. (With some credit card companies, they will have a slightly higher rate for providing the service to you.) The exchange rate we use to calculate US Dollar prices is an average of past exchange rate fluctuations and is usually slightly higher that the posted current bank rates. Note: With recent world events, the US $ has strengthened and now the CDN.$ is the lowest in 3 years.




gloria 英語 → 日本語

We therefore will make temporary changes to the exchange rate to better reflect current market conditions whenever rates change by more then 3%.

Our prices are based on current exchange rates with both EURO & U.S. $. Due to currency fluctuations, we reserve the right to change prices as required. You will pay the quoted Canadian $ value when your order was placed, however, the exchange rate may have fluctuated to the date of actual charge on your credit card. (We reserve the right to make price corrections when factories arbitrarily make price adjustments and/or corrections to their product lists and when there are significant cost increases due to exchange fluctuations).




gloria 英語 → 日本語

This Regina is outstanding both in sound quality's and appearance .The measurements are 17 inches wide, 14 inches deep, 11 inches high with the lid closed and 24 inches high with the lid open.According to Regina Music Box Company records this Regina No 44559 is listed as a Style 16 in a Mahogany Case was Shipped from The Regina Music Box Factory in Rahway New Jersey on April 17 1900 to Henry Gautschi and Sons Music Showrooms 1030 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Pennsylvania .A full complement of 21 original Regina 12 1/4 inch music discs accompany the purchase of this great sounding music box.


レジーナは音品質と外見の両方で傑出しています。サイズは幅17インチ、奥行き14インチ、高さは蓋が閉じられた状態では11インチ、蓋があけられた状態では24インチです。レジーナ・ミュージックボックス・カンパニーの記録によればこのレジーナNo 44559はスタイル16としてマホガニーケース入りで出品され、ラーウェイ・ニュージャージーのレジーナ・ミュージックボックス・ファクトリーから1900年4月17日にペンシルバニア州フィラデルフィアチェストナット通り1030のヘンリー・ガウチ・アンド・サンズ・ミュージック・ショールームへ発送されたとされています。この素晴らしい音を奏でるミュージックボックスをお買い求めになると、完全にそろった21枚のオリジナルのレジーナ12.25インチミュージックディスクがついてきます。