Eiko (gloria) 翻訳実績

5.0 77 件のレビュー
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 スペイン語 スペイン語(ラテンアメリカ)
ビジネス 法務 技術 特許 サイエンス IT
20 時間 / 週
gloria 英語 → 日本語

What is your future plan?

"We would like to add a feature that shows users their wish-based relationship in diagrams, or something we want to call a ‘wish graph.’ In the next two or three years if a sufficient volume of ‘wishgraph’ data has been accumulated, we could use augmented reality (AR) technologies to try to develop a mount-head display device that would let you see the people’s wishes when you wear it and see someone.

We’ll launch the service for the iPhone and Android on the web, and release iPhone and Android apps afterwards."

Can you tell us about your team?

"CEO Harada was previously working on developing a new content service at Disney Japan.






gloria 英語 → 日本語

CTO Suzuki was previously working with Cybird, a well-known mobile app developer in Tokyo. A tech guy who has developed a Tokyo wants/give-away exchange site called Livris is highly committed to our service. An American, a British guy and a Korean-American girl are committed to developing the service and designing the user interface."

Who has invested in your service?

"A Hong Kong-based angel investor, Mr. Jun Emi from Netcapital Partners; Mr. Taiga Matsuyama from Kronos Fund; and another anonymous person are our seed investors. We’re very grateful for this additional fundraising from Cyber Agent Ventures which helped us greatly accelerate our international expansion and further our app development."





gloria 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

Another pastoral, evangelical church believes that what matters is people's spiritual growth.

Similarly, whether a pharmaceutical company tries to obtain results by making constant, small im-provements or by achieving occasional,

If I may, allow me to interject a personal note. Many years ago, I too had to decide between my values and what I was doing successfully. I was doing very well as a young investment banker in London in the mid-1930´s, and the work clearly fit my strengths. Yet I did not see myself making a contribution as an asset manager. People, I realized, were what I valued, and I saw no point in be-ing the richest man in the cemetery.
I had no money and no other job prospects.






gloria 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

provements or by achieving occasional, highly expensive, and risky "breakthroughs" is not primarily an economic question. The results of either strategy may be pretty much the same. At bottom, there is a conflict between a value system that sees the company's contribution in terms of helping physi-cians do better what they already do and a value system that is oriented toward making scientific discoveries.
Whether a business should be run for short-term results or with a focus on the long term is likewise a question of values. Financial analysts believe that businesses can be run for both simultaneously.
Successful businesspeople know better. To be sure, every company has to produce short-term results.





gloria 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

When Google launched Instant, the main goal of this feature was to guess your query before you finish typing it and to instantly display the results. This works well if your typing a popular query, but what happens when Google can't autocomplete your query and you're a slow typist? You'll usually see the results for partial queries that include the words you haven't finished typing.

Now Google no longer includes the word you're currently typing if it's not very likely that it's a complete word. If you type [android qualcomm qua], Google will only show the results for [android qualcomm]. When your query becomes [android qualcomm quad], Google no longer ignores the third word. Here's another example:



現在グーグルは、入力された文字が完成した単語ではなさそうな場合はその単語を含めないようにしている。もし[android qualcomm qua]と入力すれば、グーグルは[android qualcomm]だけの結果を表示するということだ。質問が[android qualcomm quad]になると、グーグルはもはや3つ目の単語を含めない。ここにもう1つの例がある:

gloria 英語 → 日本語

If your item is lost/damaged, we will need to file a claim for reimbursement for you. Please find attached the claim form you will need to fill out to begin your claim.

You will need to obtain all related documentation regarding the shipment of your package such as the airway bill, original receipts showing the purchase price of the item, and provide as many detailed photos as possible of the item and damaged packaging with your completed claim form.

Please take a photo of the outside of the box and the inside, if possible. We need to view all sides of the box, the tape, and shipping labels to help determine what may have happened.



