There are some points bothering me in the report of the Company A and Company C meeting.- The future exchanges will go along the flow Company A>Company B> Company C, so Company C will check Company's problems. By passing by Company B, few Company B employees will have to work on it and the communication will cost extra time.There are no problems for Company A to ask Company C directly when it is about technical problems.
For the girls who want to be pretty.
他の買い手も同じようなトラブルを経験したそうです。売主様に、Shipping and paymentsに日本までの送料を設定して頂いたら送料が表示、加算されて、無事に正常に決済できたそうです。Shipping and paymentsに日本までの送料を設定してみてください。お手数をおかけしますが宜しくお願い致します。
It seems that other buyers already experienced this kind of trouble.When the seller set "Shipping and payments" on shipping to Japan, it looks like the shipping fees were correctly shown and added.Try to set "Shipping and payments" on shipping to Japan.Sorry for the trouble, Best regards.
金バッジをオーダーしたので、 シルバーバッジ はキャンセルします。 改めて金バッジを生産するといつ頃納品できますか 。また、可能であれば、バッジの加工についてはつや消しでお願いします 。ラインシートの品番ごとのオーダーとキャンセ ル状況を教えて下さい。 靴の追加オーダーを10点したが、 在庫は4点し かないということでしょうか。
I ordered some golden badges so I cancel the silver ones. When do you think you will be able to give me these new golden badges? Also, if possible, I would like the badges to be frosted. Please tell me more infomations about each item present on the line sheet and their situations (ordered or cancel).I also ordered 10 additional shoes but is it that you only have 4 in stock?
What Company A should do to expand its service already present in Japan to the rest of the world?
This washing machine does the washing and also the drying.
OK!Please display the product on ebay at 50$ which is the price including the shipping fees.
Thank you for your message, I sent back the item to the address you indicated me. I am taking in charge the returning fees. Once the shipping process finished, I will tell you the registered shipping number, so please give me back my money on the Papypal account when you will get the product.
Sorry for my late answer. It took me quite of a time to read the mail but I will now answer your questions one after another.Thank you for the family's picture. This is a cute grandchild right? I am also sending you a picture. This is when we cooked the Ehoumaki which is a sushi-roll we usually make during the Setsubun period. Setsubun literally means "Separating the seasons". We are also throwing and scattering beans during the Setsubun. As today is the first day of spring, it signifies that a new year starts.My parents are nowadays living in a neighborhood town but they are planning to move in a mansion close to my place next year. I hope you will also be able to come back home soon.
Je vous remercie de votre email et m'excuse pour la réponse tardive. Nous avons actuellement 6 bts de Saint Croix 1909 en stock à un prix de 100€ hors taxes, 120€ toutes charges comprises. N'ayant pas l'habitude d'envoyer des petites quantités de vin au Japon, nous vous proposons d'acheminer les vins jusqu'à Paris (frais de transport ajoutés à la facture) où vous pourriez ensuite organiser une livraison au Japon avec une entreprise comme Yamato Transport (tél: + 33 1 42 97 58 99) Je reste à votre disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire. Cordialement, Katherine Bridger
メールをありがとうございました。返事が遅くなってしまいすみませんでした。現在、Saint Croix 1909 (サン・クロアー)の在庫が6本あります。値段は100ユーロ(税引き)、120ユーロ(税込)です。少量のワインの配送は常務ではないため、最初にワインをパリに運んでから(発送費は別途費用)、ヤマト運輸(電話:+331 42 97 58 99) などで日本への配送をして頂くというのはいかがでしょうか。知りたいことなどがあれば、遠慮せずに聞いてください。よろしくお願いいたします。Katherine Bridger (カテリン ブリドジェア)
Ill find out for you
There are no problems. The three pistons and the tuning slides of the trumpet are all working perfectly. It it very smooth. As you can see on the picture, the light shines on the gold colored horn, so there are no scratches or cavities. Also, there is a stopper for the slides on the third tuning slide.
こちらのオークションサイトにようこそ。数多くの出品商品の中から、こちらの商品をご覧いただきまして誠に有難うございます。皆さんがご覧になられている商品は、ヤマハ楽器のプロフェッショナルモデル・トランペット「YAMAHA XENOⅡ YTR8335US 金メッキ仕上げ」になります。シリアルナンバーは、310000です。最新のXENOシリーズのトランペットを買うことにしたため、今回、eBAYのオークションに出品いたします。
Welcome to this auction site.Thank you for having chosen to see my articles amongst all the other one.The article you can see is the Yamaha professional model trumpet "Yamaha XenoII YTR8335US with a gold-plating finish". The serial number is 310000. Since I have decided to buy the most recent trumpet of the Xeno Series, I am selling this one on e-bay.
A last word from the seller...I have this time decided to focus on Japanese made musical instruments and Japanese musics and to present them on ebay-auction. Thank you and enjoy the auctions!
I ordered you two items. One arrived the 2nd of February but I am still missing one so can you please check it?
You are living in a wonderful place! It is a little bit similar to the sunlight we talked about the other day. But it is in another extent. A life full of nature, a spacious warmed house and a wife you love, you really enjoy the life! This is awesome. Thanks to have buy this item for me. I am very thankful. I am always sending a mail to the pruchasers, so can you please proofread it? I live in a apartement so there are not trees but there are some cherry blossom trees at my parents' house. If you want to send me something, please send me a postcard.
If you listen carefully, you will hear the calling voice of someone. Gather these broken winds to not let escape this faint voice. My song constantly crosses over the sky and swaying like the sea, it pierces into the world. I keep singing in this rusted place. Until my voice die. I will certainly not change. Stronger than everyone.
Since I am buying you 3 machines, could you offer me a cheaper price ?
Participation form・Participation consent1.I declare participating in the activity at my own will, not being forced by anyone.2.I declare being healthy and that the activity will not provoke any effect on my health.3.I declare knowing that the activity is something occurring in the middle of the nature and I am conscious of the risks this may engender. I will act according to the guide and the consigns given by the staff. I will not make responsible the activity organizer for any harm to my health or mind that may be caused in any others circumstances.
4. I declare accepting that the activity organizer can use to his likeness all the pictures, movies or others that were taken during the activity.5. I declare agreeing that the tour guide is free to to cancel the activity or to refuse the participants to continue the trip for any security reasons.6. I declare not being under the influence of alcohol or drugs the day of the activity.7. During the tour, while keeping my smile, I will not throw cigarette butts or wastes everywhere. I declare here that I will diligently act to protect our earth and the nature.