If you cannot find it there I will purchase it from an auction. Please refund the money.
As I stated when I was recruiting, the total budget for this job is 400 dollars. We will pay 4 dollars for every 50 items put up for sale. So if you put up 5,000 items for sale you can earn 400 dollars.
I am glad that you finally received the item without any trouble.It seems that customs in Brazil is really strict.Next time I will send as personal so that we can avoid any trouble.Let me know if there are any other items you are interested in.
私はあなたから商品を2セット購入しました。Shipment details: CQ686019246USPayPal取引 ID: 6E502991UW547035Rしかし私の所には商品が1セットしか届いていません。大至急確認してください。そして大至急もう1セット送って下さい。お願いします。
I purchased 2 sets of items from you. Shipping details: CQ686019246USPayPal transaction ID: 6E502991UW547035RHowever, I have only received one set of the item. Please make sure to confirm this right away and send the remaining one set as soon as possible. Thank you.
Did you receive the item I returned? I confirmed that the item has arrived on November 15th using the EMS tracking number. When you receive the item please refund the money on PayPal. I received the item but is it really Ver.2? I think the Ver.2 second serial number should start with “01” but this item does not start with “01”. Could you explain this to me? If this item is not Ver.2, I would like to return the item and be refunded the money.
Aliyun comes with four levels of cloud services, Cloud Storage, Cloud Computing, Cloud OS and Cloud-OS Phone.・Cloud Storage – as Dr. Wang Jian, the CEO of Aliyun said at its Mobile Internet Summit last week. “You may feel OK when lost your phone, but you never want to lost your data.” With the Cloud Storage, Aliyun is to enable everyone to seamlessly backup/sync his data on mobile devices via cloud;
Aliyunは、クラウドストレージ、 クラウドコンピューティング、クラウドOS、クラウド-OS Phoneという4段階のクラウドサービスから構成されている。・クラウドストレージ:AliyunのCEOであるワン・チャン博士が、モバイルインターネット産業サミットで 「携帯を失くすことは平気でも、データは失いたくないでしょう」と述べた。クラウドストレージを利用すると、Aliyunが携帯型機器に保存されている利用者のデータを、クラウドを通じて途切れなくバックアップまたはSyncできるようにする。
Every kid likes to play “peek-a-boo”. The old-fashioned picture book “peek-a-boo” that we have all come to love has now become an electronic book. Age: 1 year or olderThe cute illustrations drawn by Shizue Arakawa will express “peek-a-boo” to your child. You can see your child’s full smile. While showing this to your child, please operate the device for them.
7 E W と 10.5W を購入しましたので、同梱してください。発送時はトラッキングナンバーを教えてください。宜しくお願いします。
I purchased 7EW and 10.5W and could you package them in together in the same box?When you ship could you tell me the tracking number?Thank you for your help.
China’s Unofficial Android App Stores are Malware MinefieldsAn investigation has found that China’s numerous unofficial Android app stores lack basic security checks on the apps they distribute – and that as many as 95 percent of Android users in the country are therefore at risk of malware-filled apps that they’ve downloaded from such sources.
Note:1. Do not put items on the list if they do not have any inventory in stock. 2. It is not necessary to put items on the list that cannot be found on Amazon.co.jp.3. The sheet will save automatically when you make update the individual columns.4. If you try to register an item that I have already put up for sale it will show an error message. If that happens, please do not put it on the list or up for sale.
Thank you for purchasing X. We only sell X at this time so we don’t have any other list of items for sale. However, from now on we will be increasing the number of items. Please let me know if you find any items you are interested in. We can do whatever we can to help you.
I will cover the postage fee when I send the item back. Can you refund the total amount that I paid for the item?The total is 204 dollars. If I send the item back, could you refund the 204 dollars?
Have you shipped it yet?I think it was scheduled to ship this Monday (11/14).Please send it no later than today. If I don’t hear from you I will make a claim on PayPal to cancel the order.
私は、このレンズを使って撮影し、その結果を確かめようと思う。rear lensの擦り傷とコーティングのムラが、描写の品質に影響があるかどうかです。だから、数日だけ時間をください。残念ながら返品をするか、このまま所有するか、また後日連絡します。
I am going to confirm the effect by using this lens to take some photos. The scratches and streaky coating on the rear lens will affect the quality of the photo's depiction. Therefore, I need a few more days. I will let you know if I decide to return regrettably or keep it.
$50 OFF ORDERS OF $200 or more + FREE SHIPPING with code: GIFTED through 12.18.11 or later.
2011年12月18日以降に「GIFTED」 コードを利用して、200ドル以上注文した場合、50ドルの割引に加え、送料が無料となります。
Its difficult to raise the price.Can you discount 10% from the total if I purchase 8 of "A" and 4 of "B".Now we are planning to expand our market but we might have to change our plan if the price of "A" raises up to 80 dollars.
Yeah, but everyone is busy.Hey, you're a man...
[Functions]・From the beginning...read the story from the beginning.・From the middle...start reading from any page you like. ・Continue with just your finger...go to words or different pages by swiping with your finger. ・Continue automatically...go to words or the different pages automatically.・Voice recording...record your voice and you can play it back as your own story narration. [Operation]Up/down swipe...scroll up or down through the text on the current page.Left/Right swipe...change to the last or next page.Tap...toggle to show and remove erased text (show all images).
I am not a musician.However, since December, I have been taking lessons to play the saxophone, trumpet, and clarinet from professional musician once a week. This is not so that I can become a musician but because I feel it is necessary in order to become an instrument repair technician. This was the advice of one of my instructors.My instructor is from YAMAHA. He has been working for YAMAHA for 20 years and started working independently after learning about business and instrument repair mechanics. He is now running an instrument repair store in Tokyo.
分かりました。アマゾンはいつ返金してくれますか?返金されたら分かりますか?返金したら、あなたから連絡くれますか? 私は連絡を受けてから、あなたへの評価を取り消します。
I understand. When will Amazon refund the money. Will you know once they have refunded the money? Once they have refunded the money could you let me know? Once I receive a response from you I will erase the evaluation given to you.