AUSGC (ausgc) 翻訳実績

約15年前 男性
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ) イタリア語 ドイツ語
ausgc 英語 → 日本語

The DeLorean Motor Company (DMC) was a short-lived automobile manufacturer formed by automobile industry executive John DeLorean in 1975. It is remembered for the one model it produced – the distinctive stainless steel DeLorean DMC-12 sports car featuring gull-wing doors – and for its brief and turbulent history, ending in receivership and bankruptcy in 1982. Near the end, in a desperate attempt to raise the funds his company needed to survive, John DeLorean was filmed appearing to accept money to take part in drug trafficking, but was subsequently acquitted of charges brought against him on the basis of entrapment.


DeLorean Motor社(DMC)は1975年に自動車産業界の重役、ジョン・デロリアン氏によって設立された短命の自動車製造会社でした。

この会社は、同社が製造したただ一つのモデル - ガルウイング式のドアを採用した独特のステンレス製スポーツカー、DeLorean DMC-12 - と、その信念、1982年に(管財人の管理下に置かれ)倒産するまでの騒然な歴史の為に(今も)覚えられている。*


* 「1982年に(管財人の管理下に置かれ)倒産するまで掲げ続けた信念と騒然な歴史の為に(今も)覚えられています。」と解釈しても良いかも知れません。

ausgc 英語 → 日本語

The Goodman believe that everyone should learn about organic farming. Children can visit the farm and learn about helpful insects. Their parents can shop in the new Organic Kitchen. This is one of the few kitchens in America that is fully organic. Everything cooked in the kitchen is from organic food. "We want farmers and customers to think organically," Drew says. "If organic food isn't easy to get and isn't good, people aren't going to choose it." By making partners with ordinary farms and selling their organic vegetables in supermarkets, more people are finding out about Earthbound Farm.
With the success of Earthbound Farm, the Goodmans are busier than ever. But Drew and Myra still pick their own lettuce.



* キッチンと訳すか厨房と訳すかは好みです。
* organically は有機的という意味以外に、組織的という意味もありますが、恐らくこの場合は有機的のほうだと思います・・・。
* Goodmanは恐らくDrewとMyraの姓名。's'をつけることで、Goodmanという姓名の人間が複数という意味になるので、二人の間柄によって「夫婦」や「一家」と訳すことができます。

ausgc 英語 → 日本語

They also began growing different kinds of lettuce. They soon had lots of local restaurants as customers. Just when they thought they had enough customers, their biggest one moved away. That's when they decided to put salads into plastic bags and sell them in supermarkets. The salad bags were a great success. Today these Earthbound Farm salad mixes are sold in nearly 75 percent of America's supermarkets.
By 1989, the Goodmans' small garden was not big enough for all the orders. So they bounght a large farm and grew more organic vegetables. But by 1995, business was so successful that they needed more farmers.


[二人/彼ら]* は色々な種類のレタスも栽培するようになった。
やっと十分な顧客がついたと思った途端、最も大口の顧客が[離れて/移転して/引っ越して]* しまった。


ausgc 英語 → 日本語

Earthbound Farm is one of the largest organic farms in the United States. It started as a work of love for the founders Drew and Myra Goodman. The Goodmans were both raised in New York City. But as each grew older, they became more and more interested in the countryside. "I remember visiting relatives outside of New York and eating tomatoes from the farm. They tasted so delicious. It was also calm and peaceful." After finishing university in California, the couple decided to live there in a small house with a bit of land. "We fixed up the house and then grew organic berries to sell by the roadside, " Myra remembers.



ausgc 英語 → 日本語

The Squeak programming language is a Smalltalk implementation, derived directly from Smalltalk-80 by a group at Apple Computer that included some of the original Smalltalk-80 developers. Its development was continued by the same group at Walt Disney Imagineering, where it was intended for use in internal Disney projects. Some Squeak users[who?] refer to Squeak as a programming language rather than as a Smalltalk implementation. It is object-oriented, class-based, and reflective. Squeak is available for many platforms, and programs produced on one platform run bit-identical on all other platforms. The Squeak system includes code for generating a new version of the virtual machine (VM) on which it runs. It also includes a VM simulator written in itself (Squeak). For this reason, it is easily ported.


[Squeak/スクイーク]*1 (プログラミング)*2 言語は Smalltalkの [実装/インプリメンテーション]*3 で、かつて Smalltalk-80 の開発に携わった開発者を含む Apple Computer 社の(開発)*4 グループにより、Smalltalk-80 から直接 [派生/デライブ]*5 されたものです。

その開発は同じ(開発)*4 グループにより Walt Disney Imagineering 社にて、Disneyの内部プロジェクトでの利用を目的に続けられていました。

一部の Squeak ユーザーは、Squeak は Smalltalk の [実装/インプリメンテーション]*3 ではなくむしろプログラミング言語だと言います。


Squeak は多数のプラットフォームで使用可能で、一つのプラットフォームで作成されたプログラムは他のプラットフォームでも全く同様に動作します。

Squeak のシステムには、起動に必要な新しいバージョンの仮想マシン(VM)を構築するためのコードが含まれています。

更に、Squeak を使って書かれた VMシミュレータも含まれて居ます。

これらの理由から、Squeak は容易に移植をすることができるのです。

1. "スクイーク" is just a Katakana form of "Squeak"
2. "プログラミング(programming)" for the phrase "programming language" is optional
3. "インプリメンテーション" is a Katakana form of the English word "implementation", while "実装" is Japanese. If the document is to be read by IT people, then the Katakana form may be preferred.
4. Instead of saying "group at Apple Computer", it is preferrable to say "development group at Apple Computer", where "開発" means 'development' in Japanese.
5. Similarly to 3, "デライブ" is a direct Katakana form of the English word "derive", while "派生" is Japanese.
6. "性質を持っています" means 'have following properties". Instead of simply saying it is "OO, class-based, & reflective", I have added this phrase to make it sound better.

ausgc 英語 → 日本語

Tenori-on is an electronic musical instrument, designed and created by Japanese artist, Toshio Iwai and Yu Nishibori of the Music and Human Interface Group, Yamaha Center for Advanced Sound Technology. It consists of a screen, held in the hands, of a sixteen by sixteen grid of LED switches, any of which can be activated in a number of ways to create an evolving musical soundscape. The LED switches are held within a magnesium frame, which has two built-in speakers located on the top of frame, as well as a dial and buttons that control the type of sound and beats per minute produced. There is also an LCD screen on the bottom edge of the frame. Using the connection function, it is possible to play a synchronized session, or to send and receive songs between two of the devices.


Tenori-on は、日本人音楽家岩井俊雄さんとヤマハ株式会社サウンドテクノロジー開発センター Music & Human Interface Group の堀佑ニさんにより設計、開発された電子楽器です。



