Yesterday, the government officer has took sample of the food additives and if it ok, we can bring the food additives to the company. But when she check the ticker in the bags of the food additives, she said that it don't have the production date and expiry date of that production lot, so that we need to send her that information. If not, the food additive will fell the check. So please ask the manufacturer and send me any document from the manufacturer for this information as soon as possible.
★I just received the Nikon F3 T, I inserted the batteries , but no signs of life . Then I used the battery grip and the camera, it is had been testing the camera?★Hello, this is a gift for my father. Could you mark the shipment as a gift?★Hello. I do apologize and I've never had to ask this. But is there anyway to cancel this or are you OK waiting maybe another week? My bank account is on hold due to suspicious activity. I'm hoping to have this resolved soon.
★Nikon F3 Tをちょうど受け取り、バッテリーを挿入しました。でも、動いている気配がありません。それで、バッテリーグリップとカメラを使うと、動きました。カメラの動作確認はしましたか?★こんにちは。これは父への贈り物です。包みに贈り物と示すことはできますか。★こんにちは。本当にお詫び申し上げます。このようなことをお願いしなければならないことはありませんでした。でも、これをキャンセルする方法はありますか。それか、もう1週間待っていただいても大丈夫ですか。私の銀行口座が疑わしい行動のために停止されてしまいました。すぐに解決することを期待しています。
I will be paying for these items before the 13th mandated by Ebay do not worry for that.what is the minimum price you are asking for the canon 7s?body onlyAccording to eBay you are supposed to send me a return label or arrange for the courier to collect the item.The customs charge was £61.84 and the diesel for the journey to Birmingham was around £35.If you sent me your email address I will send you scanned copies of the diesel and customs receipt.
Fractures are by far the most frequent abnormality ofthe skeletal system (5), and they occur with decreases inbone strength. This weakness is due largely to a reductionin bone mass caused by an uncoupling of bone formationand resorption. In pharmacological and pathophysiological studies of bone disorders using experimental animals,determination of bone status is usually confined to histological evaluation and/or measurement of bone densityand its composition, dry weight, bone ash or mineral content. Recently, to gain a better understanding of the structural stability and resistance to bone fracture, thequalityof bone has been assessed by measurements of stiffness,strength, toughness and ductility in rat femora.
骨折は、骨格組織 (5) の間違いなく最も頻繁に生じる異常であり、骨の強度の減少とともに生じる。この弱さは主に、骨形成と骨吸収が分離することから生じる骨量の減少に起因する。薬理学及び病態生理学における実験動物を用いた骨障害に関する研究では、骨の状態の判定は、通常組織学的評価及び/又は骨密度とその構成、乾燥重量、骨灰又はミネラル含有量の測定に限定される。最近、構造上の安定性と骨折に対する抵抗力の理解をより高めるために、ラットの大腿骨の剛性、強度、腎性及び柔軟性を測定することによって、骨の質の評価が始まっている。
The supply side of the industry (technology vendors) is only just starting to mature, and it may soon get easier for brands to trust that their ad investments will pay off.“There are something like 1,000 ad networks, adding to the immense complexity of this space, so the biggest opportunity for vendors is to consolidate the stack — ad network, data, supply aggregation, demand aggregation, attribution, and fraud detection — so that advertisers just have to deal with fewer vendors,” Koetsier said.
We’ve been talking about these concepts since this 1971 cover of Time Magazine asked the question: Will “the new genetics” turn man into superman? The answer, dare I say, is fast-approaching.Prakash Menon is CEO of BaseHealth, a platform enabler that adds genomic precision to modern health and wellbeing offerings.
この1971年のTime Magazineのカバーが次の質問をして以来、これらのコンセプトについて私たちは語ってきた。「新しい遺伝学」は、人間をスーパーマンに変えるか?答えは、恐れずに言えば、急速に近づいている。Prakash Menon氏は、BaseHealth社のCEOであり、同社はゲノムの精度を現代の健康と福利の提供に追加するプラットフォームを実現する企業である。
PulsePoint claims its optimization on sites and apps gets three times as much time-on-page by users than the standard length of time. One of the company’s clients, TaylorMade Golf, said in a statement accompanying the announcement that it has seen a 95 percent increase in video views since it began a campaign with PulsePoint.There are no stats yet about whether this increased engagement results in any, you know, increased sales.
PulsePointは、サイトの最適化を主張し、アプリはユーザによるページごとの閲覧時間が標準の3倍も長い。会社のクライアントの一つであるTaylorMade Golfは、PulsePointとのキャンペーンを始めて以来、95パーセントもビデオ閲覧が増加したと発表時の声明で述べていた。この閲覧増加が、何らかの販売増につながっているかどうかに関しては、まだ統計データはない。
PulsePoint sees its leveraging of its programmatic ad platform, and its optimization, as a way to differentiate its offering from other content marketing services and platforms out there, like Kapost, Acrolinx, Hubspot, Idio, or inPowered, as well as the content marketing within larger platforms like Marketo.Currently, the new platform has 32 campaigns for the same number of clients.
PulsePointは、プログラミングの広告プラットフォームの活用と最適化を、Kapost, Acrolinx, Hubspot, Idio, 又は inPoweredなどのその他のコンテンツ・マーケティング・サービスやプラットフォーム提供企業のサービスと差別化する手段と見ており、それは、Marketoなどの大規模なプラットフォーム内のコンテンツ・マーケティングについても同様である。現在、新規プラットフォームは、32のクライアントについて同数のキャンペーンを打っている。
Don’t throw prudence and resourcefulness out the window, though. You don’t need to spend all your money in 18 months. You’re a startup. It may take years, possibly a decade or longer, for your company to take off. Do your research, and find VCs that can handle a flexible timeframe if things take longer than expected.They almost always do.
Michael Ortner is CEO of Capterra. He and his cofounders launched the company in 1999, hoping to find VC funding. When they weren’t able to get funding, they were forced to fund the company the old fashioned way, with revenue from customers (and a bit of credit card debt). Today, the team feels it was the best thing that could have happened to the company.
Michael Ortner氏は、Capterra社のCEOである。彼と彼の共同創設者は、1999年に会社を設立(ローンチ)し、VCからの資金提供を望んでいた。資金を調達できなかったとき、彼らは昔ながらの方法で会社に資金を提供せざるを得なかった。つまり、顧客からの売上(そして、少々のクレジット・カードでの債務と)である。今日、このチームは、会社にとって起こりうることでそれが最良のことであったと感じている。
Venture capital and the cost of being too growth-focusedAt its best, venture capital provides software startups with more than just capital. Business experts bring experience, a network of leaders, and guidance to the table to support startups. Without those non-monetary benefits, we would never have seen companies like Facebook and Juno Therapeutics become the successes they are.
ベンチャー・キャピタルと過度な成長重視のツケ最良の状態では、ベンチャー・キャピタルは立ち上げ時のソフトウェア企業に単なる資本以上のものを提供する。ビジネスの専門家は、経験、リーダーのネットワーク、そして立ち上げを支援するテーブルへのガイダンスを持ち込む。それらの非金銭的な便益がなければ、FacebookやJuno Therapeuticsのような会社が今日享受している成功を見ることはないだろう。
Unfortunately, many VCs are now overlooking these benefits and the operational rigor that has benefited so many successful companies, accidentally undermining the long-term viability of tech startups. To be clear, this is a different problem than the VC bubble. Bubble concerns are about the real value of a company and the viability of the VC model to accurately determine corporate valuations.What I’m talking about is a systemic problem underpinning the way businesses are run after they get funding.
Though by no means alone, Box is a perfect example of how things can go wrong when everyone keeps an eye on growing a single line on the income statement instead of on the company as a whole. In 2014, Box planned its public offering after raising $100 million privately to value itself at around $2 billion.When the company filed its paperwork, investors saw massive marketing spending and no profit. Not only that, promotional costs rose 373 percent in two years to account for 138 percent of the company’s revenue. Over the same time, research and development rose 220 percent, but only accounted for 37 percent of revenue.
Box held off for almost a year before it could finally face the market and throw the IPO switch. Box’s shares jumped immediately. The company was valued over $2.7 billion in its first full day of trading. Over the next two weeks, the stock fell back to the $2 billion valuation it received last year.I’m no stock picker, and for all I know they may find the inner operational genius when they cross a billion or two in revenue, but I doubt anyone would be surprised to see it keep sliding as it continues to bleed millions of dollars on a weekly basis.
I don’t want to sound like I’m picking on Box. This is a problem that seemingly every recent B2B software company is facing. It even took Salesforce until now – when their annual revenue has reached $6 billion – to finally reach profitability.
The firehose of cash has pushed these companies’ valuations into the mesosphere. It hasn’t helped innovators improve their products or manage their businesses to profitability nearly as much as it has helped them acquire more and more customers. The problem stems from a fundamental mismatch between the goals of VCs and the goals of businesses. VCs want to take a business from zero to sixty as quickly as possible. If that means buying a rocket and strapping it on top, so be it. A tech business wants to be able to navigate the long road with its sharp turns and sudden stops – and build a company for the long haul. Relying on the rocket to power you through those obstacles won’t work once the rocket disappears.
Consider the way VCs promote overextending on marketing and sales; VC-backed companies are getting pressured to divert between 80 and 120 percent of their revenue into sales and marketing over the early years of their company’s life instead of focusing on improving the product.Unsurprisingly, the system leaves companies with sustainable businesses ripe for serious layoffs once funding disappears.
When SaaS companies reach their IPO, cross $100 million, $500 million, or even $1 billion in annual revenue but struggle to make a profit, something must be wrong. The software industry is supposed to have high margins. When you’re doing nine figures in annual revenue, you shouldn’t be spending 80–100 percent of your revenue on sales and marketing — even if you are growing at 50 percent. A lack of focus on improving your product and serving your current customers will eventually lead to your demise.Why? Because a software startup with laser-like focus on its product is gunning for you.
For the software entrepreneur, there are two solutions to this problem. The first is to reject the lure of venture capital. After all, software companies are supposed to be cheaper to get off the ground than ever before. For entrepreneurs willing to work long hours and muscle through a product launch, this may be the best option. If you build a great product and get it in front of the right customers, you can rely on referrals to ramp up your business early on.
If your product idea is simply too capital intensive and you need venture capital, make sure the VC you get comes with meaningful leadership, a strong network of contacts, and experience. All the best VC/tech relationships come from these intangibles. Facebook is a perfect example. Without VC guidance, Zuckerberg would have been on his own to staff his executives and likely would have run the business into the ground – like most any college-age entrepreneur would.