11 Hot Mobile Messaging Apps from Asia and How They’re Super-InnovativeWith the numbers Rick released on mobile messaging apps growth, and Willis’ post on how heated the mobile messaging battle is getting, I thought I’d take a look at the killer features that make messaging apps so strong with younger smartphone users in the region. They’re all a big threat to Facebook Messenger (which seems to be imitating Asian chat apps in some respects) and the newer Facebook Poke.Why are these apps so hot? It all boils down to the virtual stickers and being so multimedia and immediate. This is where Asian apps are innovating like crazy.
アジア発、話題のメッセージングアプリ全11種とそれらが超革新的な理由Rickが発表したモバイルメッセージングアプリの成長率とWillisが行った同アプリの流行についての投稿を見て、私はモバイルメッセージングアプリがアジアの若いスマートフォンユーザーの間で大変強力な存在へとのし上がった要因となる目玉機能を見てみようと考えた。それらアプリは全てFacebook Messenger(アジア製チャットアプリを模倣していると思われる)と新しいFacebook Pokeへの大きな脅威である。なぜそれらメッセージングアプリはこれほど流行しているのだろう?その理由は、仮想スタンプと、それらアプリがマルチメディア対応であり即時性も兼ね備えていることである。これがアジア製メッセージングアプリにおいて猛烈な勢いで革新を遂げている部分である。
How to do an Uber-like car rental business in China?Uber-like services won’t be banned by local regulators in China like what Uber encountered in the U.S.; however, they have their respective problems. Zhou Hang, founder of Yongche and serial entrepreneur, gives some color about doing such a business in China.Yongche, founded in 2010, was one of the first Uber-style car rental services in China. It’s funded by ZhenFund, Morningside Ventures and Qualcomm Ventures.
Uberのようなカーレンタル事業を中国で行うには?Uberに似たサービスは、Uberがアメリカで直面したように、中国現地の監視官によって禁止されることはない。しかしながら、彼らは中国ならではの問題を抱えている。Youngcheの創立者であり、連続起業家のZhou Hang氏は、中国でこのような事業を行うことについていくつか特徴を挙げている。2010年に創立されたYongcheは、中国において真っ先にUberのスタイルを取り入れたカーレンタルサービスの一つであり、MorningsideベンチャーとQualcommベンチャーのZhenFundにより創立された。
OpportunitiesZhou Hang saw opportunities in over ten thousand car rental companies in China. Most of them are small- or mid- sized and operated in a traditional way – providing big companies with long term rentals. As they rely on social connections for orders, their business cannot scale up, Zhou said.Now the vehicles available on Yongche are from small-sized rental companies the company reached partnership with. The platform covers twenty first-tier cities with several thousand limousines in service.
チャンスZhou Hangは中国国内にある1万以上のカーレンタル会社を見ながら、チャンスを伺っていた。会社のほとんどは小規模から中規模で、大規模な会社に長期のレンタルを行うという古いやり方での営業を続けていた。注文を社会的なつながりに頼るようになるにつれ、そのやり方では規模を拡大することができなくなっていったとZhouは語る。現在Yongcheで利用可能な自動車は、パートナーシップを結んだ小規模なレンタル会社から提供されている。このプラットフォームは、数千のリムジンが走る上位20の都市をカバーする。
The Samsung PL120 DualView 14.2-Megapixel Digital Camera features LCD viewfinders on both the front and rear of the camera, making it easy for you to take great self-portraits as well as set up your other shots clearly. Thanks to HD Movie, you can also use the PL120 to shoot high-definition video. Digital image stabilization creates clear, blur-free photos, while Smart Auto 2.0 optimizes settings for pictures and video in any lighting.HI, can you tell me what you mean purchase in lot?
サムスンPL120 Dual Viewは14.2メガピクセルカメラを持ち、前面・背面両方に自分撮りを簡単にする液晶ビューファインダーを搭載しているのが特徴です。HD画質のムービー撮影機能を搭載しているため、PL120をHDビデオカメラとして使うことも可能です。くっきり、ボケのない写真を実現するデジタル手ぶれ補正機能を持ち、Smart Auto 2.0がどのような環境で撮影された写真・動画でも最適化します。こんにちは、ロットで購入するというのはどういった意味なのでしょうか?
There are various reasons of the decline of Japanese electronics industry. Here's some representative problems.Disparagement of globalizationThe first problem is that Japanese companies disparaged fast globalization in the world.Now, Samsung and LG which is developing in electronics targets all over the world in planning, promoting and everything else from first. But Japanese companies tend to target domestic market first, and later they target rest of the world.One of the biggest problems is slowness of determination.It takes much time to determine everything.
Lighter education curriculumJapan renovated the education from late of 1980s to early of 1990s, and lighter education curriculum was introduces. Therefore large part of classes were abolished.Until early 1990s we had classes on Saturdays. But now we don't have classes on Saturdays and Sundays as well as in other countries. Since the lighter education curriculum started, academic abilities, especially in mathematics and science needed for developing electronics industry, got worse and it's still declining.I think these are not all.
I know what you mean and I saw the package is held at Japanese custom.I'll sent you an invoice of that package but it will not be some numbers that you expect to be there.I'll ask Hong Kong branch to make an invoice in the format that we usually use.And will send it to you as long as I get it from them. It should be sent to you within 24 hours.By the way, when can the $588.5 get paid since last time you said you will pay around Feb. 18. Also the package is in Japan now and it's should be a good time to make the full payment.
A total snowboard information website "SNOWSTEEZ" is a portal site for snowboarders. We're going to bring you not only news in snowboard community, also latest product and event information. And in "SNOWSTEEZ members" which is a membership function for SNOWSTEEZ readers, We provide a function you can post your own snowboard reports and cuisine info. You can browse them for each ski resorts as "Ski Resort Database We All Make".
455運気が上がる光明風水のれん飾るだけでお部屋を華やかにして、お部屋の中プラスエネルギーを運んでくれる風水のれんす。 風水のパワーを生かすデザインで、くぐるびに運気が上昇します。 光明風水のれんの特徴1、翔龍風水では、龍は最高のシンボルといわれ、地上のあらゆるエネルギー(気)の源であると考えられています。 金運や健康運を良い方向へと導いてくれます。 2、光玉光の玉は36枚(3の倍数)の金貨の象徴で、龍が降らせることで金貨が舞い込むイメージができます。
455A short split feng shui curtain which improves and brighten your luckThis is a feng shui short split curtain which brightens up your room and brings you plus power just by setting up.The design shows the power of feng shui, and your luck gets better and better every time you pass beneath the curtain.The feature of feng shui short split curtain1. The rising dragonIn feng shui, the rising dragon is the top symbol, and many people think that that is a source of every kinds of energy on the mother earth. The rising dragon makes your economic and health fortune better.2. Balls of lightBalls of light is a symbol of 36 gold coins (multiples of 3). The appearance the dragon drops them enables you imagine getting gold coins.
3、太陽太陽は風水では良いエネルギーを与えてくれる象徴ですその太陽が2つに分かれることでエネルギーを分け与えること意味しています。黄色は金運を意味していてお家・お部屋に良い気が広がります4、赤鳥居人間関係や恋愛祈願で有名な神社の鳥居がイメージされていますパワーが宿りやすい黄金比率で配置されていますのれんの効果のれんには良い運気が外に流れ出るのを防ぐ効果があります「光明風水のれん」では、さらに運気アップが期待できます くぐるのれんを通る度に神社の参拝を意味します。
3. The sunThe sun is a symbol which gives you good energy in feng shui.The sun divided into two means it spares you the energy. Yellow means the economic fortune, and it brings good power to your house and room.4. Red shrine gateRed shrine gates which are famous for wishes for relationship and love are drawn on the curtain.They are located in the golden ratio, and it enables the curtain to acquire power easily.The effect of the short split curtainThe short split curtain prevents your good luck from leaking out.With this curtain, you can get further good luck.Passing beneath the curtainPassing beneath the curtain means you visit a shrine and worship the god.
Here’s the 5 step method which startup entrepreneur to build their referral marketing. LinkedIn is being used to illustrate the examples but the principle can be applied in other social media platform such as Facebook and Twitter.Step 1 – Optimize your social media profile. In about you section, it is recommended to write of what you do, who you help and the results you help them create. You can also include a catchy tagline of a business hook that resonates with your customer to your business.
スタートアップの起業家が自身の紹介マーケティングを築くのに使える5ステップの方法を紹介する。例としてLinkedInを用いるが、この原則はFacebookやTwitterなど他のソーシャルメディアにおいても適用される。ステップ1 - ソーシャルメディアでのプロフィールを最適化すること。自己紹介欄では、あなたが何をして、誰を助け、そしてどのような結果を残すことに貢献できたのか書くことを推奨する。また、顧客やあなたのビジネスに響く印象的なフレーズを含めても良い。
同人誌では、ミクと一緒にほのぼのして過ごしたり、同じ「お姉さん・お兄さん」ポジションのカイトやメイコといる話を多く見かけますが、男女の組み合わせではガクポと一緒にいる本が、実は最近多いです!彼女の同人音楽は大人びた恋の歌が多いような印象を受けます。私が好きな曲の中では「magnet」「RIP=RELEASE」「Just Be Friends」が好きです!!…個人的には「ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー」や「ARPK」も好きです、可愛いですよね!
In doujin books, we can often see she spends her time happily with Miku and she appears with the same elder sister and brother characters Kaito and Meiko. But in fact, recently in a man and woman situation, she appears with Gakupo more frequently in books.In my mind, she has many matured love songs in her doujin music.I love "magnet", "RIP=RELEASE" and "Just Be Friends" among my favorite songs!!... Personally I love "LukaLuka★Night Fever" and "ARPK" as well. These songs are cute!
GX draws daily life happening in the campus called Duel Academia which brings duelists up.The main character of GX is a boy Judai Yugi, he's awesomely positive and cheerful.And he cares about his friends. He dived into the duel which he didn't need to participate and laid him being expelled on the line. He made a win and prevented his friend from being expelled. I really felt his kindness.I recommend two points to you!One is the scene drawn in the begging of the story: Mejun Manjo, one of Judai's friends, grows up. He is a excellent student.
Stock is very limited in the UK at the present moment and we will be getting stock hopefully next week once we have stock available I am happy to let you know costs and quantities, do you have anyone in the UK who could send them to you as postage to Japan is very expensive for us,
You can hold a competition immediately after filling forms and choosing a category and a plan.Designers all over the world who saw your offer will suggest custom designs made just for you.If you tell the demand to revise using the design crew's own feedback function, the revised design will be suggested again.You can decide the most favorable design from 100+ suggested designs.We guarantee a full refund if you don't like any design.You can start a competition without risks!
The request you input in Japanese will be translated into English, and goes public to designers all over the world. We have own forms for each design categories. Systematizing elements needed for design creations and setting items segmentalized made possible to translate automatically. You can register from "Registration" button on the top of the page. The registration is for free. You need the registration for requesting and applying designs.
XXXXさん、お元気ですか?日本市場で、以下にリストアップした商品をテストすることを計画しています。XXXXさんの現地の知人の方を通して、購入していただくことはできますか? もし購入可能であれば、購入金額(送料含む)の15%を手数料としてお支払うことを考えています。テストの結果、売上または利益の高い商品を、継続して輸入したいと考えています。入手の可否や、その他に、もし気になることがあれば、相談しましょう。
Hello, Mr. XXX. How are you?I'm planning to test the products listed below in Japanese market.Could you purchase them via your local acquaintances? If you could, I'm considering to pay a charge for 15% of the total price (including shipping fee).Depend on test results, I'm considering to import the products with high sales or margins continuously. Let's have a talk about whether it's available or not, what you would like to pay attention to, and etc.
超かわいいです。ロリコンホイホイといってもいいでしょう。本当にラストオーダーを作り出してくれてありがとう!!作者の意図が感じられますよね。ストレートな、「ロリコン層を取り込もう」という気持ちがよくわかります。(※書いてくれた彼の個人的な主観です!)外見は10歳くらいです。しかし、その見た目とは裏腹にMikoto Misakaの量産型クローンであるシスターズの管理用の上位個体だったりします。彼女は他の姉妹達とは違い、ある特別な能力を持っているので、悪者から狙われてしまいます。
Very cute. Most of lolicons must love her. Thank you so much for creating Last order!!She gives us the idea clearly what the author wants to do. I know the feeling of the author well which he wanted lots of lolicons to love her. (This is just a subjectively-based opinion of a man who wrote this!)She looks around 10 years old. But, despite her cute look, she is a higher individual for organizing the sisters who are cloned from Mikoto Misaka. Different from other sisters, since she has an special ability, bad fellows target her.
Since Accelerator helped her life, she trusts him and they're in a good relationship. And many doujins have being released.I think her attractive point is her "ahoge". Nothing is more. Her ahoge is cute, so cute. If I dare to find some other attractive points, her way of speaking is also cute. She adds cute suffixes at the every ends of her words. But I feel a bit frustrated because it's very hard to express this in English... Why don't you take this opportunity and start to learn Japanese?By the way... when she appeared for the first time, she was wearing just a blanket in her body.Phew...
Thank you.I've received the photo.It's difficult for me to decide because the quality of the photo is not good.I might order some samples later.I will send you e-mail again.