I do have the Frag FX Shark 360. Note that this product is wireless, but it requires a registered wired controller to work. (Sony has an open system and so Splitfish can plug its wireless sender unit directly into the PS3; Microsoft is a closed system, and so we must use a wired controller connection to hook into the XboX 360.) I am in the same situation with this product as the Frag FX PS3. I have limited inventory until the next shipment arrives in late October to early November. I can sell you up to 30 units at $85 each, ground shipping to FL included. Unfortunately the markupon these is very low and the international fees for cc transactions take upmost of the profit.
確かにFrag FX Shark 360はうちにあります。この製品はワイヤレスですが、動かすためには登録された有線のコントローラーが必要です。(オープンシステムを持っていらっしゃっるということで残念です。それですとSplitfishがワイヤレス送信ユニットを直接PS3にプラグインします。Microsoft はクローズドシステムですからXboX 360に接続するためには有線のコントローラーを使わなくてはなりません。)Frag FX PS3と同じように私もこの製品で同じ状況にあります。10月末から11月の初めにかけての次の入荷まで在庫を制限しています。30個まででしたら1個85ドルでお売りすることができます。フロリダまでの陸上輸送費込みの値段です。残念ながら利幅がとても低く、クレジットカード取引の海外利用手数料で利益はほとんど取られてしまいます。
I feel relieved to know that you are getting well. I still live with my family in my parent's home. I told you that I got engaged last year, but I finally broke off my engagement after think it over. He always wanted to keep in touch with me and wanted that I gave first place to his matter, but I couldn't think only about him because I sat up with my mother. We couldn't reach an understanding in the matter, so we separated. A little less than a year has passed since we separated, but I feel that It was just as well I didn't marry him^^. But as my biology clock is ticking, I want to find someone to get married.And you? How's things?
Securing the Frame - We recommend that you secure the frame to the ground using weights or bolts as appropriate.Weights can be placed on the flat bar connected to the D plate.Bolts can be used to fasten the Swivel plates of A&B to concrete or other firm surfaces.A section of plywood is practical here to bolt the frame too if securing to concrete is an issue.Fold down and Storage - The Moto Cover is designed to fold down for storage as needed.While the Moto Cover is still fully assembled,remove the bolts for the A frame and take out the H tube.The Moto Cover can then collapse closed pivoting on the A and B base assemblies.Tie the ribs together at the top and then you can easily move it around.
While E is unbolted add the lock ring tube (I).There is a hole provided in the end of the bar for a lock to be inserted.3.Quick Guide the Cover - The completed Frame should resemble the diagram below.Set up cover steps-The cover M is installed when the frame is in the open position.1.put front steel pipe C into the middle sleeve of M2.put 2 sides pipe E into 2 sides sleeve3.move up M to cover steel frame4.raise up 2 sides E and front C5.one person enters into the cover6.wrap the Velcro tape on rear part floor pipe7.move roof steel pipe on corresponding positions and wrap roof Velcro tape on roof steel pipe until all the ribs are connected in the position shown below8.put down front E and C,then comple
Eのボルトがはずれている状態で、ロックリング管(I)を入れてください。ロックを差し込むための穴がバーの端にあります。3 カバーのクイックガイド完成したフレームは下図のようになっているはずです。カバー取りつけ順序カバーMはフレームを開いた状態にして取りつけます。1 フロントのスチールパイプEをMnoカバー裾中央に差し込みます。2 側面の2本のパイプをそれぞれ側面のカバーの裾に差し込みます。3 スチールフレームを覆うようにMをかぶせてください。4 サイドEとフロントCを起こしてください。5 一人がカバーの中に入ります。6 後方部の床パイプをマジックテープで止めてください。7 屋根部のスチールパイプをそれぞれ対応する位置に移動し、全てのパイプが下図の位置のようにつながれているようにうマジックテープを留めてください。8 フロントEとCを下ろして完成です。
1.Parts Check - On the right is a list of the individual parts.Make sure you have all the pieces.2.Assemble the Frame - Begin by laying on their sides pointing outward - assembly A on your right and B on your left with the shortest tubes (G) pointing in front of you and ribs laying fanned out on the floor.Connect the H tube with angled end on upper rib using J,K&L fasteners.Then connect D.Next lift the assemblies with all ribs leaning on the A frame and connect C across the A frame.Install the rest of the top connectors(c) across the frame in the open position.The lock bar is installed on the B side by removing the end bolt for E,adding the lock bar and reinstalling the bolt.
1 パーツの確認 右にあるのは各パーツのリストです。全てのパーツが揃っていることを確認してください。2 フレームの組み立て 側面を外向きに寝かせてから始めてください。Aを右側、Bを左側にして一番短い管(G) を前に置いてパイプは床の上に扇状に広げて組み立てます。留め具J、K、Lを用いて上側のパイプの端と連結してください。次に、パイプをAフレームにもたせかけながら起こし、CをAフレームに連結してください。残りの上部の連結具(c)を開いた状態でフレームに取りつけてください。ロックバーはB側に取りつけます。締めつけボルトをEの方向に動かしてからロックバーを入れてボルトを再度取りつけてください。
this 4 Birds not for 1223.92 Eur inkl Tax.Special offer : 7% Discount and tax free !! Complete with shipment 967, 43 Euro !!What do you think of this ?
この4 Birds (4羽の鳥)税込みで1223.92 ユーロのところを特別割引:7%割引で免税!!送料を含め967, 43 ユーロ!!この商品、どうですか。
“Referral” Commerce19. Meilishuo, MogujieThese are the sites that drive traffic to other sites, mainly to Taobao.com. Mogujie and Meilishuo are more than just Pinterest clones. They are e-commerce referral startups that function as aggregators of different products listed on other e-commerce sites. Online shoppers will select and pick the items they want, perhaps led there by someone sharing an item via social media, and they will be redirected to the product’s original site for payment. According to Mogujie’s own stats in April this year, the site attracts 2.2 million visitors each day who browse 750,000 items on Taobao every day, and end up buying 60,000 of those.
リフェラル(紹介)コマース19 Meilishuo, Mogujieこれは他のサイト、主としてTaobao.comへのアクセスを誘導するサイトだ。Mogujie やMeilishuo には単なるPinterest のクローンサイト以上のものがある。こららのサイトは他のeコマースのサイトに表示してある様々な商品のアグリゲーターとしての機能を持つeコマースのリフェラル・スタートアップだ。オンラインショッパーは、おそらくはソーシャルメディアを通して誰かと商品を共有することによって、このサイトに誘導され、欲しい商品を選んで購入し、支払いをするために商品のオリジナルサイトに再誘導される。Mogujie自身が行なった今年4月の統計によると、同サイトは1日に220万の訪問者を魅了し、日々Taobao の75万点の商品を閲覧し、エンドアップユーザーがその中の6万点を購入しているのだ。
Rise of Asian Chat Apps Threaten Facebook on MobileA new report from the folks over at Distimo looks at which mobile social networks are doing well around the world, and specifically which networks are winning out in Apple’s App Store for the biggest global markets.While Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) is still the world’s dominant social network app on mobile, some changes over the past year in Asia now mean that it “its dominance is not as apparent” as the year before, says Distimo.
アジアのチャットアプリの増加がFacebookモバイルを脅かすDistimoの新しいレポートでは世界でどのソーシャルネットワークが好調か、特に世界市場のためのAppleアプリストアの中でどのソーシャルネットワークが成功を収めているか考察している。Facebook (NASDAQ:FB)は依然として世界でダントツのモバイルソーシャルネットワークアプリだが、Distimo.によれば、アジアにおける昨年1年間の変化を見ると、現在、その圧倒的強さは昨年ほど顕著ではない。
We have watched the rise of Line, NHN Japan’s popular chat application, and Distimo says that it was the most popular mobile social network app for iOS in Japan, Taiwan and Singapore. NHN Japan now claims about 55 million users in total (across multiple platforms) and has its eyes on China, although that market is sure to prove difficult.Speaking of the Middle Kingdom, in China the top social app was WeChat, which is also coming on very strong (it was tops in Hong Kong too). Korea also has a strong mobile social challenger in KakaoTalk, which was the most popular in Korea.
我々はNHK JAPANの人気コミュニケーションアプリLineの増加を見てきたが、Distimo によればLineは日本、台湾、シンガポールで最も人気のiOS向けのモバイルソーシャルネットワークアプリだと言う。NHK JAPANは(複数のプラットホームを入れて)総計約5500万人のユーザーがいると述べ、中国を狙っているが、中国市場ではきっとそれほど簡単ではないだろう。中国について言うなら、中国国内トップのソーシャルアプリはWeChatで、これも非常に強く出てきている(香港でもトップだった)。韓国にもカカオ・トークに強力なモバイルチャレンジャーがあり、韓国内では最も人気があった。
Distimo also looked at which countries has the biggest appetites for social applications. Surprisingly the Asian nations were less social than the average. In the United States, the download volume for the social category in the App Store accounts for 20 percent of the ‘Top Overall’ download volume (see chart below). In contrast, Asian countries affinity for the social apps category is far less. In Singapore the figure was 14 percent, and it was far less in Japan and Korea (10 percent each), and lesser still in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong (nine, eight, and seven percent respectively).
Distimoはどの国がソーシャルアプリに対する選好度が最も高いかについても考察している。驚いたことに、アジアの国々のソーシャルアプリは平均以下だった。アメリカでは全ダウンロード数の20%がApple Storeのソーシャルアプリのダウンロードだ。(チャート参照)対して、アジアの国々のソーシャルアプリに対する親近感ははるかに低い。シンガポールでは14%で日本や韓国(いずれも10%)よりはるかに低かった。中国、台湾、香港に至ってはそれよりも低い数値だった。(各9%、8%、7%)
Yesterday, I received the one-piece which I purchased. I'v heard that it's not this item is not refundable, but I found an open seam in a shorder part. Can't I refund even the inferior goods?Also, I ordered the same item of different size. I'm worried if there's not similar open seam. Please check it before the shipment.
Hello,Thank you for your message. So, I'd like to buy two of those left in stock. Please make an estimate. Could you also make an estimate in case that I purchase ten of them by back-order. I'd like to purchase them, so provide me an invoice.
I have not received your reply, but what has become of the matter of bezel which you forgot to enclose?I completed my paymento on 4th June.It's too awful that it hasn't reached yet having passed more than three months.Please ship it immediately ! If not, refund me150 dollars as a charge of bezel.
Thank you for your reply.I'm very happy that you would let me use the photographe of Tom in the book. I will pay for the use. Could you please send an invoice with your billing information to Yamamoto Co.,Ltd?The book will be in your hand by October. I greatly appreciate your kindness.
MyojoWaraku2012 the first-half of Startup Showcase Japanese start-ups made presentation for AsiaOn 8 and 9 of September, the tech and creative festival Myojo Waraku was held. The Mayor of Fukuoka Prefecture and Mr. Taizo Son gave talks ,some prominent figures and VC held panel talks and the showcase speeches were given by 10 start-up services on the day of the event and
クラウドで翻訳をもっと手軽に−Conyac最初にサービスのピッチを行ったのは株式会社エニドア代表のNaoki Yamada氏。同社が提供するクラウドソーシング型翻訳サービスのConyac(Japan,Tokyo)の紹介が行われた。Conyacは一般的な人力翻訳に比較して安価にサービスを提供しており、2012年8月に公開した翻訳者コミュニティ機能で翻訳者同士の連携もはかっている。
Let's order translation more easily by cloud service −ConyacThe man who first began the pitch service was Naoki Yamada, the representative of Ednia coorpotation. Cloud sourcing translation service Conyac offered by the corpotation (Japan,Tokyo) was presented. Conyac offer the service cheaper than manual translation in general and it try to make communications between each translaters by the translators community function opened on August 2012.
アントレプレナートークでは、Nomad の小笠原治氏、ゼロベースの石橋秀仁氏、モバツイ創業者の藤川真一氏、スカイアークシステムの小林晋也氏が登壇し、モデレーターとしてヌーラボの橋本正徳氏がおこなった。テーマは起業。起業ありきではなく、なぜ起業したいのか、起業という選択肢をきちんと客観視し、企業内でイントラプレナーでおこなうほうがサービスとして意味があることもある、起業家として必要な意識とは、ということについてトークがおこなわれた。
As for Entrepreneur Talk, Mr.Osamu Ogasahara from Nomad, Mr.Hideto Ishibashi from Zerobase, Mr.Shinichi Fujikawa, the founder of MovaTwitter service, Mr.Shinya Kobayashi from Skyarc System came onto the platform and Mr.Masanori Hashimoto took charge of a moderator. The theme of the talk was Entrepreneurship. It is important to make clear, 'Why do you want to start a new enterprise?' having a objective point of view to take an option of entrepreneuship, not just take it as a major premise. In some cases, making activities of intrapreneuring within a firm would be more meaningful as a service. The talk focused on what is an awareness required to be an entrepreneur
After the Creative talk, the Creative Auction was held on. On the stage, musics written by artists in the live show from the 1st day to the 2nd, was presented and were sold by participants in the auction system. The musical works were handed directly in the buyers and in this way, artists and participants had personal contact between them.
Thank you for your interest in our products. At this time the items you have requested stock information about are now on backorder from our supplier. We have not received a date as when to expect the products to arrive, however this typically takes 1 to 2 weeks from when the order is placed and in some cases, items can be shipped directly from our supplier sooner than that.We are pretty close with the free freight included. This guitar has only been here for about 8 days
Like an Airbnb for travel experiences, secondary market place Vayable launches today to offer travelers the opportunity to buy experiences in exotic locales all over the world, from Rome to Rio as the well worn cliche goes. Founders Jamie Wong and Samrat Jeyaprakash tell me that the key difference between Vayable and that other “Airbnb for experiences” Skyara is that Vayable is targeting travelers specifically, especially those who are tired of the relative banality of activity offerings from travel sites like Orbitz and Expedia.
今日、中古マーケットプレイスのVayableが、トラベル体験のAirbnbのような月並みな言葉だがローマからリオデジャネイロに至るまでの世界中のエキゾチックな場の体験を買う機会を旅行者に提供する商品を発表する。Vayable と他の「体験のためのAirbnb」との違いは、Vayableは特に、Orbitz や Expediaなどのトラベルサイトで提供される活動が比較的ありふれていることに飽きている人をターゲットにしているということだ、と設立者のJamie Wong とSamrat Jeyaprakashは言う。