This is an application that enables you to distort the space only with a finger tip.You can distort the space at an image on your screen right where you touch!If you touch a face on your screen, it turns to a weird funny face!How to use it:1. Touch any area of your screen where you wish to distort.2. Take a shot of the distorted image by touching the center button below.* To reset the effect, touch the white square at the lower right.Function:The pictures can be saved, posted to Twitter or attached to e-mails.
In my personal view, Japanese traditional way of doing business is different in this field, which, therefore, makes it difficult for both Maeda and Yamamoto.We could bargain with them, but they do not seem to do the same any longer at this final stage (of contract?).This differnce between us may represent in the future when we trade properties with them. We do not have a clue to solve this problem yet.Well, this is it. Thank you for listening to me for a long time.
Pls provide artwork for Hang Tag & Shipping Marks urgently to send you proof for approval before bulk printing.Pls also inform number of pcs you would like to pack in master bale for each style ordered. We are enclosing herewith packing procedure step by step for your reference & approval.Pls expedite.Thanks for your mail.In our case stitching is not possible. We will pin care label from gun (Picture attached).Material composition and qty suggested per bale for each style is sent herewith (attached).We will prefer data in PDF file.Hope your understanding.
品質表示タグと梱包につける取扱注意表示は、本印刷に入る前にそちらでゲラをご確認いただけるように、版下を至急お送りいただけますようお願い致します。また、ご注文の各種それぞれ、一梱包(訳者注: 輸送時の大きな箱。その中に個別包装の箱が入る。その個別包装の中身は1個の場合も何個か入っている場合もあり)あたり何個詰をご希望かもお知らせください。梱包の手順を詳しく説明したものを同封致しましたので、ご確認の上、問題がなければご承認お願い致します。恐縮ですが、お早めにお願い致します。ご連絡ありがとうございました。これに関しては縫いつけは不可です。取扱注意表示はホッチキス止め(訳者注:金具で留めるらしい)します。(写真同封)品質表示と、各スタイルごとの一梱包あたりのお勧めの数量を添付します。データはPDFでいただけますと助かります。ご理解いただけますと幸いです。
Sorry to repeat the same question, but I need to reconfirm this: are all of the items kept unopend for sure? Does any of them have the seal on its package side detached?My customers really hate items whose packages have been once opened by somebody else.Among those of this item I bought from you, actually some had their packages once opened.For this time, you insist that none of them has been opened yet.If possible, would you e-mail me a proof picture to show the 25 pieces I am going to buy all have the seals on their packages left unopened for sure?Here in Japan, once opened goods lose thier values.
Attention!Wanna get 10%-off for my inventory?Place an order directly with me, and you will receive 10% discount for every item you like.If you are interested, e-mail to the following address.Note that orders otherwise will not receive any discounts.Multiple items will be shipped in one box, if requested.If you are looking for something other than I have, I am here to willingly help you buy them with handling charges listed below.Looking foreward to your e-mail.
I paid by paypal... ship to: Delia Vena via Canonico Rotolo n.1 90143 Palermo-Sicily-Italy.please when you ship mark shipping like used game gift with a lower price under 40$
ペイパルで支払いましたので、以下へ送ってください。Delia Vena via Canonico Rotolo n.1 90143 Palermo-Sicily-Italy送る時、贈り物の中古ゲームと書いて、価格は40ドル以下の金額を書いておいてください。
イースター休暇はいつまでですか?休暇が終われば、発送時間は短縮できますか?あなたの取扱商品は日本で大変需要があるので、発送が遅れることはあなたにとっても非常にもったいないです。発送済と聞いていますが、まだ発送をしていないのですか?"Ryder Cup X100 Europe"の事を言っているのですか?それ以前に注文した商品は発送済の認識でよいですか?
How long will the easter holidays last?When the holidays are over, can you shorten the leading time for shipping?As your products are highly demanded here in Japan, it’s a shame if shipping gets delayed.I heard that you had shipped them off, but, actually, had you not? Or were you talking about “RyderCup X100 Europe”?Am I right to understand that the products ordered earlier than that have shipped?
Doug Field, former chief technology officer at Segway, is now Apple's vice president of product design, and much of the rest of the original Segway team has also moved over to Apple. However, they're now working on Apple's flagship devices, Vance highlights, so Morrell could simply integrate into the company's current teams. According to Businessweek's source, Morrell works within the Mac software group at Apple."It would be a shame if a company with hundreds of all-stars, such as Morrell, isn't working on something more daring than the next gadget," Vance concludes.
セグウェイ の技術者のトップだったダグ・フィールドは、今やアップルのプロダクト・デザイン担当副社長です。その他のセグウェイ開発メンバーのほとんどもアップルに移っています。しかし、その人たちが取りかかっているのはアップルの旗艦製品なのです。モレルはすでに出来上がっているチームに合流するだけなのです、とヴァンスは言います。ビジネスウィーク誌によれば、モレルはMacのソフトウェア開発グループに所属しているとのことです。「モレルをはじめ、何百人ものそうそうたるメンバーを揃えておきながら次のガジェットなんかを作っているようじゃ、何とももったいないことです。」とヴァンスは締めくくりました。
Apple plans to begin production of a refreshed iPhone similar in size and shape to its current one in the second quarter of the year, according to people familiar with the device's production, teeing up a possible summer launch for the next version of its flagship device.At the same time, Apple continues to work with its manufacturing partners in Asia on a less expensive iPhone that could be launched as soon as the second half of this year, these people said. The four-inch device likely will use a different casing from the higher-end iPhone. Apple has been working on different color shells for the phone but its plans remain unclear.
アップルは今第二四半期に、現在のiPhoneとサイズも形も似通った新機種を計画しています。製造関係者の話では、同社の旗艦機の次機種であるこのモデルは、この夏の出荷に向けて準備中とのことです。それと同時に、同社はアジアにおける製造パートナー企業と、低価格のiPhone の製造を進めており、今年後半にも市場導入できるであろう、と同関係者は言っています。このモデルは4インチの画面で、筐体が高価格のモデルとは異なり、また、ボディの色も違うものにするようですが、いずれもまだはっきり決まっていないそうです。
Thank you very much for always sharing me your products at low prices.STR-300-1C is now running out of our stock, and I am thinking of further purchase of the model.Do you think you could sell them to us at about $18 each? I, as your agent, am willing to increase sales of your products here in Japan.I would appreciate if you could share me other products popular at your end, as well as ones that can be sold at low prices.If any of them seem popular here too, I would consider buying them.Even if the products seem less popular, and as long as I could buy them at lower costs, I will be able to sell them at low prices, hoping to see the buyers would vote to us to put our seller’s rank higher. Then, as such, when they start to sell, I would gradually increase the prices to make our profit, eventually.
This picture shows a man peeling away the old backing paper from an artwork. Put a little amount of water on the artwork to make the liner paper soft enough to be peeled away slowly by the ball of a finger so as not to damage the artwork itself.Then, back up the naked artwork with a new liner. However, the new liner is so fresh that it often makes the artwork look cheap. In order to make the artwork look old as it is, you may dye the liner with coffee until it has slight brown color on it. This is the way my master used to do; coffee. I was surprised when I first heard about this. Every craftworker tries various ways to select his best.
Pls provide artwork for Hang Tag & Shipping Marks urgently to send you proof for approval before bulk printing.Pls also inform number of pcs you would like to pack in master bale for each style ordered. We are enclosing herewith packing procedure step by step for your reference & approval.Pls expedite.We are all fine here. Thank You very much.Hope the same for you and your family.The samples will be put for firing post 28th- post holi.Due to some unavoidable circumstances, we were not able to do so earlier.Hoping that we are able to deliver the samples soonest.