[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] MyLive MyLiveチームは、見たいバンドについてのファンからの要望の測定サービスとともに、コンサート産業への興味深いコンセプトを提案した。イ...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は pompom さん monagypsy さん jaga さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 11件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 4634文字

naokeyによる依頼 2011/08/23 23:12:10 閲覧 3352回
残り時間: 終了
原文 / 英語 コピー

12 Pitches from Start-up Weekend Tokyo at Mixi

You may remember last May when we covered Start-up Weekend Tokyo, and the many great ideas that sprung forth from the three-day event. This weekend saw 2011’s second Start-up Weekend in Tokyo, this time at Mixi HQ in Shibuya.

QLive, the winner of the previous SWT event, was put to good use as a way to gather and vote up the best questions in real-time to ask those pitching. And there were indeed some great ideas put together over these three days. I dropped by on the final day to catch the final pitches. Here are the groups that presented, as well as the select few that won awards

原文 / 英語 コピー

Start-up Intern

‘Let our start-up help your start-up.’ This was the call of the first group to pitch at SWT this past weekend. This group proposed that many young graduates in Japan when trying to enter the work force only know about large internet companies like Gree or Mixi. Many of them are not aware of the opportunities that exist in smaller start-up ventures.

原文 / 英語 コピー

Paul of Start-up Intern presenting
What Start-up intern proposed was a solution to connect interns with start-ups. In order to educate potential interns/employees about their start-ups, founders would create a video to explain what they are about. There would be user testimonials as well so that an element of peer-evaluation would come into play when deciding whether a start-up was a good place to work or not.

As for the revenue model, start-ups would be charged an annual fee to get listed on the website.

原文 / 英語 コピー

Cooking DJ

cooking dj
Cooking DJ is a service that attempts to make cooking fun again. The team calculated that many of us could spend as many as 22 days per year cooking. That’s almost a month, so we should do our best to make that time fun. How do you make cooking fun? The Cooking DJ team proposes that we do that with music.

評価 50
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/08/24 08:15:49に投稿されました

評価 44
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/08/24 10:39:12に投稿されました
Cooking DJ

Cooking DJ
Cooking DJは、料理を再び楽しいものにするためのサービスである。チームは、私達の多くは1年に22日もの時間を料理に費やしている。それはほとんど1か月に相当する、なので私達はその時間を出来る限り楽しい時間にするべきである。どうやって料理を楽しくするか?Cooking DJチームは、私達は音楽と共に料理する事を提案している。
原文 / 英語 コピー

The application will take a recipe for a certain dish and break it up into smaller mini-processes (e.g. boil the water, or sautee the onions). Cooking DJ provides songs that are the same length of time, so that when the song is finished, you know that you can move to the next step. The team mentioned the possibility of product advertising (food products specifically) as a part of the business model.

The team was the winner of the ‘One to watch’ prize as voted by other participants, as well as the overall prize as voted by a panel of judges.

評価 50
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/08/24 08:39:38に投稿されました

評価 44
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/08/24 10:46:57に投稿されました
アプリケーションは、特定の料理のレシピを取り、より小さなミニ工程に分割する(お湯を沸かす、玉ねぎを炒めるなど)。Cooking DJはその工程と同じ長さの曲を提供し、その曲が終わると、あなたは次のステップへと進むことができるとわかる。チームは、製品の広告の可能性(特に食品)をビジネスモデルの一部として触れている。

チームは、他の参加者と審査員によって投票され、「One to watch」賞を獲った。
原文 / 英語 コピー


The winner of the ‘Most Innovative’ prize this weekend, RemembAR.me (the AR = Augmented Reality) is an app that aims to help you in the unfortunate event that you’ve forgotten someone’s name. Say you’re in a crowded room, and you see a face you recognize, but you just can’t put your finger on where you know them from. By holding up your phone’s camera and viewing the room through the app, RemembAR.me will scan the faces and compare them against people in your network (Facebook, in particular). If all goes well, it will tell you who that mystery person is. You’ll ‘never be embarraseed again,’ it proclaims.

評価 68
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/08/24 10:44:55に投稿されました
原文 / 英語 コピー

As for monetization, as I understand it, is the ‘freemium’ model that the group compared to that of Dropbox. Larger networks and more people to scan would cost more than for example, if you only had 100 people.

Website: RemembAR.me

原文 / 英語 コピー


The MyLive team proposed an interesting concept for the concert industry, with its service measuring demand from fans about which bands they’d like to see. Targeting indie music fans, and people outside of major cities, MyLive would give music lovers a chance to vote for their favorite bands. When an artist emerges as ‘popular,’ then a live event is arranged and tickets are sold using a Groupon style system.

評価 44
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/08/24 10:33:41に投稿されました

★★★★☆ 4.0/1
評価 50
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/08/24 08:51:27に投稿されました

原文 / 英語 コピー


StartZaps is a website that catalogues start-ups, allows you to compare similar services. The group said that StartZaps would be a third-party objective review, and from the looks of the site design, each startup listing would show a number of similar services underneath (much like alternativeto.net). When a user finds a start-up they like, they can ‘zap’ it, thus adding it to their ‘My Zaps’ page.

The mock-up that we saw showed that start-ups could be tagged (e.g. music, business, Tokyo) and you could also view how many times they had been shared on Twitter, or how many times they had been ‘Zapped’ on StartZaps.

評価 44
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/08/24 10:26:20に投稿されました

StartZapsは、類似するサービスを比較することができるスタートアップを一覧にしたウェブサイトである。グループは、StartZapsは第三者の客観的なレビューであり、サイトのデザインの形相から、それぞれのスタートアップのリストは、類似したサービスの底面の数々を示す(alternativeto.netのようなもの)。ユーザーが好きなスタートアップを見つけると、それを「ザップ」することができ、その後「My Zaps」ページに追加する。

原文 / 英語 コピー

Everyone has a favorite date restaurant. But finding a venue for a second date is more difficult. 2kenme (read Nikenme) helps you find one by sharing evaluations for restaurants, diners or bars with other people, it aspires to give you lots of great options to entertain your companion

Nikenme was the winner of the ‘biggest surprise award’ for SWT.

評価 50
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/08/24 09:00:08に投稿されました

評価 44
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/08/24 10:13:50に投稿されました

評価 68
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/08/24 11:13:48に投稿されました



startupdatingの記事翻訳です。"〜だ""〜である"調でお願いします。元記事: http://www.penn-olson.com/2011/08/22/startup-weekend-tokyo-2011-august/


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