Backed by DMP, WearYouWant Aims to Ride on Thailand’s E-Commerce Growth
Update: WearYouWant is also backed by Asia Venture Group, founded by German Serial Entrepreneur Tim Marbach.
Thailand’s WearYouWant is a B2B2C fashion e-commerce site. That means, it helps other retailers to feature and sell their products to consumers online. It was founded in October 2011 by Julien Chalté and Martin Toft Sørensen, when both founders saw that Thailand would eventually need an online platform for shops to sell things online, particularly in the fashion sector. Chalté told me:
情報アップデート:WearYouWantは、ドイツのシリアルアントレプレナーTim Marback氏が創立したAisa Venture Groupの支援も受けている。
タイのスタートアップWearYouWantはB2B2Cのファッションeコマースサイトだ。つまり、同サービスは小売業者がオンライン上でそれぞれの商品を消費者に紹介・販売するための手助けをしている。WearYouWantは2011年10月、Julien Chalté氏とMartin Toft Sørensen氏によって設立された。設立者の2人が、タイには小売店がオンラインで商品を販売するためのオンラインプラットフォーム ——特に、ファッション向けのサービス—— が将来的に必要になると見いだしたからだ。Chalté氏は次のように語った。
追加情報:WearYouWantは、Asia Venture Group(ドイツのSerial Entrepreneur Tim Marbachによって設立)からも支援を受けている。
タイのWearYouWantはB2B2Cファッションのeコマースサイトです。これはつまり、他の小売業者がオンライン上の消費者に、自社製品をメインに販売できる、ということだ。同社はJulien ChaltéとMartin Toft Sørensenによって2011年10月に設立された。この際、タイには将来的に、オンライン販売をする店舗(特にファッション関係)向けのオンラインプラットフォームが必要になるだろうと、創設者の二人は考えていた。 Chaltéは私に言った:
The Thai people are getting more and more educated in the use of new technologies. We felt an increasing demand for finding a larger variety of products online, so bringing end-users from all over Thailand in touch with the “Fashion Mecca” provided in Bangkok became a necessity.
WearYouWant generates revenue from two sources. First, by charging a signup fee from retailers to put their products online and providing services including professional product photos with models, online inventory management, customer service, and also a payment system. Second, WearYouWant also charges a commission for every item sold.
In Thailand, Sanook’s and Rakuten’s are also in the B2B2C e-commerce space, though both sites sell a broader range of stuff and not just fashion items. Both sites are apparently pretty popular in Thailand too. When asked about competition from the big boys, Chalté remarked:
Anyone selling the same brands or fashion products in general will be considered as our competitor. However, both Sabuy and Tarad have a more Amazon appearance with a broad offer, where we target only one segment, which is fashion. We strongly believe that people who are looking for fashion will prefer a merchant which is dedicated to it. By having around 800 different brands and more than 20,000 different items in catalog, no doubt that we have a richer choice and a more fashion-centered approach than any Amazon-like platform.
Similar to many other B2B2C e-commerce sites including Tmall,, and, WearYouWant also follows the drop shipping supply chain model. By adopting drop shipping, Chalte said that it need not worry about the logistics problem and that allows his team to focus solely on finding customers for merchants on WearYouWant and also on delivering high quality customer service.
WearYouWant currently has 15 people people ranging from service to business development people. The Bangkok-based startup is backed by Digital Media Partners (DMP) and also other undisclosed investors.
WearYouWantには現在、サービスから事業開発の担当者など15人の社員がいる。バンコクを拠点とする同スタートアップは、Digital Media Partners(DMP)とその他の投資家(名前は非公開)によって支援されている。
WearYouWantには現在、サービスからビジネス開発に至るまでで15人いる。バンコクに本拠を置くこのスタートアップは、Digital Media Partners(DMP)と、他の非公開投資家によって支援されている。