zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Scott Wilson didn’t have a cash problem after raising $942,578 for two wrist straps called TikTok and LunaTik, which transform the iPod nano into a watch; nonetheless, he thinks it’s easy to underestimate costs. “People see the total [money] raised on Kickstarter and don’t always consider that amount against the significant investment that we made with TikTok+LunaTik in order to get more than 20,000 units into production, packaged and starting shipping to our Kickstarter backers in less than 2 months — a turnaround time that was incredibly fast and nearly unheard of for a consumer product.”

Kickstarter requires the creators of successful funding campaigns to refund any backer whose reward they cannot fulfill.


Scott Wilson は iPod nano を腕時計に変える TikTok と Luna Tik というバンドをつくるために942,578ドルの資金を調達し、その後はお金の心配をしなくてすんだ。だが、コストは低く見積もりがちだ。「人は Kickstarter で集まった額を見るが、私達が 2万個以上の TikTok と LunaTik を2か月以内に生産・包装して、Kickstarter の支援者に出荷するために私達が得た大きな投資への見返りについては考えない。これらのことを2か月以内にしたのは、消費者プロダクトとしてはほぼ異例の早さだ。」

Kickstarter では、資金調達キャンペーンに成功したクリエーターに対し、目的が達成されなかった場合は集まったお金を支持者に返金するよう要請している。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

10 Things Facebook Should Spend Its IPO Money On

1. Mobile

Mobile isn't just the future for Facebook — it's the present, with many studies showing Facebook leads all other social apps by far. However, the Facebook experience on smartphones and tablets is lacking. The service's iPad app doesn't even include Timeline, and the Android app doesn't scale well for tablets. Facebook clearly needs to build out its mobile platform, adding both functionality and marrying the experience better with every smartphone it has a presence on. That, and start monetizing it.


Facebookが IPO で得た資金を投入するべき 10項目



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

2. Advertising Platform

Online advertising is huge and growing, with Facebook at the forefront. However, it hasn't done anything quite as innovative as its chief rival, Google, in the space. Post-IPO, Facebook will be in a better position to steer where online advertising is going rather than vice versa. Despite Facebook's ubiquity, its ads still provide a mediocre experience (compared to, say, Apple's iAd) and they're a non-presence in mobile. Facebook needs to invest heavily, and carefully, in expanding its ad platform, or it'll never satisfy investors.


