zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Well, I didn’t know how the guys above handle the situation but for me, knowing that even the big guys are having it rough can surely make me smile. So that’s one thing: Knowing that you’re not alone in this.

The second reason is… well I don’t know what the second reason is. But let me tell you a little secret about me, when building and running gantibaju.com, I countlessly thought about quitting. There are days when I wanted to just pack all my stuff and get back to the corporate world. I can think of a thousand reasons to quit: lack of capital, member growth, revenue, petty arguments among founders, the accumulated stress, pretty much anything can be a reason.



2つめの理由は…実は私も2つめの理由は何だか分からない。だが、私のことでちょっとした秘密を教えよう。gantibaju.com を設立し運営している時、私は幾度となくやめることを考えた。荷物をまとめて、会社員に戻ろうと考えた日々がある。やめる理由は何千と考えられる。資金の不足、メンバーの拡大、収益、設立者の間での些細な言い争い、蓄積されたストレスなど、ほとんど何でもやめる理由になりえる。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

But every time I wanted to quit, I convince myself to go all out for one last time and the funny thing is that something always came along and saved the day. Be it another capital investment, another award we won, another partner that can help us, an external factor that smooth things up, solutions seems to appear out of nowhere. I cannot say that I plan the whole thing to the letter, all I can say is that I’ve worked my ass off as much as I can bear and hope for the best.

Maybe this is what’s happening in the (almost) last days of OMGPOP, Rovio and other startups. Maybe it’s just as simple as doing your best. I know it’s cheesy but what else can you actually do beside do what you can and hope for the best?



おそらく、それがOMGPOP や Rovio、その他のスタートアップの(ほぼ)最終段階で起こったことなのではないだろうか。単に最善を尽くすというシンプルなことだけなのかもしれない。安っぽく聞こえるかもしれないが、自分ができることをし、うまく行くように祈ること以外に何ができるだろうか?

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

4 Startups Revolutionizing Social Commerce

Michoel is Director of Platform and Product Strategy at Big Fuel, a social media agency. He is also an adviser at Social iQ Networks and VideoGenie and a frequent speaker at social media technology conferences and events. You can follow him @Twabbi.

In 2010 Mark Zuckerberg said, “If I had to guess, social commerce is next to blow up.” He was right. Social media has changed the way we shop online, and the statistics confirm it. About 81% of consumers receive advice from friends and family relating to a product purchase through a social networking site. And the majority — about 74 % — of consumers rely on social networks to guide their purchases.



Michoel はソーシャルメディア企業 Big Fuel のプラットフォーム・プロダクト戦略部門のディレクターを務めている。Social iQ Networks や VideoGenie のアドバイザーでもあり、ソーシャルメディア・テクノロジー・カンフェランスやイベントなどでも頻繁に講演を行なっている。同氏をフォローするには、@Twabbi で。

2010年、Mark Zuckerberg は、「もし予測しなければならないのなら、ソーシャルコマースが次の大きなトレンドになると思う」と述べた。同氏の予測は正しかった。ソーシャルメディアによって、オンラインショッピングは変わり、それは統計でも証明されている。約81%の消費者が友人や家族からソーシャルネットワークサイトを通じて買い物に関するアドバイスを受けており、大多数(約74%)の消費者が買い物に関する相談をソーシャルネットワークに頼っている。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

E-commerce in China was huge in 2011, with over 750 billion RMB (or about $118 billion) spent in total. That figure is likely to be significantly larger this year. But given online market places are far more accessible than many real world ones, it makes sense that many people with physical disabilities would make the most of such an opportunity — especially when discrimination can still be a problem for many hoping to enter the workforce in China. Xinhua quotes paralympian Yang Bozun on this point:

We have to admit that there is still discrimination against the disabled in getting a proper job. Sometimes we are being looked at differently. […] The Internet, somehow, provides an easy solution.


2011年の中国におけるeコマースの市場規模は巨大で、総額7500億元(1180億ドル)の売上げがあった。この数字は今年さらに大きくなるようだ。だが、オンラインショップが実際の店舗に足を運ぶよりもアクセスしやすいということを考えれば、多くの身障者がそのような機会を大いに利用するというのも分かる — 中国の働きたいと思う身障者に対する差別が依然として問題となっている状況では特にそうだ。新華通信はこの件に関し、パラリンピック選手の Yang Bozun の言葉を引用している。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

The Startup Ecosystem Here Sucks. Sure…

Darius was previously the founding CEO of tenCube (acquired by McAfee). He is investor in Neoteny, JFDI, Crittercism, Astrid, LoveWithFood, Frenzoo, PlayMoolah, Stickery and DailyMus.es. He is currently planning world domination and looking for partners in crime.

Recently someone asked me: “What do you think is really lacking in Singapore’s ecosystem, except the obvious, like seed investment?”

ORLY? It’s kinda funny, since I just happened to be chatting with early stage investors who were complaining that there are not enough good companies to fund.



Darius は以前、(McAfee に買収された)tenCube の設立者 兼 CEO だったが、今は、Neoteny、JFDI、Crittercism、Astrid、LoveWithGood、 Frenzoo、Playmooha、Stickery、DailyMus.es の出資者だ。現在、世界制覇を目論んでいて、その計画を実行する同志を探している。



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

But if all the investors in your envisioned target market reject you, you might want to rethink either what you are doing or where you should look for money. For example, raising money for an ice-hockey social network in India is kinda stupid – you might want to do cricket instead or move to Canada. True story.

(Pro tip: often investors, especially angel investors without LPs, invest for more than ROI reasons, it might be to support a social cause they believe in, or to get bragging rights. Don’t forget to capitalize on that).


