zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Launching Pricing Plan in H2

Kanbox allocates 5 GB of free storage to every new user, and similar to Dropbox’s marketing approach, you can upgrade your space by inviting friends. One successful registration entitles you to one more gigabyte of virtual disk space.

The cloud storage service which to date claims tens of million users is still free of charge. However, Huang said they’re preparing a pricing plan to launch in the second half of this year.

Conventional wisdom is that Chinese people didn’t pay for online services, well, how did Tencent build its empire by selling virtual items? And why paid app downloads saw massive growth after Apple’s iTunes store accepts yuan?



Kanbox は、Dropbox と同様のマーケティング方法で、新規ユーザー全員に5GBの無料スペースを割り当てており、ユーザーは友達を招待することでスペースを拡大することができる。友達が1人サインアップすれば、仮想のディスクスペースを 1GB 増やす権利が得られる。

数千万人のユーザーが現在利用していると言われるクラウドストレージサービスは今のところ無料だが、Huang 氏は今年の後半に料金制を導入する準備をしていると言う。

一般的に、中国人はオンラインサービスにお金を使わないと言われるが、Tencent はバーチャルアイテムを売って企業を大きくしたし、Apple のiTunes ストアが人民元を受け入れるようになってから有料アプリのダウンロードも大きく伸びている。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

While I think much of this negative hype towards games are overblown, Kark, one of twelve incubatees at Singapore’s JFDI-Innov8 Bootcamp, is taking the message seriously and has embarked on a mission to make games less harmful to kids. They’re achieving this by making educational trading cards that interact with smartphones through companion mobile apps.

“Children love games, but they don’t benefit. Only developers do,” says CEO and serial entrepreneur Sindhu Prabowo Dilaksono, who heads a team of four Indonesian co-founders.

“Doing educational apps is one way of making money without feeling guilty.”


ゲームに対するこのような否定的な大騒ぎは度を越していると私は思うが、シンガポールの「JFDI-Innov8 Bootcamp」に参加している Kark はそれらのメッセージを真剣に受け止め、害の少ない子供向けのゲームを開発するというミッションに乗り出した。彼らは、スマートフォンを利用しモバイルアプリキャンペーンを通じた教育要素のあるトレーディングカードをつくって目標を達成しようとしている。

「子供達はゲームが大好きだが、子供達がゲームから得るものは何もない。恩恵を得るのはデベロッパーだけだ」とCEO 兼 シリアル・アントレプレナーの Sindhu Prabowo Dilaksono 氏は語る。同氏はインドネシア人4人の共同設立者チームを率いている。


zhizi English → Japanese
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What impressed me during the demo was the app’s interactivity. As you flash the card repeatedly, more clouds appear. You can move the clouds around with your fingers, or combine it with other clouds. When it gets too big, it starts to rain. Wave the wind card and these objects will be blown away.

It’s an easy way to teach kids aged five and above concepts like precipitation, or the fact that there’s only one sun (flash the sun card repeatedly does nothing, unlike the cloud card) for us in our solar system.

The team, which consists of CMO Daniel Simon, CCO Fithor Faris, and CTO Bullit Sesariza, has already begun testing their product with kids. The response has been positive so far.




同チームは最高マーケティング責任者の Daniel Simon氏、最高コミュニケーション責任者の Fithor Faris氏、最高技術責任者のBullit Sesariza で構成されており、既に子供達と一緒に同プロダクトを試験的に使用している。今のところ、反応はいいようだ。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Sindhu says they will be distributing their cards to retail outlets in Indonesia: Convenience stores, bookstores, and especially toy stores. When kids buy those cards, they would be enticed to download the app, which would in turn drive them to purchase even more cards — a positive feedback loop.

Working with mobile carriers presents a huge opportunity for them as well. Instead of throwing used prepaid cards away, every one of them could become a keepsake if they’re made into collectible trading cards. There’s also massive potential in licensing popular cartoon characters, which will make their products even more appealing to kids.


Sindhu 氏によると、カードはインドネシアの小売店(コンビニ、本屋、特に玩具店)を通じて販売される予定だ。子供達がカードを買えば、アプリをダウンロードしたくなり、それによってさらに多くのカードを買いたくなるという、ポジティブなフィードバックループというわけだ。


zhizi English → Japanese
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“Do you have a conference, training session or event coming up where individuals will be meeting in person and spending several days together? Set up a community several weeks prior to the event and have them join. Place all logistical materials here and open it up with a simple questions like, “Where are you from?” and “What is your role at _____?” for them. This way, they not only get used to using the community, they are beyond small talk by the time they meet in person. Bonus: House all your materials in the community; no more binders!”
– Mike Fraietta, enterprise community manager at News Corp


ーMike Fraietta 氏、News Corp エンタープライズ・コミュニティー・マネージャー

zhizi English → Japanese
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Letting Them Know You Care

“Give the community a voice: Our blog is our main channel for news and community highlights. It’s the place we go to feature great photos and users, showcase how different types of people are using Instagram, and give new users tips on how to get more involved in the community. We post daily and are always on the lookout for interesting stories to tell. When we do feature a user, we make sure they know it — we want folks to be proud of their involvement in the community and know that we appreciate them.”
– Josh Riedel, community manager at Instagram



「コミュニティーに声をかけよう。当社のブログはニュースやコミュニティーのハイライトを伝える重要なチャンネルだ。そのブログでは、素晴らしい写真やユーザーを紹介したり、いかに様々な人が Instagram を利用しているかを披露したり、どのようにしてもっと積極的にコミュニティーに参加するかいうアドバイスを新しいユーザーに提供したりしている。私達は毎日何かを投稿し、何か面白い話はないかといつも耳をすましている。ユーザーを紹介する時には、必ずそのことをユーザーに伝えている。私達は、ユーザーがコミュニティーに積極的に参加していることを誇りに思って欲しいし、私達が感謝していることも知って欲しい。」Josh Riedel 氏、Instagram コミュニティー・マネージャー

zhizi English → Japanese
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So, let’s take a step back, clean up the slate, and start afresh. And the most important thing is, I believe in teams a lot. You want to get the right team, and the right set of goals. It’s like being a football manager, if you’re Chelsea playing Liverpool, and they play lightning fast, you’d want a defensive team. If they play slow, you want a different composition of team to play against them.

If we don’t know the problem, I won’t know what team to have. I don’t want to take a team and try to fix a problem. We were still not sure how to tackle the problem related to our ambition, whether we have the platform to achieve that. Whether we needed to change the business idea.




zhizi English → Japanese
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SGE: What are your personal plans moving forward, and how did you disband the team?

We made sure everyone in the team could find positions. Everyone was taken care of. We had a couple of guys we’ve kept on board to take care of existing clients. One of them I’m doing a project with right now. A lot of others chose to go back to their home countries because they’re more comfortable there. Some of them got into other companies.

We’ve been doing the wind up process for a while. It was just a matter of coming up with an exit plan. We started cutting our cost structure so it doesn’t burn cash and we saved some capital. We threw a party, and sold our furniture.


SGE: 今後の個人の計画は?チームの解散はどのように行なったのか?

