eleanor (translation4u) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
translation4u English → Japanese
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What to expect during the 2 day tech forum:

1000+ attendees expected
Round-table exhibition booth for 30+ startups and tech businesses, allowing 360 degree exposure for their services/products to potential clients, partners, investors and tech media.
Korea’s top tech entrepreneurs will share their stories and struggles, on how they got started, got funding, and grew to become global successes.
Business leaders and experts from top startups, VC’s, startup incubators/accelerators, tech media companies and leading global tech companies such as Google, Twitter, Facebook and Oracle, sit side by side and share their insights and knowledge.
Open Bar & Networking Parties !




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Once that is achieved we will issue stock to all of the employees and have stipulated that in our shareholders agreement with investors. I don’t think its especially helpful to grant equity up front as it has unclear value (so employees will not value it all) and it should be used as a tool to reward real achievement and loyalty.

I leave you with this thought. Building and motivating a team will be the hardest work you do. Again, build a foundation for what you want your company to look like in the future and not what it is today. Your product will take you only so far and it is your people that will be the ultimate factor in success or failure of your startup. As always, good luck! I am pulling for you.




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Karaoke is helping to heal the wounds of last year's tsunami.
Traditional folk songs are the favorites among the residents of Ofunato's temporary housing.
It is good fun, it heals the heart.
Gathering together in a group and singing and talking to each other is great.
This musical get together is taking place on board a purpose built truck currently touring Japan's tsunami hit coast,...
...bringing counseling and karaoke to the bereaved communities.
Yoshinobu Konno is from the charity 'Friends of the United Nations,' which came up with the idea.
People who live in these small prefabricated houses lost their families and their homes and are often depressed.
So, they are often alone.


コンノ・ヨシノブは慈善団体であるFriends of the United Nationsから派遣されてきており、このアイデアを思いつきました。この小さなプレハブ住宅に住む住民達は家族や住宅を失い、絶えず気が落ち込んでいる状態です。

translation4u English → Japanese
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They do not want to make contact with other people, they become introspective.
One thing we are concerned about is that people could die here alone in their houses.
So, that is why we are intervening now to try to prevent mental illnesses from taking hold.
This housing block is one of dozens erected in Japan in the months following the tsunami.
Visiting salesmen bring life's essentials and the odd luxury.
In the small cove below, there is nothing left of the residents' original homes.
Demolition teams have flattened the few structures that the tsunami left behind.
Ofunato was one of the worst hit towns when the tsunami roared ashore nearly a year ago.



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I apologize mistake, I called Simms and I was informed that it was the chest/hip pack that came on the Tech Pack that is why we sent you the chest/hip pack. I also stated in the email that we would be sending you a chest/hip pack. I have just been informed that it was supposed to be the Simms Chest Pack that we were supposed to send you. We will go ahead and get the Chest Pack shipped out to you. Would you like to keep the additional chest/hip pack that you have just received and pay for it or would you be okay sending it back to us the most economical way and we will reimburse you for the return shipping as long as a receipt is included? Again, I am so sincerely sorry for all of the hassle with your order.



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FUND OBJECTIVE F&C Stewardship International provides an investment medium for people who do not regard financial gain as the sole criterion for investment but look to wider issues. The principal investment objective of F&C Stewardship International is to achieve long term capital appreciation by investing predominately in equity and equity related securities of companies, in any market, whose products and operations are considered to be making a positive contribution to society. The F&C Stewardship International will avoid companies which, on balance, are felt to be harming the world, its people or its wildlife or which trade extensively with oppressive regimes


ファンドの目標  F&C Stewardship Internationalは金銭的な利益のみを唯一の投資基準とするではなく、より広い問題に目を向けている投資家様に対する投資媒体をご提供いたします。 F&C Stewardship Internationalの主な投資目標はどのマーケットであれ、社会に積極的に貢献すると考えられているような商品や事業を有する投資先のエクイティやエクイティ関連の債権に主に投資することで、長期的な資金の増加を得ることです。F&C Stewardship Internationalは結局のところ、社会や人々、野生動物を害すると考えられたりするような会社、あるいは広範囲にわたり、抑圧的な取引体制でトレードしているような会社への投資をいたしません。

translation4u English → Japanese
Original Text

Sixty Seconds to Success can be used in several ways. It can be read for tips to jump-start your performance right now. It can also be used as a workbook to plot steps for you to take in order to prepare yourself for the next level. Regardless of how you use Sixty Seconds to Success, remember one thing. All of the knowledge in the book, or all the knowledge in the world for that matter, will not do you any good unless you TAKE ACTION. So pick a tip from the book right now and start taking the steps recommended there, and you will find that every moment in your life will be a Bright Moment.

Good luck.




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Sixty Seconds to Success is a collection of short, action-oriented tips on how you can run your life even better. Each page contains one tip, plus space for you to write notes on what actions you plan to take as a result of reading the tip. So each page provides you with something you can do, RIGHT NOW, to help you move towards your goals. These tips work, regardless of who you are, and where you are in the process of attaining the life you want. In addition, by writing the steps you plan to take as a result of a tip, you "etch" this tip into your mind and make a commitment to follow up on this new knowledge. This has the effect of giving you hope and improving your morale, along with your performance.




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Sixty Seconds to Success was intended to give you quick, action-oriented steps to take, which will move your life ahead even faster. I hope you will use this book on a regular basis and implement at least one of the tips each day. One thing is clear: nothing will happen without action on your part. Sixty Seconds to Success has given you the tools, now it is up to you to use them. If you do, I know your whole life will be a Bright Moment.

I would like to leave you with a quote from the unknown author who wrote my favorite bumper sticker:

"Life is a gift, that's why they call it the present."




translation4u English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi Shigetaka

What do you do with the helmets you buy from us?
Do you list them on Japan Yahoo?
Do you have a shop?

I am interested to know more about your business.

I would hope you would always come to us for helmets, not go buy elsewhere.

For me it would help if you would place all your orders online then we can focus on them, it is difficult when we are very busy to remember to check stock for everything you e-mail about.

I think it would work better if you just order via the website, then stock is checked same as every other order in our system.








translation4u English → Japanese
Original Text

This is a very busy time of year and it is difficult for me to keep up with everything when Andy is on holiday, so please be patient if I am a little slower than normal answering your e-mails.
I would have hoped that you have dealt with us long enough to have a little patience when we are very busy.
I am a bit worried that just because we are a little slow answering the e-mails because I am short of staff due to holidays you just go buy elsewhere.
I would like to think we had a stronger relationship with you than that.

Where have you started buying BMW from?

I hoped we had given you good service over the last year to earn your loyalty as a customer.
In general are you happy with our service?





