Tatsuto (tatsuto) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 60s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuto English → Japanese
Original Text

Directly multitudes of men from all sides flocked to him as Caesar's son, some from friendship to Caesar, others his freedmen and slaves, and with them soldiers besides, who were either engaged in conveying supplies and money to the army in Macedonia, or bringing other money and tribute from other countries to Brundusium.Encouraged by the numbers who were joining him, and by the good-will of all toward himself, he journeyed to Rome with a notable crowd which, like a torrent, grew larger and larger each day.Although he was safe from any open attacks by reason of the multitude surrounding him, he was all the more on his guard against secret ones,because almost all of those accompanying him were new acquaintances.



tatsuto English → Japanese
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Hi sorry I didn't get to you sooner, I work late. I receeved my purchas in the mail this week, but one game is a little teeked. Did your son use a action replay??




tatsuto English → Japanese
Original Text

He decided therefore to refrain from action, but to go to Rome, and having first arrived in Italy, to find out what had taken place after Caesar's murder, and to take counsel with the people there concerning the entire affair.His retinue then began preparations for the voyage. Alexander, pleading his age and ill health, returned to his home at Pergamum. The inhabitants of Apollonia came in multitudes and for some time affectionately begged Octavius to stay with them, saying that they would put the city to any use that he wished, out of good will toward him and reverence for the deceased. they thought that it would be better for him to await developments in a friendly city, since so many enemies were abroad.


それゆえに彼は行動を避け、ローマに戻る事にし、イタリアに入ったらまずCaesarの暗殺後何が起こっているか知り、状況を心配している人々に相談する事にした。そして彼の従者はその帰還の準備を始めた。歳を取り病気となっていたAlexanderはPergamumの彼の家に戻っていた。 Apolloniaの住人は何度もやって来て時には熱心にOctaviusに彼らと居るよう哀願した。彼らは市をOctaviusが望むよう役立てたいと、彼への良心と亡くなったCaesarへの畏敬の念から語っていた。彼らは外国には多くの敵がいるのだから、Octaviusは友好的なこの市での成長を待つほうが良いと考えていたのだ。

tatsuto English → Japanese
Original Text

Octavius asked permission to go home to see his mother, and when it was granted, he set out. When he reached the Janiculan Hill near Rome, a man who claimed to be the son of Marius came with a large crowd of people to meet him. He had taken also some women who were relatives of Caesar, for he was anxious to be enrolled in the family, and they testified to his descent. He did not succeed in persuading Atia at all, nor her sister, to make any false statement concerning their family; for the families of Caesar and Marius were very close, but this young man was really no relative whatever. So he came up to the young Caesar with a great multitude and tried to gain his authority also for being enrolled in the family.


Octaviusは母親に会う為、家に帰る許可を求め、承認が得られ出発した。ローマ近くのJaniculan Hillに着くと、Mariusの息子だと主張する若者が群集と共に彼に会いに来た。その若者はさらにCaesarの親戚である何人かの女性も連れていた。彼は一族として認められるよう切望していたので、彼女達は血縁関係を証言した。しかし彼は Atiaを全く納得させられないだけでなく、彼女の妹も納得しなかった。CaesarとMariusの家族はとても親しかったがこの若者は親戚でも何でもなかった。彼女らを説得出来なかったので若者は「若いCaesar」に親戚としての承認を求めにやって来たのだ。

tatsuto English → Japanese
Original Text

and if he convinced Caesar, then both they and the other relations would accede to his decision quite convinced; otherwise there could be no ground for their connection with him. In the meanwhile, until Caesar decided, he should not come to Octavius nor ask for anything that might be expected of a relative. Thus sensibly he answered and everyone there commended him; nevertheless the young fellow followed him all the way home.When he arrived in Rome he lodged near the house of Philippus and his mother, and passed his time with them, seldom leaving them, except at times when he wished to invite some of his young friends to dine with him. While he was in the City, he was declared a patrician by the Senate.


そして若者がCaesarを納得させれば、彼らと彼らの血縁関係が認められる、そうでなければ彼らの血縁関係には何の根拠も無いと言い、この若者が長い距離彼を追いかけてきたのにも係わらず、Caesarが決めるまでは、血縁関係その他の事でOctaviusのところに来ないようにと続けた。 このように分別良く、彼は若者とその若者を推薦する者たちに答えた。ローマに着くと彼はPhilippusとその母親の家に泊まり、自分の若い友達と食事をしたいと願う時以外は彼らと過ごし滅多にそこを離れる事が無かった。ローマ市内に居るとき、彼は議会から貴族に選ばれた。

tatsuto English → Japanese
Original Text

He proposed two basic ideologies, the first of which is called status frustration.
Status frustration is directed mainly to the young people of lower classes. There is no parallel between their own social realities and the rest of society's promoted goals. They become frustrated at the disadvantages and inequalities that they face, and this leads to Cohen’s second principle;
Reaction formation is the reaction from status frustration, and the young men of the lower classes find themselves replacing societies norms and values with alternative ones. I.e. instead of working hard being the common goal for respect, it may become a delinquent act like who commits the most vandalism to gain the respect.

