石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Some or all of the items you have ordered are subject to US Export Laws and Regulations. You, the party to whom final delivery or end-use will be made, have elected to export the items through your own Freight Forwarder, Forwarding Agent, or other U.S. Agent (Forwarder). Therefore, we are not responsible for this export. To properly comply with US Export Laws and Regulations, you must complete the Acknowledgement of Assumption of Export Responsibilities by the Foreign Principal Party in Interest (FPPI) Routed Export Transaction (Acknowledgement) located:
We require that you sign the above mentioned Acknowledgement prior to shipping your order to your appointed Forwarder.


ご注文のアイテムの一部若しくは全部は、米国の輸出法規の対象です。最終荷受若しくは最終需要当事者であるあなたは、ご自身の運送会社若しくは運送エージェント若しくはその他のエージェント(運送業者)を通じてこれらのアイテムを輸出することにお決めになりました。したがって、我々はこの輸出への責任を負っておりません。米国の輸出法規に適切に準拠するため、あなたは「利害関係のある外国の当事者本人(FPPI)による輸出責任前提確認書(the Acknowledgement of Assumption of Export Responsibilities )/所在地〇〇の特定経路取引(Routed Export Transaction)」(確認書)に記入しなければなりません。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

One of the last luxury services still in existence from the 18th century is perhaps the world's most prestigious dinnerware today. Flora Danica is reputed to be one of the most original and inspired products of the European art industry from the golden age of porcelain. NO LONGER IN PRODUCTION.

Here you are offered a Royal Copenhagen Flora Danica coffee cup & saucer. Hand painted, high quality piece.

From my father´s large collection of Flora Danica, 40 auctions listed today. All with NO RESERVE.

Condition : Perfect, 1. factory quality.

Latin name : Vaccinium Vilis Idaea

Number : 20/3597

Retail price $2500

Estimated value $1500

Size coffeecup : 7½ cm. tall/ 3" tall Saucer: 13 cm./5" in diameter



こちらのロイヤル・コペンハーゲンのフローラ・ダニカ コーヒーカップ&ソーサーを提供させていただきます。手描きの高級品です。
父の多数のフローラ・ダニカ コレクションから、今日は40点の競売品をお出ししました。ご予約にはなれません。

状態: 完全品、第一工場品質
ラテン名前: バクシニウム・ビリス・イデア 「田園の乙女」
品番: 20/3597
小売価格: 2,500ドル
見積り価格: 1,500ドル
サイズ: コーヒーカップ 高さ7.5cm/3インチ、ソーサー 直径13cm/5インチ

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Trust me on this, a week from now the extra 300 won't be missed, but the chance to get this watch at such a price may be gone.
They are sold out at all my urrent vendors, and the only other one for sale is sitting at around 2500 with no apparent desire to lower the price anytime soon. In fact I think they will probably raise their price once they discover that it is sold out! Let me know if this is ok with you, and if possibe, I wouldlike to ubmit to you a iret invoice fomr my store, so that we can save a substantial ammountin fees, and pass the savings on to you in the form of this reduced price.


当方のどのベンダーでも売り切れでして、唯一売りに出ているもう一点は2500ほどしており、どうも近々に値を下げる気はなさそうです。それどころか、いったん売り切れになっているとわかれば、もしかしたら値段を上げるかもしれません! これでよろしければお知らせください。またできたらですが、当店から直接請求書をお出ししたいと思います。そうすればかなりの手数料を節約でき、その節約分をあなた様に値引きの形でお回しできるわけですので。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

1.1 General Course of Play
Andean Abyss—unlike most card-assisted war games—does not use hands of cards. Instead, cards are played from the deck one at time, with one card ahead revealed to all players. Each Event card shows the order in which the Factions become Eligible to choose between the card’s Event or one of a menu of Operations and Special Activities. Executing an Event or Operation carries the penalty of rendering that Faction Ineligible to do so on the next card. Propaganda cards mixed in with the Event cards provide periodic opportunities for instant wins and for activities such as collecting resources and influencing popular sympathies.

1.2 Components
A complete set of Andean Abyss includes:


1.1 一般的なプレーの進め方
「アンデスの奈落(Andean Abyss)」は― たいていのカード使用型戦争ゲームと違い ― カードによる手づくりはありません。その代わり、あらかじめ一枚のカードをプレーヤー全員にさらしておき、カードデッキからカードを一枚ずつ引きます。各「イベント(Event)」カードは、党派(Factions)が「資格あり」になることができる命令を表します。資格とは、その命令によって、そのカードの「イベント」か、あるいは「作戦(Operations)」もしくは「特殊活動(Special Activities)」のメニューの一つかを選べる資格です。「イベント」か「作戦」を実行するとペナルティが科せられ、その党派は「資格なし」になって、次に出すカードではそれを実行できません。「イベント」カードと「プロパガンダ(Propaganda)」カードを組み合わせることによって、即時勝利と、資金を徴収したり大衆を感化して同情を得るなどのために活動する機会とが、周期的に与えられます。

1.2 「アンデスの奈落」のフルセットには以下のものが含まれます。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

1. Is it possible to remove 1500 grafts from the back of the head and then successfully plant all 1500 grafts on the front of the head?

Of course Nihimura, all recommended graft amount that will be taken from donor area will be transplanted in your recipient area(s) that you were trying to fill in.

2. What percentage of the hair planted on the front of the head will take?

If you are talking about the success rate of transplanted grafts, patient to patient it vary, as hair texture and growth of the hair in each individual is different. But Dr. Cole’s procedures has 95-98% success rate compare to all other physicians.

August 2nd will work just fine.

Your total procedure will be:

1000 X $6 =6000 if you want to get


1. 後頭部から1500の移植片を取り除いた後、全1500の移植片を前頭部にうまく移植するkとは可能ですか?


2. 前頭部に植えられる髪の何パーセンテージがつきますか?




1000 X 6ドル=6000

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

PRP and Acell with it as well,

for 1000 grafts you need dosage of 60 mg of PRP and ACell ( if you don’t choose to go over 1000 graft at the time of procedure) then

6000+ 60 mg of PRP Acell ($1200) = $7,200

Your total for procedure will be $ 7,200
Your deposit of $1800.00 will be due at the time of the scheduling, and the remaining balance of $5400.00 will be due 21 days prior to your surgery date which will July 12, 2012 ( if Procedure date: August 2, 2012)

Please note that all changes to your appointment must be made 21 days prior to your surgery date, and all balance should be paid by July 12, 2012. Any other changes to your procedure date or cancellation and no show up will result in total loss of your




6000 + PRP Acell 60mg(1200ドル)= 7,200ドル



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

procedure cost.

So, if you choose to take August 2nd for your 1000 graft non shaven ( $6) with PRP and Acell (60 mg =$1200.00), then please provide me with credit card number for initial deposit of $1800 and the card number for the remaining balance of $5400, or if the same card will be applied for remaining balance as well?

Let me know.
As we do have language barrier with you, we need to speak to someone who can speak English. Interpretation service doesn’t work well and we have hard time understanding your concern. Is someone will be travelling with you for your procedure who speaks English? Because we do not have translators here at the clinic who can help you out with English.
So please confirm.


=1200ドル)、とされたい場合は、当初保証金1800ドルをお支払いになるためのクレジットカード番号ならびに残金5400ドルをお支払いになるためのカード番号をお申し出ください、あるいは残金についても同じカードをお使いになりますか? お知らせください。

患者様とは言葉の障壁がありますので、英語を話すことができる方とお話する必要があります。通訳はうまくいかず、ご懸念を理解してさしあげるのが困難となっております。ご処置にともないどなたか英語を話せる方が同行されますか? 当クリニックには英語のお手伝いができる通訳がおりませんので。どうぞご確認をいただきますよう。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

We have just recived a special edition of the Ferrari 458 Spider by MR, this model is painted in the F1 Red color, it�s a Metallic red, with Black interior and black wheels, a very nice color cmbination.

All of these 25 pieces are set on a Tan leather base, which will be hand signed and numbered by Egidio Reali owner of MR Collection, they will also have a Plexiglass top with this disply case.

Out of the few we got only 2 of each has been decorated with Italian flag and a Black Stripe.

Please be advised that these two versions are not done by MR but by Autobarn and professionally applied, and looks perfect.


私どもではょうど、MRによるフェラーリ458 Spiderのスペシャル・エディションが入荷したばかりです。このモデルは、F1 レッドカラーでペイントされており、メタリック・レッドで、内装はブラック、ブラックホイールと、とてもよい配色です。

25点の部品がのすべてが、なめし皮のベース上にセットされ、そこにMR コレクションのオーナー、エギディウス・レアーリの直筆署名とナンバリングが入ります。またディスプレー・ケースはトップがプレクシガラスです。



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi,I am not an expert by any means but the first bears released in the usa were in the early 2000's. They included a pink,purple, mint and blue colors. Not a lot of people collected them and now they are worth a lot. Some time after their release disney auctions on ebay released several sets of what they called prototype or pre-production which meant they were used as models for the bears that were mass produced by disney. There are only a few of them in existance and most people do not know anything about them. We bought some from ebay and also bought some from a person on ebay for a lot less than what they paid because we liked them.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

At the current time, people still dont know much about them and did not know they were created. We may be the only ones besides a few others in the world who know about them. Eventually disney will release more info about them but until then, they are sort of a secret. As far as sales price go, they are worth less than the regular duffy bear. But over time they will be worth more than the regular duffy. We have a few of these and have bills to pay so we are selling some of ours. Its just hard to ask the price we think they are worth when people dont know about them, thats why we have such a low price.

