石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Computer science has widely been regarded as one of the fastest growing fields in the entire world, and that’s largely due to how broad the profession actually is. Computer scientists work with technology, code, and software. Almost every single business interfaces with one or more of these things on a regular basis, and the government is no different. The position of computer scientist boasts a whopping 37% projected growth rate, and that number is only expected to increase in the coming years. Lower level computer scientists are expected to have an associate degree at the least, while higher level positions are looking for bachelor’s or master’s degrees.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

#5 Economist ($94,000)
Economists make up a very small portion of overall government employment. As you can probably tell from the name, an economist is someone who, well, works in finance. They study and work with budgets, welfare programs, and taxes. They’re probably who you think of when you think of the average government employee. Their work may not be as glamorous as the work of a criminal investigator, but their work is still vitally important to the management of government spending and efficient use of tax dollars. As such, the average government economist has at least a master’s degree or higher. Seeing as this is such a low-demand position, you can bet that this hiring process is in very high demand.


#5 エコノミスト(94,000ドル)

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

#4 – General Engineer ($100,000)
The general engineer holds the honor of being the first six-figure salary in this article. Pretty much everyone knows that engineers usually make a lot of money. What, exactly, does a “general” engineer do? The term ‘general engineer’ applies to a vast quantity of more specific roles. For reference, general engineers are more frequently employed in the Department of Energy and in the Department of the Interior. Whether it’s biomedical or mechanical engineering, almost all engineers have a place in the government. Most government employers are fine with engineers who only possess an undergraduate degree.


#4 – 一般エンジニア(100,000ドル)

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

In fact, this position has one of the highest starting salaries for recent college graduates.
#3 – Financial Manager ($101,000)
If you were just looking at the position names, you may think that economists and financial managers fulfill the same duty. That would be a fair guess, but it would be an incorrect one. The position of financial manager is much larger and more rapidly growing than that of an economist. A government financial manager is a bit more hands-on than an economist — they draft reports, develop financial plans, and inform different financial decisions. Pretty much every government agency in the country has at least one financial manager, and they are very highly paid for their work.



#3 – 財務マネージャー(101,000ドル)
地位の名前だけを見ていたとしたら、エコノミストと財務マネージャーは同じ義務を果たしていると思うかもしれません。それはかなり近い推測ですが、誤ったものでしょう。財務マネージャーの地位は、はるかに大きく、エコノミストのそれよりも急速に拡大しています。政府の財務マネージャーは、もう少しですエコノミストより実際的で — レポートを書き、財務計画を作成し、様々な財務ディシジョンを知らせます。国のほとんどあらゆる政府機関に、少なくとも1人の財務マネージャーがいますし、その仕事はとても高給が払われています。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Each year, the Department of Justice hires thousands of men and women, asking them for aid in issues relating to investigation and intelligence. Whether this means reviewing cases to determine instances of insurance fraud or investigating crime scenes, there’s no limit to what a criminal investigator is able to do. However, this large paycheck comes with a bit of a price. A criminal investigator is often expected to work irregular hours, and their work is much more dangerous than that of, say, an architect.
#7 – Chemist ($90,000)
Chemistry is such a broad field that there is a laundry list of different roles in government that a chemist is able to perform.



#7 – 化学者(90,000ドル)