Shino Case (sweetshino) Translations

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Over 13 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

In this way you will be able to give public recognition to an employee for an extended period of time.
And visitors vendors, workers from other areas of the company, and executives from other parts of the building will be able to see the achievements of your workers and congratulate them.

A caution
Some words of caution here. Be consistent in making these awards. Do not expect one or two months to make all the difference you hope it will. Also, as you continue to make the awards, make the standards move up gradually. Finally, don't feel that everyone in the area must receive the award. An award for extraordinary work is just that, not a rotating award until everyone has a chance.




sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

By the end of the season, a player can nearly cover his helmet with these awards. So the player is recognized in front of teammates and gains recognition for his contributions to the success of the team by displaying his awards throughout the year to the fans.
Knowing that recognition is important, a boss must use this principle to motivate employees. Positive reinforcement and recognition should become regular and exciting for employees. The question is how to do it. There are many ways to offer recognition; it just takes a little imagination. It also takes discipline. Recognition is not something that can be done sporadically and achieve the desired result.



sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

To do this effectively, the cheerleader must be watching the game. A great boss must admit when mistakes have been made but find the correct encouragement to offer.

The little victories
By finding the little successes, a boss can be a cheerleader who will build confidence and loyalty in employees. A touchdown would be great, but a ten-yard run is certainly worth cheering about. If employees become confident that their little victories will be recognized, they will put lots of little victories together for a big win.
So take it as a part of your job as a boss to create a home team advantage for your employees and cheer them on.




sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

The very same principles are involved in being a cheer-leader in the workplace. A great boss cheers for the home team, the employees. Individuals aren't singled out publicly for making mistakes. When someone is involved in a good deal or makes a great decision, a great boss lets everyone know about it. A great boss doesn't give up on employees because of a mistake. A great boss encourages them to overcome the bad feelings and perform up to their potential.
By trumpeting the successes of employees to higher ranking executives, a great boss builds in the leadership confidence that a talented and winning team is on the field and will get the job done, even if members have suffered a temporary setback.



sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

The moves
But how does a cheerleader go about performing this all-'important task? It is probably more instructive to look at how cheerleaders don't do it. Cheerleaders are as aware of mistakes as anyone in the game. They don't ignore them. They don't single out a player who has made a mistake and lead jeers deriding the incompetence of the player.
They are involved, watching and encouraging the team to success. They don't hide in the locker room. They cheer for everyone to do their personal best. When a player makes an outstanding play, they cheer wildly. They all work to instill confidence in the players on the field.



sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

STEP 2 (RSS Syndication): Press releases are sent by RSS (Really Simple Syndication) to popular news sites. All press releases included in our RSS feed are automatically posted to approximately 5,000 popular news sites. This online visibility brings traffic, SEO benefit, and credibility to your news and website. STEP 3 (FTP): We also send your press release to newsrooms and Wire Service by FTP (File Transfer Protocol). The wire services and newsrooms then redistribute your press release to thousands of additional news outlets.STEP 4 (Email): We reach individual journalists by email. Your entire press release is sent to journalists (reporters, editors, etc) that cover the topic of your press release.


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sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

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