Shimauma (shimauma) Translations

ID Verified
Over 8 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

Every school in Japan has 7 ghost stories that terrify the students. If you know all seven stories, experienced them or heard about them, something terrible will happen to you. Only if you pass on the stories to someone else, you can free yourself from the curse. If you tell a story somebody, you will forget them immediately. It is how the stories stay hidden and only harm the one who is unlucky enough to know all seven.
Clair is a young American girl who got is new in Japan and got transferred to a Japanese high school. At first, the other students bully her and treat her like an outcast, but when it is almost Halloween, she suddenly finds herself extremely popular.



shimauma English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

You've chosen to skip login with PayPal One TouchTM when making purchases from this device: Phone Safari iOS 12.1.3.
That's great, because now when you pay with PayPal on this device, you'll skip login and can breeze through checkout on eligible apps and merchant websites. Every time you check out with One TouchTM, we'll renew your "turned on" setting for that device. This means that as long as you're using One TouchTM, you'll keep skipping login until you decide to turn it off. We'll still ask you to log in if you need to update your personal or financial info.


貴方は、デバイス「Phone Safari iOS 12.1.3」を使用して買い物をする際、ペイパルのワンタッチTMを使用し、ログインをスキップする選択をされました。

shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

OUTSIDE THE USA? IMPORTANT PLEASE READ! Parcels weighing more than 4 lbs (5+ single 12" records or more) exceed "First Class International" weight limits and can only be shipped "Priority International".

Important note: For high value orders at $100 or more, we require trackable shipping. This has little impact on domestic US shipments as our shipping fees reflect this service. However, this means that international orders must go via USPS Express Mail. This is the only trackable and insurable service we use. Note that USPS First Class or Priority Mail is not trackable. USPS Express Mail is expensive with a typical ballpark fee for one album being approximately $50.


米国以外に居住していますか?以下、重要なお知らせです!4ポンド以上(12インチのシングルレコード5枚以上)の重さの荷物は、発送方法「First Class International」の重量制限を超えますので、「Priority International」のみの発送となります。

重要事項:$100もしくはそれ以上の高額オーダーに関しましては、追跡可能な発送方法を使用します。送料は本サービスを反映しますので、米国国内の発送にほとんど影響はありません。しかしながら、海外からのオーダーについては、USPSの「Express Mail」を使用することになります。我々が使用している、追跡可能かつ補償のついたサービスは、これ以外にありません。USPSの「First Class or Priority Mail 」は、追跡可能ではないことをご承知おきください。USPSの「Express Mail」は、一枚のアルバムにつき、概算で$50と高額になっております。

shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

I called HMC this morning to ask why they had put a notice against your account and they told me that your account is currently undergoing an audit in the UK. HMRC carry out these audits to check whether sellers are being compliant. The audit does not necessarily mean that they have noticed any irregularities on the account.

However, on the 11th January 2019 they sent you an email requesting more information from your Amazon account. You had 7 days to reply to this email, otherwise they enforce a VAT notice.

It is this VAT notice that has triggered Amazon to suspend your account.

HMRC will not lift the VAT notice until the audit is complete.

You should be aware that the audit process can take several months







shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

I am glad to hear from you and for such quick response.

Below is the English version, could you send me it back in correct Japanese? I assume our newly hired Japanese is not writing it well.

“ Hope you're doing well

We appreciate that you are valued partner with AA Sports

It is observed that in Japanese market, prices on amazon stores are not correct. So it is requested to get in touch with your acccount manager and get the retail price from us.

We will take strict action against amazon stores who are not following suggested retail price from AA

Hope it's clear”

Waiting for your response





御社が、AA Sportsの良きパートナーであることに感謝いたします。



