Shin (shim80) Translations

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Over 8 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
IT Science
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shim80 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

I am very upset to tell you, there is a problem with Liling.. I finished her hair and wet it(like I always do) and picked her up tonight to put her eyelashes and eyebrows on, and the dye in the mohair ran and stained her face. It is Susan Nagal mohair, one of the best, and is expensive suppose to be premium hair. I tried to get pictures of it for you, hope you can see them.
I can either credit you , and put her deposit toward Bonnie, OR I will buy another kit and try to find mohair somewhere else. I can start Bonnie a while as I have her hair to root.. and Liling will be done later, OR you can put your deposit on another doll if you have one you would like?



shim80 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

What kind of crap is all over the blade? Did you try to paint it silver? If you think this is how you prepare a straight razor for sell or if you paid someone to prepare straight razors this way, I would suggest firing the idiot that paint or replates the blades. I have to strip all of this crap off before going back and preparing the straight razor the right way. This is Steel, just a little work will get it shiny and beautiful the first time around, not what ever process you do to fool someone into buying razors thinking it only has surface stains. You should put in your comments that you paint the blades.....I will make it look nice when I am done but dang,


ブレード全体の上にどんながらくたがありますか?あなたはそれを銀にペイントしてみましたか?これが売り物のストレートカミソリを準備する方法だと思っているとか、こんな風に準備するために誰かにお金を払った、とあなたが思っているのであれば、私はブレードを焼成した愚か者をクビにすることをお勧めします。私は戻ってストレートかみそりを正しく準備する前に、このがらくたすべてを取り除く必要があります。これは鉄で、ほんの少しの仕事で最初から輝き美しくなるし、それは表面の汚れがあるだけと考えてカミソリを買おうとした誰かを欺くための、どんな処理でもありません。 あなたはブレードをペイントしたとコメントに入れるべきです.....私が一回でもやれば、素敵に見えるようにできます