Risa Nagao (risa) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
risa English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Digital media advertisers, and managers can use this to target their campaign, and create better quality engagement within their target audience. Gone were the days whereby a successful campaign was judged superficially based on metrics such as number of page likes or page views.

What defines an effective campaign in my opinion today is all about creating relevant messages for your audiences. Great quality content should be top priority because it is all about creating conversations and meaningfully engage the community. By understanding your target audience, you would also be able to identify the influencers of that community. Win them over first, and your page likes are guaranteed to increase later.




risa English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

If you’re already engaged in the right conversations, are you in the right space? Consumption habits reveal that the Mobile Internet users are content and information hungry, often turning to mobile advertising to fulfil these needs. Think of how you can further engage the 55 percent of consumers who seek out mobile ads that provide downloadable content, and the 42 percent who love ads that help them discover great deals.

At the end day, it is all about rewarding your audience with a present that is only useful for them, but it must also something that they love. After all, the Modern Internet Users today can be very spoilt.


正しい会話に入りこめているとしたら、正しい場所にはいるだろうか? 消費性向を見ると、モバイルインターネットユーザはコンテンツや情報を欲しており、その欲求を満たすためにモバイル広告に目を向けることがあるとわかる。ダウンロードできるコンテンツを提供するモバイル広告を求める55%の消費者と、多くを知ることができる広告を好む42%の消費者をさらに引き込む方法を考えてみよう。


risa English → Japanese
Original Text

Grove is a modulated, ready-to-use tool set. Much like Lego, it takes a building block approach to assembling electronics. Compared with the traditional, complicated learning method of using a breadboard and various electronic components to assemble a project, Grove simplifies and condenses the learning process significantly. The Grove system consists of a base shield and various modules with standardized connectors. The base shield allows for easy connection of any microprocessor input or output from the Grove modules, and every Grove module addresses a single function, such as a simple button or a more complex heart rate sensor.



risa English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Dear yamahaya88102012,

That is something that the seller has to request, see here:


Please do so yourself. I should not have to go through the trouble, nor do I see a way for the buyer to do so.

I quite frankly am still not satisfied with the replacement product you sent. It is not a new item either..or with how it was strangely and loosely packed, again it did not match your description with how you SAY you pack things...but I did say that I would change the feedback, so as soon as you are able to submit it, I will change it. I just want this transaction behind me, and to not be bothered by it anymore.


yamahaya88102012 様





risa English → Japanese
Original Text

Electronic coupons can be used for ongoing or one-off discounts, for example when running a Groupon deal

Schedules can be integrated into any site.

Integrate SuperSaaS on website or Facebook page with a frame or link to the schedule with a "book now" button
Use your own domain name in the schedule address and to send confirmation e-mails
If you don’t have a website you can also send a reference to the schedule by email, or put it on Twitter or Facebook
We provide a free module for Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal that can automatically log in your users
Broken or mistyped web addresses are gracefully redirected to your schedule




SuperSaaSをウェブサイトやFacebookのページにフレーム付きで統合するか、「book now」ボタンでスケジュールへリンクすることができます

risa English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Stockbit, a Social Network for Indonesian Traders

Vertical social networks, which connect people with similar interests, are gaining a lot of attention nowadays in Indonesia. One example is Stockbit, a social networking community for Indonesian traders and investors.

Many traders and investors currently discuss stocks on Twitter, forums and blogs. However, information is still very much scattered and traders may not able to get the whole picture; it can take quite some effort for them to check all those sources one by one. Stockbit helps to solve that problem by integrating the information into one platform that is light, stable, and real-time.





risa English → Japanese
Original Text

Stockbit has been running since January of this year and has gained around 2,600 users so far with 700 daily visitors. Wellson admits that the trader market size in Indonesia isn’t that big; there are only 400,000 registered investors in the stock exchange database. Considering that half of those people could well be the older generation of people who don’t use the internet, Stockbit’s current market share might only be about 200,000 people. Despite these challenges, Wellson believes that traders are quite loyal when it comes to using valuable online tools like Stockbit, and there is also the fact that a new generation of tech savvy traders will be potential Stockbit users as they grow up.



risa English → Japanese
Original Text

Wellson told us that he plans to cooperate with a data provider company to offer a premium subscription model. This will include a complete profile of the company along with its fundamentals, such as stock and market data, that will help users research, analyze and make better investment decisions. He hopes to roll out that feature before the end of this year.

One of Stockbit’s competitors in Indonesia is Idsaham, which has the same news, charts, blogs, and comments features. But personally, I think that Stockbit is one step ahead in terms of the general ease of use. Will that be enough for it to beat out the competition? We’ll have to wait and see.



インドネシアにおけるStockbitの競合相手の1つは、同様のニュース、グラフ、ブログ、コメント機能を持つIdsahamだ。しかし著者個人の考えでは、全体的な使いやすさという面ではStockbitが1歩勝っていると思う。でもそれだけで競争に勝てるのだろうか? 見守る必要があるだろう。

risa English → Japanese
Original Text

BPI Updates Its Mobile App, Allows Users to Detect Nearest ATM

Earlier this week, we discussed the growth that is happening in the m-banking space in the Philippines. Today, the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) is continuing the theme by launching a major update to its BPI Express mobile app, intensifying its presence among mobile customers.

BPI’s mobile app, which is available in both the Apple App Store and Google Play, has already been around for a while. First launched in 2009, it is the first mobile banking app in the country, says BPI vice president Andy Navarrete Jr. He explains the new m-banking features in the updated app:



今週すでに、フィリピンのモバイルバンキングの成長についてここで取り上げた。今日、Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)がモバイルアプリのBPI Expressを大幅アップデートし、携帯電話からの顧客に対するプレゼンスを強化したことで、その話題は続く。

BPIの携帯用アプリがApple App StoreとGoogle Playで手に入るようになってからはしばらくが経つ。2009年にローンチされたこのアプリは、フィリピン初のモバイルバンキングアプリだと、BPIのヴァイスプレジデントであるAndy Navarrete Jr氏は語る。アップデートされたこのアプリの新しいモバイルバンキング機能について彼が説明してくれた: