Risa Nagao (risa) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
risa English → Japanese
Original Text

My plan of attack? After briefly considering an Ifttt recipe, I settled instead on the very handy Drafts app because of its ease of use. This uber-trendy text editor (which costs $2.99/¥250 in the App Store) could be used to input my weight in a snap on my iPod Touch and send it directly to a file in Dropbox, using the ‘Append to Dropbox’ action [2] — or something similar anyway. But why Dropbox? We want our weight to go into our Google Spreadsheet, right? Yes, but I’ll get to that in a moment. Under SETTINGS > CUSTOM ACTIONS > DROPBOX ACTIONS. I decided to make an entirely new action based on ‘Append to Dropbox’.


私の対処法は何かって? Iftttのレシピを一瞬考えてみたあと、その代わりにとても便利なDraftsアプリを使うことにした。使うのが簡単だからだ。このとってもおしゃれなテキストエディタ(アプリストアで2.99米ドルまたは250円で販売している)を使うことで、すぐに自分のiPod Touchに体重を入力し、「Append to Dropbox」[2]をしてDropboxに直接ファイルを送ったり、まあそんなようなことができた。でもどうしてDropboxなのか? 自分の体重をGoogle Spreadsheetに入力したいのだろう? その通り、でもそれについてはすぐに説明する。SETTINGS > CUSTOM ACTIONS > DROPBOX ACTIONSと進む。私は「Append to Dropbox」をベースとしてまったく新しいことをしようと決めたのだ。

risa English → Japanese
Original Text

Update May 30th – I thought perhaps there might be a way to get my weight chart to display on my desktop. And indeed there is! Geektool for Mac does the trick, with its image display function. Just publish your Google Chart as an image, and grab the image URL for use in Geektool. I also used a fun Doctor Who backdrop, and threw in the DateLine app as a fancier X-axis. I still need to adjust my graph’s grid lines though. But I like how its coming along! (See below)

1. Some of you readers are probably yelling at your screens right now that the Withings wifi scales is the logical solution here. But really, where’s the fun in that? Plus, I’m a writer. Writers are poor.


5月30日の更新――体重グラフをデスクトップに表示できる方法がないかと考えた。そして方法はあった! Mac用のGeektoolの画像表示機能がやってくれる。自分のGoogle Chartを画像として公開し、Geektool用に画像URLを取得すればいい。また、Doctor Whoの楽しい背景も使い、X軸をおしゃれにするためにDateLineアプリも使った。でもまだグラフのグリッド線を調整する必要がある。でも今の状態も気に入っている!(下を参照)

1. 読者の中には、そんなものWithingsのwifi体重計を使えばいいじゃないかとスクリーンに向かって叫んでいる人がいることだろう。でも、それだと何も面白くない。それに、私はライターだ。ライターはお金がない。

risa English → Japanese
Original Text

Sometimes it takes a last-minute surprise and a leap of faith to put a perfect ending on an album. Such was the case with Stickup Kid's "Tailwind," the late addition to their upcoming album Future Fire.

"About a month or so before we went in to track Future Fire at Jingletown in Oakland, Tony [Geravesh, vocals] told me he was working on a new song," explains guitarist Bo McDowell. "I thought it was insane to try and complete/demo/prep an entire song in less than a month when we had already been demoing/dissecting every song we already had."

It took only a brief listen to the song to ease McDowell's doubts about the late addition, however.


アルバムを最高な形で締めくくるには、最後にサプライズを仕掛けたり、信頼に基づく賭けをしてみることが必要なこともある。Stickup Kidが発売予定のアルバム『Future Fire』に追加収録することを最後に決めた『Tailwind』もそのようなケースだった。

「俺たちがオークランド市のJingletownに『Future Fire』の作業をしに行く1か月くらい前、トニー(・ゲラベッシュ。ボーカル)が新曲を作っていると言ってきたんだ」とギタリストのボウ・マクダウェルは話す。「もう全部の曲をデモ録りして細かく検討したあとなのに、1か月以内に1曲を丸ごと完成させてデモ録りをして用意しようとするなんて、ばかげていると思った」


risa English → Japanese
Original Text

The band formally announced that they were writing earlier this year. No title or timeframe for record has yet been disclosed. According to the group, they're not likely to self-release the album, as they opted to do with their upcoming TAYF10 Acoustic film and record, but they're "still figuring out" the specifics.

Though this marks Taking Back Sunday's sixth album overall, it will be the third with its current lineup, making John Nolan the first co-vocalist/guitarist to appear on more than two of band's releases. The current, Tell All Your Friends-era lineup reunited in 2010, and released a self-titled album in 2011.


そのバンドは今年に入ってから作曲を行っていると公式に発表した。タイトルと発売時期はまだ明かされていない。映像と音楽を収めたTAYF10 Acousticはセルフリリースする予定だが、今回のアルバムはそうするつもりはないという。しかし具体的なことについてはまだ「考え中」だという。


risa English → Japanese
Original Text

And as translators, we need to learn about them and find the ones that fit our needs perfectly.

Having too many tools can also be overwhelming. Finding the right ones for our needs is the key to success. No one needs thousands of dictionaries when we can have that one or two covering all domains of our work. You have to know where to look for references for your segment. For example, many translators help themselves with Microsoft Language Portal when they need to translate tech terms into multiple languages. Reading articles, books and following news from other countries will also help you maintain high standards and adding neologisms to the known vocabulary on regular basis is inevitable.




risa English → Japanese
Original Text

Your reputation is sometimes more important than your work, as your clients can’t evaluate the quality of your work due to lack of understanding of a certain language. Result delivery is the easiest thing to monitor, therefore don’t play with it! If you are not sure whether you can deliver a proper translation within the requested timeframe, ask for an extension of the deadline. Always work fast and avoid submitting work last minute. Give yourself an assurance that in case the workload is greater than expected you could still be able to work without feeling pressured or having to submit a low quality text. Keep in mind that there are many freelancers on the market.



risa English → Japanese
Original Text

The more your work, the better you get. And with quality comes a larger amount of better-paid requests that gradually develop you into an expert. Results of your work serve as a future motivation and you can clearly see which career path suits you best. You can’t become an established translator overnight, but if you work hard, you can gradually build up your skillset, vocabulary, experience, as well as the client base. Accept different projects and try out as many things as possible. Only this way you will recognize your best talent and find methods to improve any disadvantages you might have. Becoming a translator is an ongoing process and your efforts definitely pay off.



risa English → Japanese
Original Text

My system shoes part of this order is due to be delivered today and part of it was send back due to incomplete address (I'm not sure why) but I will fix it and have them out to you as soon as possible.

Also I will need payment on the new invoices immediately to secure the a good price and get you the item early. Otherwise I can not accept the order without payment, and my supplier requests immediate payment when placing order. I hope you understand. You are are great customer. Thanks you for understanding and patience. I will always due my best to get you the lowest prices.

All the best,
Woody D




Woody D