Risa Nagao (risa) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
risa English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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You may withdraw from the sale within two (2) weeks without any justification, as long as you send your cancellation in writing (letter, fax, e-mail) or if you return the goods to us. If you are a professional buyer or freelancer the current statutory provisions for the return of goods shall apply. The time frame for the return of goods begins once you have received the goods. Your cancellation request will be considered to have been submitted on time if your written notification or the goods are sent back within the timeframe mentioned above. Please send your goods to:

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The buyer is responsible for all shippings costs related to the return of the goods.





risa English → Japanese
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The new merger will take the name DocDoc, bearing the same DocDoc logo design but wearing the corporate colours of DoctorPage (pictured right). It will have a large slice of the pie in the Singapore market, with a substantial presence in South Korea. DocDoc president Max-F. Scheichenost also revealed that three new countries are in the pipeline, too.

The resulting management team will see Grace Park, who boasts over 10 years of healthcare experience, reigning as CEO; Dawn Soo, who is a medical physician by training, as COO; Daniel Endres, former entrepreneur-in-residence at DailyDeal GmbH and operations manager at home24, as CIO; and Jon Samsel, managing director and founder at RoadLoans, as CMO.


今回の合併ではDocDocの社名が採用され、ロゴもDocDocのものになるが、コーポレートカラーはDoctorPageのものを採用する(右に画像有)。これによりシンガポール市場では大きなシェアを獲得することとなり、韓国でもかなり大きなプレゼンスを示すことになる。DocDocの社長Max-F. Scheichenost氏によると、新たに3か国がパイプラインに加わるということだ。

新しいマネジメントチームには、ヘルスケア業界で10年以上の経験を持つGrace Park氏がCEOを務め、COOには内科医としての教育を受けた経験のあるDawn Soo氏、CIOにはDailyDeal GmbHの元客員企業家でありhome24でのオペレーション担当マネージャーの経験もあるDaniel Endres氏、CMOにはRoadLoansの専務であり創設者のJon Samsel氏が登用された。

risa English → Japanese
Original Text

As such, it is expected that an "iPhone 5S" will feature largely the same design as the current iPhone 5, with the most obvious external change being a new dual LED camera flash for improved low-light photos. These details match up with a leaked schematic provided to AppleInsider earlier this month.

Perhaps the biggest mystery, however, is whether the next iPhone will include the much-rumored fingerprint sensor under the home button. Well-connected analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has claimed that the 2013 iPhone will add such a feature, but to date none of the alleged hardware leaks have indicated that the feature will be included.


というわけで、「iPhone 5S」は現在のiPhone 5と大体同じデザインになると考えられ、外見の変更で最も目立つものは微光写真の精度を上げるための2つのLEDカメラ用フラッシュとなります。これらの詳細な情報は、今月にAppleInsiderにリークした回路図と一致します。

しかし最大の謎は、次期iPhoneのホームボタンの下部分に、盛んに噂されている指紋センサーが付くのかどうかということかもしれません。有力な人脈のあるアナリストのMing-Chi Kuo氏によると2013年のiPhoneにはそのような機能が付くとのことですが、今のところこのiPhoneの流出情報だと思われるものにはその機能が付くことを示すものはありません。

risa English → Japanese
Original Text

I have problem with my Luminox bought from you. It just stopped working. Seems like second hand gets stuck somehow, I’m not sure. I changed battery on after few hours stopped again. Chrono is working properly but clock not. If I give it a tap on the glass sometimes starts to run but soon gets stuck again. Any suggestions?

Thanks for replying. In your opinion is DL 103R much better then DL 103 ?
What is your best price for DL103 including shipping?

About the service fee, I am thinking $10 for a single parcel which does not require consolidation and $15 for multiple parcels need consolidation.
Please let me know your thoughts.



返信ありがとうございます。DL 103よりDL 103Rの方がずっとよいということですか?
配送料を含めるとDL 103の最低価格はいくらになりますか?


risa English → Japanese
Original Text

I see that eBay Item number : ○○ ) already purchased 20 unites could be i am making a mistake, anyways before i ship out that order please let me know if you want an additional 20 units or just the first 20

The units we have are new in bulk. There may be some slight blemishes on the device due to the non-existent packaging. The best price we can do is $○○. These are on closeout and we only have 50 pieces left.

I will send you a separate mail with some point on the wholesale later on today.

All goods are total new item, not used or second-hand.
if you want one pc per each item, please find them at your local market and it will be economic to you.
If your quantity is under 200pcs/item, Unit price is no difference .






risa English → Japanese
Original Text

What is expected out of us… seems to perplex me - Joe Trohman on fan interactions

Fall Out Boy's Joe Trohman has posted a personal blog, reflecting on the expectations of fans and their interaction with the band

In his post, Joe speaks about his own history of going to shows, and how he viewed his relationship with the bands he idolized.


There has been a considerable amount of chatter lately from some Fall Out Boy fans in regard to what we, as a band, do with our time after we play a show for you guys. Certain folks feel entitled to certain things. What is expected out of us, past a great rock show, seems to perplex me


俺たちに期待されていることが……俺を困惑させているようだ――ファンとのやりとりについてのJoe Trohmanの言葉

Fall Out BoyのJoe Trohmanが個人のブログで、ファンからの期待と、ファンとバンドの交流について語った。



最近、バンドとしての俺たちが君たちのためにライブをやった後に何をしているかについて一部のFall Out Boyのファンが話しているのを聞くことがあまりに多い。ある人々はあることに対して権利を持っていると感じている。すばらしいロックショウ以上に俺たちに期待されているものが、俺を困惑させているようだ。

risa English → Japanese
Original Text

That was always enough for me, and my friends. Maybe we wanted a shirt too. But we never waited by the gate to meet Petty. It never made sense to me. The same with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Jesus Lizard, NIN, or the multitude of punk rock/hardcore bands I’ve seen over the past many many years.

Maybe if I ran into them I’d love to say, “Great show!”. But they gave me what I came for. A show. I didn’t come for a picture, or an autograph. I came for an experience. They already gave me hours of their lives, and passionately.

And I knew they appreciated me being there. They didn’t have to tell me personally. That wasn’t the point. That never, EVER, crossed my mind even.


俺や友達にはそれで十分だった。シャツは欲しかったけど。でもPettyに会おうとゲートの前で待つことなんてなかった。そんなのはおかしいと思った。Red Hot Chili Peppersやthe Jesus LizardやNINなど、俺が今まで何年も見てきた多くのパンクロックやハードコアのバンドについても同じだ。



risa English → Japanese
Original Text

5 great mobile writing apps for iOS, and how to use them [Video]

This is part of our series of articles (RSS) where we share some of our favorite technology tools. Like you, we’re pretty enthusiastic about new ways to geek out, and we hope to share some of that here. Let us know what you think.

If you live here in Japan, you probably know what it’s like to be standing on a crowded train. Most of us spend that time with some mobile games, or messaging with friends. But you can get a lot of work done too if you try, and I’m finding lately that there are more apps available than ever before that can enable you to write on a mobile with ease. Since my work is primarily writing and editing, this is a wonderful thing!


5つのiOS対応の携帯電話用文書作成アプリと、その使い方 [映像]

