PinkPanda (pinkrose1122) Translations

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Over 6 years ago Female
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
pinkrose1122 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

1.What is Electricity?
Q: We all know that so many things are connected toelectricity, such as lamp, TV, air conditioner, can you tell me what is electricity?
A: Electricity is just an abstract definition,
it exists in everywhere in our daily life. Actually, it can be defined as one kind of energy that referred as the movement of sub-atomic particles (with their electrical charges) through a material due to an electrical charge outside the material. There are some obvious phenomena happens in our daily life, such as lightening and static electricity, and magnetism.

2.Who Discovered Electricity?
- A: I am going to tell you a story about it that can be traced back to at least 600 BCE.


1. 電気とは何でしょう?
Q: 私たちは電灯、テレビ、エアコンなど、たくさんのものが電気とつながっていることは知っていますね、では電気とは何でしょうか?
A: 電気とは、ちょとおおまかな言い方ですが、私たちの毎日の生活の中のいろいろなところにあるものです。それは、物質の外側にある電子を出したり貯めたりすることによって、その物質を通して原子をつくっている粒子(と粒子が持っていろいろな電気現象を起こすもとになるもの)が移動することによっておこるエネルギーの1つだと言えます。私たちの生活の中でもカミナリや静電気、磁気など、いくつかの現象がよく起こっています。

2. 誰が電気を発見したのでしょう?
A: これから、そのことについてお話しましょう。少なくとも西暦紀元前600年の昔にさかのぼります。

pinkrose1122 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

In 1799, the Italian scientists Alessandro Volta went on to create a “voltaic pile" consisting of alternate layers of copper and zinc separated by paper soaked in salt water. This generated a larger Current and is credited as the first battery. In 1821,the English scientists Michael Faraday discovered the first electric motor in the world, even though it was very simple, nowadays, all the other motors that we use today aregenerated from that one. Ten years later, Faraday contributed to the world with his second crucial invention, dynamo.In 1866, the first industrial dynamo was invented by a German called Siemens.

6.Unit of Electricity
Q: All physical quantities have unit, how about



6. 電気の単位
Q: すでての数えられる物には単位があります。電気はどうなのでしょう?

pinkrose1122 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Located at 1777 Ala Moana Blvd in Honolulu’s Waikiki neighborhood, the IIikai Apartments are a great location to consider if living close to the water is a top priority during your condo hunt. Situated just steps from the Ala Wai Boat Harbor and Kahanamoku Lagoon, condos for sale at IIikai Apartments couldn’t be much closer to Waikiki’s iconic oceanfront, not to mention a wide range of area restaurants, boutiques, and local parks and green spaces.

Despite being built back in the early 1960s, most of the building’s common areas and living spaces have since been fully updated and remodeled, consequently attracting plenty of today’s modern home buyers who want a fresh look and feel.


ホノルルの、ワイキキ近隣の1777 Ala Moana Blvdに建つIIikai Apartmentsは、海の近くに住むことをお考えの方にとって最適な場所にあり、コンドミニアムをお探しの方には最良の物件です。Ala Waiボートハーバーやカハナモクラグーンのまさにすぐ近くに位置し、広範囲に及ぶ数々のレストラン、ブティック、地元の公園や緑地はもちろんのこと、IIikai Apartmentsのコンドミニアムのなかで、こんなにワイキキのシンボルである海岸に近い売り物件はありません。


pinkrose1122 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

and surprisingly modern even despite the building being built back in the 1970s. Most units have of course since been updated with newer interiors since construction, however, every now and then you’ll find a true gem that’s still in its original condition. Amenities at the Aloha Towers in Waikiki include a locked lobby with guard service, a mini tennis court, a swimming pool, a hot tub, barbecue areas, and also on-site parking. Compared to many of the newer condo developments in Waikiki, condos for sale at Aloha Towers are definitely considered to be a more affordable option in the neighborhood, with most 1-bedroom units priced somewhere near the low- to mid-$400s.


そして1970年代に建てられた建物にもかかわらず、驚くほど近代的です。もちろんほとんどの建設当初の設備は新しいインテリアに改装されいますが、今でもオリジナルの状態にあった魅力な部分も目にすることができると思います。ワイキキのthe Aloha Towersの設備には、警備サービスの付いたロック式のロビー、ミニテニスコート、プール、ホットタブ、バーベキューエリア、敷地内の駐車場などがあります。ワイキキの多くの新しいコンドミニアムと比べても、Aloha Towers の売り物件は近隣の中で、ほとんどの1ベッドルームが400ドル前半から中間といったような間違いなくお求め易い物件です。