ozeyuta Translations

ID Unverified
Over 13 years ago
Spanish Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ozeyuta English → Japanese
Original Text

The package that arrived from C Park contains a lighter with fluid which is flammable and therefore prohibited to ship internationally. Please review the options below and advise what you would like us to do with this merchandise.

1. Empty lighter, if possible. The charge for this service is $10.

2. Ship to a US address. The cost to ship 1lb within the US is approximately $9.56. Please let us know the complete shipping address with phone number if you choose this option.

3. Return to Merchant. Please contact the merchant to inquire about the return policy and procedure and to request a prepaid return shipping label. There is a $7 fee in order to do this.

4. Discard


C Park から届いた荷物の中に可燃性のオイル燃料充填済みライターが入っていますので、海外発送が禁止されました。下記の選択肢を再検討して、この商品をどうされたいかお知らせください。





ozeyuta English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

How do I learn? The second thing to know about how one performs is to know how one learns. Many first-class writers - Winston Churchill is but one example -do poorly in school. They tend to remember their schooling as pure torture. Yet few of their classmates remember it the same way. They may not have enjoyed the school very much, but the worst they suffered was boredom.
The explanation is that writers do not, as a rule, learn by listening and reading. They learn by writ-ing. Because schools do not allow them to learn this way, they get poor grades.
Schools everywhere are organized on the assumption that there is only one right way to learn and that it is the same way for everybody.


どのように私は学ぼうか?人がいかにして物事を達成するかについて知るための2つ目 は、人はどのように学ぶかである。一流の書き手-ウィンストン・チャーチルはほんの一例である-で学業の振るわなかったものは少なくない。彼らは学校での教育を苦悩そのものだと振り返ることが多いが、クラスメートで彼らと同じように記憶しているものはほとんどいない。彼らは学校生活を満喫することはなかっただろう、しかし最悪なのは退屈でしかたなかったことである。

ozeyuta English → Japanese
Original Text

Not a problem. I have noticed that you bid on several other items. I will have to ship them separately. You can not ship more than 4-5 items at a time. If you ship more than 4-5 items, you need to do additional customs paperwork. It is never easy in Russia:) I am planning on going to Russian Customs Department next week to find out what paperwork is necessary,if shipment is more than 5 items.

I pick up the goods at customs, and now I can ship via UPS. Everything will be fine. You will receive your product. On Monday morning I will take packages to the UPS office and they will ship. I'll tell you the invoice number for tracking purposes.


心配ございません。お客様が他のいくつもの商品に入札されているのに気づきました。それらは別々に配送しなければならないでしょう。品物は4-5個以上一度には配送できません。その際は関税の追加事務処理が必要となるでしょう。ロシアではなかなか簡単にことが運ばないものです:)  来週ロシアの連邦税関局に行って、点数5個以上の配送となる場合どのような事務処理が必要なのか調べてくることにします。


ozeyuta English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text


Fantastic KING FLYING SAUCER from the 60s - Made in Japan by KO Yoshiya. This saucer is in mint or next to mint condition - comes from old store stock - never played with. It is also in great working conditon, moves foreward with bump and go action - moves up and down & with rooting lights inside. The fantastic KING FLYING SAUCER comes in its scarce original box. The box is also all original with original inserts & strong colours in crisp condition. Only a very tiny repair at the edge - otherwise mint condition. Please have a look at all the pictures also - Thank you very much!


すてきな60年代キングフライングソーサー-日本製・KO吉屋製 古い店舗用ストックにあったソーサーで新品同様あるいはほぼ新品同様のコンディション、未使用です。動作もすばらしいコンディションで、エンジン音を立てて前進し、ミステリー走行・探索ライト点滅等の動作も行います。レアな元箱入りで、目の覚めるそうな鮮やかな色です。オリジナルの説明書つき(新品同様コンディション)。へりにごく小さな修繕箇所があるだけで、その他は新品同様です。他の写真もすべてごらんください。どうもありがとうごさいます!

ozeyuta English → Japanese
Original Text

Please check all pending orders as there is no way that we sent 8 wrong items.
Correct me if I mistaken in understanding what you are telling me, however it looks like you're saying there were 8 wrong helmets sent.
We special in almost all of the helmets we send so that is almost impossible for there to be any wrong. However if you insist you may send the items back and we will double check them against your multiple orders.
Also the items you have not received I am sure are just in transit or processing.
Thank you, and I apologize if I misunderstood your email.



ozeyuta English → Japanese
Original Text

Jeworrek reportedly noted that Munich Re is disproportionately represented in the U.S. He also added that he sees great potential also in Asian and Latin America.

Munich Re had acquired American specialty insurance provider Midland Co. for $1.3 billion in April 2008, and it acquired Hartford Steam Boiler and Inspection Co., a subsidiary of HSB Group, Inc., in April 2009.

Earlier in the month, Munich Re posted a quarterly loss of 948 million euros, due to heavy claims burdens from the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Despite this smaller-than-expected quarterly loss, Munich Re still expects to record a profit for the current financial year.



ozeyuta English → Japanese
Original Text

The majority of synthetic and regenerated cellulose fibers are crimped after spinning in order to possess natural appearance and texture ,warmth and handle.Depending on the circumstances in processing,fibers may experience complex combinations of tensile,compression,flexural and torsional,deformation,abrasion,etc.that may cause a variety of fiber damages.One of the most important applications of microscopy of textile fibers is in the study of damage.In this study optical microsopy and scanning electron microscopy were used study the surface characteristic of lyocell fibers.More importantly,kink bands with sharp ridges and transverse lines in crimped lyocell fibers were observed.


大多数の合成繊維や再生セルロースファイバーは紡糸後、自然な外観やテクスチャー、暖かさや手触りを得るためけん縮加工される。工程の状況に応じて繊維は、様々なダメージの要因となりうる引張・圧縮・曲げ・ねじれからなる複合的コンビネーション加工や変形・磨耗等にさらされる。布地繊維への顕微鏡利用について最も重要なもののひとつとしてはダメージの研究へが挙げられる。この研究において光学顕微鏡と走査型電子顕微鏡が用いられた。リヨセル繊維の外観特質の研究 さらに重要なことは、けん縮リヨセル繊維に鮮明な隆起をともなうキンクバンドと横方向の線が観察されたことである。

ozeyuta English → Japanese
Original Text

So for now we think that the best way ( and it seems for us quite normal) is to refund you and if you agree with that proposal we will ask to our PAYPAL consultant to refund you right now They certainly send you an email to confirm that

But we will keep your order in our list in the primary order of the arrivals and if we receive the RADEX 1503 or a similar counter we will contact you and If you need some at this time we will propose you to re order and we will send them immediatly

If you have any question don't hesitate to contact us
We are really very sorry again and we really want to present you all our biggest appologizes



