oier9 (oier9) Translations

4.8 1 reviews
ID Unverified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

2. Drafts

I actually used Drafts to write this post, so naturally it is going to make my list (and it’s also the editor you see in the demo video above). Drafts is a useful text editor when you need to write something quick. Just open it up and there’s a blank page just waiting for input.

Once you’re finished writing, you can send your note to just about any destination you wish: Facebook, Twitter, Email, Evernote, Dropbox, or a different text editor. I often use this last option, but there is a wide range of Draft Actions that you can perform on your text. You can even write your own, as I did for my recent ‘data diet’ hack. This app might be my favorite on this entire list because it is so versatile.


2 Drafts


書き終わったら、だいたいどんな宛先にも(FacebookやTwitter、メール、Evernote、Dropbox、その他のテキストエディタ)このメモを好きに送ることができる。この最後の機能は頻繁に利用しているが、Draft Actionsには自分のテキスト上で使える幅広い機能がある。私が先日「データダイエット」のコツを書いたように、あなたも自分のテキストエディタで書くこともできる。汎用性が高いので、このリストの中では私が一番気に入っているアプリといっていいだろう。

oier9 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I want to thank you all for taking the time to meet with us and sharing your hospitality and generosity.
It was so great to see your mother and grandmother looking and living well for a centenarian. (someone over 100yrs old) Keiko san you are amazing.
Thank you for your tireless love and work taking care of my Aunt and my mom's sister.

I especially enjoyed getting to know you all better.
I hope someday you come and visit me in Boston or make a trip to Hawaii to visit Kazuko and Hiromi.
Robert is moving with his family to Boston next month.

I would really love to continue to keep in touch with you via email or may be sometime we should try Skype.
That would be fun.





oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

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oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

"This track is about being in the presence of people who don't understand common courtesy. They've completely lost the ability to treat people like human beings," says drummer Andrew Oliver.

"We all have differences that set us apart from one another, but I take pride in my open mindedness and my unconditional honor towards lifestyles I don't necessarily understand. I appreciate the truly remarkable, mature, considerate, connected, gentle people I've met in my journey. You just have to learn from every experience you endure, good or bad. I'd like to say I am happy all the time, but there's lot to learn by getting through the dark side of the spectrum."


「この曲は、一般的な礼儀を理解していない人たちの前に置かれようとしているんだ。人を人として扱う能力を完全に失ってしまっている人たちのね。」ドラマーのAndrew Oliverはそう述べている。
