nanten Translations

5.0 1 reviews
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Almost 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nanten English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text


Micromax Laptab

- India’s Micromax steps onto world stage with dual-boot Android/Windows LapTab
- Dual-boots Android 4.2.2 or Windows 8.1
- Goes on sale in February; price unknown

Intel has made it clear that it thinks hybrid laptop-tablets are what consumers want, and a few manufacturers have responded quickly with Intel powered Frakenstein machines. One of these is Micromax’s Laptab, which has a 10.1-inch screen at 1280×800 pixels. It’s touchscreen, of course, and you can choose to run Android 4.2.2 or Microsoft’s Windows 8.1. It’s an interesting move to go global by Micromax.




- インドのMicromaxはAndroid/Windowsのデュアルブートのラップトップで世界の舞台へと踏み出した。
- Android 4.2.2とWindows 8.1のデュアルブート
- 2月に発売;価格未定

Intelは消費者が求めているのはハイブリッドのラップトップだと考えていることを明らかにした。そしていくつのかの製造業者がIntel推進のフランケンシュタインマシンに敏速に反応した。そのひとつが10.1インチ、1280×800ピクセルのスクリーンを持つMicromaxのラップトップである。もちろんこれはタッチスクリーンを持ち、Android 4.2.2とMicrosoft’s Windows 8.1のどちらで起動するかを選ぶことが出来る。Micromaxによって世界的になると言うのは面白い動きだ。

nanten English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text


OnePlus smartphone

- New brand from China
- Will run CyanogenMod OS
- To be unveiled in first half of year; no price yet

China has no shortage of homegrown phone-makers, and CES saw the launch of yet another. OnePlus, created by a former executive at Oppo, is a new brand with global ambitions. Details on its first phone – the OnePlus One – are scarce except that it’ll run a version of CyanogenMod, the popular Android ROM beloved of Android geeks.

Oppo will build the hardware for OnePlus (at this early stage at least). Oppo already created the first ever CyanogenMod phone with its Oppo N1.




- CyanogenMod OSで起動
- 上半期中に明らかになる;未だ価格未定

中国は自家製の電話機メーカーには事欠かないが、CESは新たなメーカーのローンチを確認した。Oppoの元役員たちによって設立されたOnePlusは、世界的な野心を持つ新しいブランドである。最初の電話であるthe OnePlus OneはCyanogenModのとあるバージョンで動くと言うことを除けば特徴に乏しい。CyanogenModとはAndroidのギーク達に愛されている有名なAndroid ROMである。

OppoはOnePlusのためのハードウェアを構築する予定である(少なくとも今のようなブランドの初期段階においては)。OppoはすでにOppo N1でCyanogenModフォンを作っている。

nanten English → Japanese
Original Text

WSJ: Apple to build cheaper iPhone as smartphone dominance slips

In a tweet on Tuesday, The Wall Street Journal claimed Apple is currently working on a cheaper iPhone that could hit the market as soon as this year.

Coming just hours after DigiTimes said Apple would be releasing a less expensive iPhone with a larger 5-inch screen, The Journal tweeted an identical message seemingly corroborating the earlier report.

According to people briefed on the matter, Apple is reportedly looking to a new audience with the less expensive iPhone, a move the WSJ claims is in response to slipping smartphone supremacy.



火曜日のツイートで、Wall Street JournalはAppleが現在低価格のiPhoneに取り組んでおり、今年中にも市場に出ると主張した。



nanten English → Japanese
Original Text

A bio-quest for ever

Exploring New Business Opportunities: Possibilities of Joint Venture

This presentation is confidential and is owned by XX
Unauthorized usage or disclosure of all the information in it is strictly prohibited

Our Vision
To be the best in the diagnostic field, make diagnostics affordable and easily available to the common man

Our Mission
To achieve excellence in biotechnology and utilize its power for the good of humanity and ensure that the corporate objectives are met

We are a Mumbai based company manufacturing human native antigens, recombinant antigens and proteins of diagnostic importance

We are also having facility to produce monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies as well as cell–derived antigens









nanten English → Japanese
Original Text

Degree of protection against electric shock: Type B
Type B protection means that this equipment will comply with
EN 60601-1/ Medical Electrical Equipment Part 1:
IEC 60601-1 General Requirements for safety

EN 60601-1-2/ Standard for electromagnetic compatibility
IEC 60601-1-2 requirements for medical electrical equipment

U.S. Federal law restricts this device to use on or by the order of a physician.
Degree of protection against harmful ingress of water: Ordinary equipment Mode of operation: design for continuous operation
Degree of safety of application in the presence of a FLAMMABLE ANAESTHETIC MIXTURE WITH AIR OR WITH OXYGEN OR NITROUS OXIDE:
Do not use in the presence of flammable anaesthetics


タイプBの保護はEN 60601-1/医療用電気機器パート1に対応しているということを意味します。
IEC 60601-1は安全のために一般的に必要です。

EN 60601-1-2/ は電磁環境適合性のための基準です。
IEC 60601-1-2 は医療用電気機器に必要です。


nanten English → Japanese
Original Text

2.Briefly press the POWER button to select C or D mode. The default setting isC mode.
3.Press PITCH to adjustA4 from 440 - 449Hz {1Hz steps),see the table above.
4.Piay a single nota on your instrument. The display will show the name of the note closest to the pitch detected. Tune your instrument until the LCD shows the correct note nama.
7. "X" will save the settings automatically each time it is turned off.

LCD Interface LCDインターフェース
Note Name

• Tuning scale:
• Tuning mode:
• Tuning range:
• Calibration:
• Precision: :1: 1 cent
• Response Time: <20 ms
• Power: 3V (CR2032 lithium battery)
• Power consumption: Tuning mode: <10mA
• Dimension:
• Weight:25g

• User manual
• ac mark
• CR20321ithium battery




• チューニング音階:
• チューニングモード:
• チューニング範囲:
• 補正:
• 精度::1: 1 セント
• 応答時間:<20ms
• 電力:3V(CR2032リチウム電池)
• 電力消費:チューニング・モード:<10mA
• 大きさ:
• 重さ:25g

• ユーザー・マニュアル
• acマーク
• CR2032リチウムバッテリー

nanten English → Japanese
Original Text

4.Piay a single nota on your instrument. The display will show the name of the note closest to the pitch detected. Tune your instrument until the LCD shows the correct note nama.
5.Piay another single note on your instrument, If the LCD Is orange and the"left triangle" LED flashes that means the note is flat. lfthe "right triangle" LED flashes, that means the note is sharp. When the "Triangle LED" f lashes fast your instrument is far away from the correct pitch, If the "Triangle LED" flashes slowly your instrument is close to the correct pitch. Tune your instrument until the LEOs and LCD change to green.
6. T-52Uwill turn off automatically after 5 minutes if there is no detected signal.

Tuning range
Response Time




nanten English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you and congratulations on your purchase of the "X" Ukulele tuner. Using proprietary tuning
software, the "X" tunas faster and more accurately than other tuners of its kind.

"X" is a clip-on tuner. The portable design makes it easy to go with you. The display can be easily rotated in different directions and angles for better viewing.

Installing the battery
Rotate the battery cover until the compartment opens. Pop the battery out,replace with a new one replace the cover and rotate clockwise until it locks.
Pay attention to polarity.

1.Press and hold POWER for 2 seconds to turn on/off the "X" . Every time you the power on, all Icons will be displayed turn for 1 second. The "X" will turn onto the last setting.






nanten English → Japanese
Original Text

At this time, your current selling limit is as follows:You can sell up to 10 items monthly or up to $1,000.00 monthly.

(Keep in mind that this includes multiple quantity listings which can greatly influence this number.)Going forward, we request that you continue to sell within the current limits set on your account.

If you would like to start increasing your selling activity and hit the selling limit on your account, we request that you establish your sales at or near the top of your limit for an additional 30 days.

While selling at that volume, we want to see how you perform and ensure that you are continuing to create positive experiences and are receiving positive feedback.




