mura (mura) Translations

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Over 13 years ago
English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mura English → Japanese
Original Text

I've contacted UPS to ask them to hold the package for 5 business days at their UPS Hub. If it's not picked up during that time it will be returned to us, and we'll issue a full refund when we process the return. So, please be sure that your package will be returned back to Amazon and we will issue refund.

If you do not wish to wait longer, please call the UPS and ask them to return it to Amazon, so that before it reached the UPS hub it will be returned back to Amazon and as informed once we will issue refund once we process the return.

Here is the contact number of UPS: 1-800-742-5877.

I hope this solution works for you. We look forward to seeing you again soon.





mura English → Japanese
Original Text

Another category is on the opposite side of the universe. Here, you might see two and maybe three logos that indicate a brewing trend with promise. But there's no critical mass here yet, and certainly no guarantees that these will eventually grow into something bigger.

Some Examples From This Year's Study

Twixt – These contain odd little interlinks between points that suggest connectivity.

Angle bombs – These contain highly angled geometric shapes, oftentimes triangles, and are usually chaotic and without symmetry, like an explosion of sharp pieces from a central explosion.

Leaf amalgams – Leaves used to build cars, people, other leaves, whatever.




Twixt - これらは連結性を示唆する、点と点の間を結ぶ奇妙なインターリンクを含む。

Angle bombs ー これらはひどく曲がった幾何学形態を持つ。往々にして三角形であり、通常無秩序であり対称性をもたない。それは中心の爆発から生じた形状破片の爆発に似ている。
葉状アマルガム - 車、人、他の葉、などなんでも作るために用いられる葉

mura English → Japanese
Original Text

In addition, if you anticipate your reaction to reviewing these trends is to dismiss every one of them as yesterday's news, you also may as well walk away right now.

There's plenty to be learned here, but you need to be looking for the right thing. After a decade of studying logos from around the world—32,000 alone for this report—I can say with absolute confidence that the true benefit of studying logo design trends is that they invariably identify trajectories. Once you can see the path a trend starts to take, once you can see its arc and velocity, it's very possible for you to know where to take it next. You get to steer. You can find your own forward direction.



ここには多くの学ぶべきことがあるが、あなたは正しいものを探す必要がある。世界中からのロゴをここ10年間調べると --このレポートだけでも32000ある --ロゴデザインの傾向を調べるということの本当の利益は、それらが常に軌跡を同定しているのだと私は絶対的な自信をもっていえる。ある傾向がスタートし始める道筋を見ることができれば、そしてその円弧と速度を見ることができれば、次にどこにそれを持って行くかをあなたが知りうる可能性は大いにありうる。あなたは舵取りを始める。そしてあなたは自分自身の行く先を見出すことができる。