mura (mura) Translations

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About 13 years ago
English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mura English → Japanese
Original Text

The majority of synthetic and regenerated cellulose fibers are crimped after spinning in order to possess natural appearance and texture ,warmth and handle.Depending on the circumstances in processing,fibers may experience complex combinations of tensile,compression,flexural and torsional,deformation,abrasion,etc.that may cause a variety of fiber damages.One of the most important applications of microscopy of textile fibers is in the study of damage.In this study optical microsopy and scanning electron microscopy were used study the surface characteristic of lyocell fibers.More importantly,kink bands with sharp ridges and transverse lines in crimped lyocell fibers were observed.



mura English → Japanese
Original Text

This is from the Gerry Anderson's Captain Scarlett and the Mysterons TV Show from 1967. Vehicle is in beautiful Mint in Box condition. It has never been played with.
1960's era Science Fiction Vehicle is about 6" long (152 mm) and in beautiful condition. The package cover has browned a bit from age, but the toy is "Mint" (see pics). Press the white roof button and the side door pops out to reveal a fully painted figure of Captain Scarlet in the drop down seat. Push down on the front wheels and the nose hatch pops up to fire the front rocket. The twin aerials on the roof raise and lower as do the four caterpillar tracks at the back.


これはジェリー・アンダーソン製作のキャプテンスカーレット(原題Captain Scarlett and the Mysterons:1967年から放映のTV番組)からのものです。車はきれいな新しい箱入りの状態で、使った形跡はありません。この1960年代のサイエンス・フィクション車は長さ約6インチ((152mm)で良好な状態です。包装の表面は年代により少々茶色になっていますが、品は“新品”です。(写真を見てください) ボタンを押すと白い屋根とサイドドアが開き、ドロップダウンシートに座っているフルカラーのキャプテンスカーレットが現れます。前輪と前方ハッチを押し下げてフロント・ロケットを出して発射します。屋根にある二対のアンテナは後部にある4つのキャタピラ・トラックのように上下します。

mura English → Japanese
Original Text

UNICEF took a very ordinary object -- a water vending machine -- and made it startling by filling it with bottles of disease-laden H2O to enlighten New Yorkers about how something we take for granted is not such a luxury in the developing world.
While stopping passersby in their tracks with choices of malaria, cholera and typhoid-flavored "Dirty Water," the UNICEF staffers then got the message across that $1 is enough to ensure a child gets access to clean water for 40 days -- a simply bottled message that saw the donations roll in.</p><p>It was a clever way to convey an issue, confronting those that live a life of luxury with stark realities from other parts of the world.


UNICEFはきわめてありふれた物を選んだ。水の自動販売機だ。そしてニューヨーカーに、我々がごくあたりまえと思っているものが発展途上の世界では贅沢この上ないものだということを理解させるために、病原菌で汚染された水が入った何本ものボトルを自動販売機に詰め込むという奇抜なことを行なった。マラリア、コレラ、腸チフス風味の“汚染水”メニューを積んだトラックの前に通行人を呼び止めて、UNICEFスタッフは彼らのメッセージを届けた。たった1ドルでいい、それだけあれば一人の子供が40日分のきれいな水の恩恵に浴すると。・・・・単純なボトルのメッセージでたくさんの寄付があつまった。</p><p> 問題点を伝達する賢いやり方だった。それによって贅沢な生活を送っている人々に他の世界のあからさまな現実に直面させたのだから。

mura English → Japanese
Original Text

I won't argue, for these almost 2 months while Watch were delivered to you there could be everything, I don't exclude even substitution. You can look at all my responses of happy clients I never tried to deceive or earn someone of money not by fair means. I give you the word of honor that Watch were in a new condition. These Watch to me have managed in 800 dollars, including expenses on remittance. You can not trust me but it so. I ask you to agree on the sum at least 700$. I already lose 100$, these are huge money for me and my family. Your right to appoint any price, but I you very much ask to agree on 700$. I and my family to you would be very grateful. If you agree that mine PP the same payment@****

