monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

We're contacting you about your cancellation request for order #○○○.

We weren't able to cancel the following item(s) from your order:


When you receive your order, you're welcome to refuse the package. You can also return any unwanted item(s) by visiting www.○○○○○/returns.

In most cases, you pay for items when we ship them to you, so you won't be charged for items that you cancel. In some cases (e.g., you use a gift card or your debit card is processed as a PIN-less transaction), you may see a charge for a cancelled item. If you are charged for a cancelled item, we will refund you within 1-2 business days.

We hope to see you again soon.





御注文の品を受け取られる時、荷物の受け取り拒否をして頂いて結構です。また、 www.○○○○○/returnsから、お望みでない商品の返品をしていただけます。



monagypsy English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Flat Growth, Booming Revenue: 11 Facts From The Zynga IPO Filing

Zynga has filed for a $1 billion IPO. If all goes according to plan, the social gaming juggernaut could be worth more than $15 billion.
Zynga’s impressive stats are part of the reason for its sky-high valuation. With 232 million monthly active users and $597 million in revenue last year alone, it’s no surprise that so many people are interested in getting a piece of the action.
But when we dug into Zynga’s nearly 200-page S-1 filing, we found a more complicated picture. Zynga’s user base hasn’t grown in the last year, for example, but its revenue has skyrocketed.





monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Section 4 provides guidelines for getting the best results as well as some detailed unit information.

1. Use your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS 5 times a week.
2. Use the strongest training intensity you can - the harder you work your muscles, the better the results you will see, but remember, stimulation should never be uncomfortable.
3. Use your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS as part of a normal, healthy lifestyle. Improve your diet and try to increase the amount of exercise you do.
4. Your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS has 7 toning programmes which are listed in the table below. There are 5 core programmes and 2 bonus programmes. We recommend that you begin with programme 1 - Beginner.



3.通常の健康な生活の一部としてSLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS を使用する。食生活の向上と、行うエクササイズの量を増加させるようにする。
4. SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS には、下のチャートにおいてリストアップされる7つのトー二ングプログラムアあります。5つの中心プログラムと、2つのボーナスプログラムです。プログラム1-初心者から始められる事をお勧めします。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

The unit will automatically progress you through each programme up to programme 5 - Pro.

Programme 1 is set automatically when you switch your unit on for the first time. The display will show
the programme currently selected.

the table below gives you information about the 7 toning programmes.

NOTE: All micro-coulomb (μC) values are rounded off to the nearest integer value. This measures the effectiveness of the muscle workout - the higher the μC value, the more effective the muscle workout.

All programmes have “warm up” and “warm down” phases. The warm-up prepares your muscles for the main part of your session. The warm down relaxes your muscles as the session is finishing - as you would when exercising.







monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

NOTE: You cannot change a programme during a session. You must first switch your unit off and then on again. Then you can select a different programme by pressing the programme button. Programme 6 delivers a strong abdominal workout, which is useful for those involved in sport. Programme 7 is lower in intensity and is useful when you require a less vigorous abdominal muscle workout.

5. Use your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS whenever it suits you.
You can use your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS almost any time and any place. You can use it at home watching television, working at a desk, in the garden or even walking outdoors. Your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS really is a convenient way of toning your abs.



5.SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS を、あなたの好きな時に使用してください。
SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS は、ほとんどいつでもどこでも使用できます。家でテレビを見ながら、デスク、庭での作業中、屋外を散歩中の時でさえ使用できます。SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS は、腹筋のトー二ングに便利です。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

6. To help you get the most from your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS, we recommend that you follow our 30 day plan. To follow this plan, use your belt 5 times a week for 4 weeks and record your highest intensity levels in your diary (pages 16-17). Each week you have two rest days to allow your muscles to recover. The diary below shows one person’s toning intensity, recorded during scientific testing over a 30-day period.

NOTE: The intensity level will be different from person to person.

We recommend that you follow a similar plan, trying to push yourself to use higher toning intensity levels all the time. Try to increase your toning intensity from week to week.


6. SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABSから最大限の効果を得て頂く為に、30日プランを行う事をお勧めします。このプランを行うには、4週間の間週に5回ベルトを使用し、日記に最も高い強度レベルを記録します(P.16-17)。週ごとに、筋肉の回復のため、休息日を2日取ります。下記の日記は、30日間の科学的テストの間に記録されたある人物のトー二ング強度を示しています。



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Section 3 explains how to use your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS.

Muscle toning can be an unusual sensation, but a pleasant one. It may tickle to begin with. Were commend that you use the product while seated until you become accustomed to the sensation. This pro g resses to a smooth muscle contraction as the toning intensity increases. To get started, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Press and hold the on/off button ( ) for two seconds to switch your
unit on (Fig. a).

Step 2: Select the program you wish to use by pressing the program button
( P - Fig. b). Then to start the program, press and hold the increase intensity
buttons ( - Fig. c) until you feel your muscles contracting.


セクション3では SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABSの使用方法を説明します。




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

If you wish to pause a session before it is finished, simply press the on/off button briefly. The display
will show that the unit is paused ( ). To resume the session, briefly press the on/off button again.
The display will return to its normal mode.

At the end of the training session your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS will stop automatically. However, to switch off your unit at any time during a session, press and hold the on/off button for two seconds. You should see the display turn off.

Step 5: Re m ove the belt and lay it on a flat surface. Put the covers back on the black side of the pads.



トレーニングセッションが終了すると、 SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS は自動的に停止します。しかしながら、2秒間オン/オフボタンを押さえ続けると、セッション中いつでも機器の電源を切ることができます。その際ディスプレイが消えているかお確かめください。


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Step 4 - Remove the covers from the black side of all three pads. Do not throw these covers away as you will need to put them back onto the pads at the end of your session.
NOTE: You should only use SLENDERTONE pads with your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS unit.

Step 5 - Position the belt on your body.
Wrap the belt around your waist so that the pads are pressed firmly against your skin, positioning the large square pad over your navel (belly button). Stretch the ends of the belt around your waist (Fig. a) until the small pads are between your hip bone and ribs on either side of your body (Fig. b). Fasten the
belt tightly around your waist, but no so tight as to cause discomfort.




monagypsy English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

This is a top piece seldom encountered on ebay! A 1000% original Leutnant officers tunic of the Jaeger/Light Infantry units. Insignia originally applied, missing only the eagle - very easy to replace. NO FORBIDDEN SYMBOLS HERE!!! Only drawback is some mothing, mostly to collar. Medium size.The guy was highly decorated for his rank! The boards have "299" regiment number. The 299th Jaeger regiment was involved in heavy fighting in the Caucasus region, as well as south Ukraine (Dnepr mouth), Kamenetz Podolsky, Lemberg. A great, interesting piece. Shipping is 35$ registered priority shipping to the US.

