monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

"Simms was the first to use GORE-TEX® fabric for the construction of waders. They still make and test each and every pair in Bozeman, Mont. The quality is unsurpassed and the G4 incorporates Gore's top of the line 3- and 5-layer Pro-Shell Fabric. They are designed to handle the toughest fishing conditions. Even with the added 5-layer material I found the G4s to be very comfortable and really like the wide padded suspender system. Thick 4 mm neoprene booties are anatomically correct, roomy, and comfortable and the leg seams are well located front and back. The front sipper distinguishes the G4 guide from the G4 Pro and this is the easiest operating fully waterproof zipper I have used.



monagypsy English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Dear genryu.mamachida5849,

I am responding to the message you sent outside the eBay message system. Per eBay policy all contact between buyer and seller needs to take place via the eBay messaging system. The purchase you made for these items was on Jan. 22nd. These items were not on sale on that date. The invoice you received and paid reflected the correct price for the items. We did not send you the invoice, eBay did. Sellers are not able to edit the price on invoices. The items may had been on sale previously but the sale ended on Jan 19th.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Akio Toyoda: Toyota's comeback kid
FORTUNE -- When the final tally was made for 2011, Toyota Motor (TM), formerly the world's largest automaker, slipped to third place in production behind General Motors (GM) and Volkswagen. It's not surprising: Toyota has endured a string of calamities over the past three years -- natural and man-made -- that would make even the company's famous paranoia seem like sunny optimism. The latest is endaka, the strong yen that causes everything that Toyota manufactures in Japan to be more expensive and undermines its profitability. A November issue of Automotive News predicted "more misery" for Toyota as "sales slip, floods delay, shoppers stray."


FOURTUNE -- 2011年の最終総計がされた時、以前は世界で最も強大なカーメーカーのトヨタモーター(TM)は、生産量において、ジェネラルモーターズ(GM)とフォルクスワーゲンの次の3位へと滑り落ちた。それは意外ではない:トヨタは過去3年の間不幸の連続に堪え忍んでいる-- 自然災害と人的災害--それは会社の有名な妄想症すら楽観的に見せた。最近の円高、強い円は、トヨタが日本で製造する全ての物をより高価にし、その利益を侵す原因となっている。Automotive Newsの11月号は「販売不振、洪水での遅延、客離れ」としてトヨタの「更なる悲劇」を予測した。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Leadership has to do with the qualities within yourself that inspire others to follow you. Motivation is your ability to inspire others to do work. Development means that you take steps to let employees know that they are valued and will be given every possible chance to reach their potential within the company.
No one will need to implement all of these ideas. In fact, no one should try to implement all of them. Examine yourself and your job functions to find the areas where you can make some significant improvement. Each and every person who manages other people will know the areas that can be improved.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

When you expect people to find ways to get training and when you need to have some way of evaluating the effectiveness of their training, you should probably have some sort of report that they fill out after a training experience. This reporting system will help you emphasize that training opportunities are not chances to get away from work but they are parts of work.
Sit down and go over it with them on their return. Find out what they learned. Ask them if they would recommend this training to others in your area. If they learned something especially good or applicable, ask them to share with others on your team what they learned.



monagypsy English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
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As a boss, you may not have the resources of your company available. Part of your job will be to lobby the company about which programs would be most useful. Even if your company never does implement these value-added services, you can look around your community and f10d out what programs are available for your employees if they need additional training in areas that are more personal than professional. No company can afford every program. Be resourceful in finding organizations for substance abuse, literacy programs, credit counseling services, and so on.
By working with your employees in areas that help their personal lives, you will be helping yourself as a manager and your company.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Or they provide special counseling programs to help employees through personal crises. They even have special programs for employees who are struggling with substance abuse.
These companies are not throwing their money away. The more they can help their employees become more complete, well-rounded individuals, the more productive they believe these employees will be in the workplace.

Balance in life
In our competitive marketplace, it is critical to realize that the employers attracting the best employees take into consideration the lifestyle and development of employees and help them find the appropriate balance between work and personal life.




monagypsy English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Creating a reasonable career path for an employee will take some time and consideration of the present positions available within an area. In fact, it should include every position that you are responsible for. If an employee takes a specific position, what will then be the options after the person masters that job?
To help a person develop and reach maximum potential, you need to help the employee set goals, learn, develop, and work hard to get to the next level. To allow employees to sit in blind unawareness of what they can look forward to will demotivate them. They won't believe that you are looking out for them, they will begin to feel trapped, and they will lose their motivation to excel.



monagypsy English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
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But if you can give employees the chance to do things their way, within the parameters that you have set, they will have more ownership of the job that they are responsible for. And empowerment will give your employees ownership.

A boost to enthusiasm
If you need to have something done a certain way, explain it to those whose job it is to perform the task. But if there is flexibility in how something gets done, step out of the loop, and let the creativity and enthusiasm of employees take hold. You may feel uncomfortable at first, but in the end the people In your workforce will believe they are in charge of getting the Job done, and they will assume the responsibility to get it done in the best way possible.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Passive contributions
Employees should not go to a meeting or learn about a project believing that it is theirs or that they should become actively involved. Obviously, they can discuss the group's activities with you at a later time and offer suggestions for you to present.
Permit as many employees as possible to join in this kind of activity. To select one person and consistently give the employee the opportunity will breed a contempt of that employee by fellow workers. However, you do not have to include everyone in an equal number of activities. Some employees who are moving up in the organization will need more experience.



monagypsy English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

If you can work it out, bring guests to the meetings so that they can hear about issues facing the organization that they may not have thought about before.

If you work in sales, get some of your employees exposed to what the people in research and development are dealing with. If you work in manufacturing, get your employees involved so that they can hear about the financial pressures affecting the company. By allowing people in your area to be exposed to problems challenging the company at a higher level, you accomplish a couple of things. First, you expose employees to issues that are beyond the normal bounds of responsibility.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Party time
You may want to consider having a small party once a month for everyone with a birthday that month. That way, you can reduce the number of parties throughout the month, giving you a better opportunity to manage the time taken up in celebrations. And you will also avoid the chance of appearing to play favorites by giving someone a special party but forgetting to recognize someone else.

Low-tech approach in a high-tech world
Recognizing that the people who work for you have special days in their lives will communicate to them that you care about them as individuals, not just as cogs in the machine to get work done.


