monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Don't quit. Many of our failures are caused by our quitting too soon. We get frustrated, angry, tired, etc., and we quit. But much of the time we were almost there and didn't know it. Imagine trying to boil water and then quitting at 211 degrees. That is how it is with many of the things we are involved in. Sure it is hard to keep going, and much of the time we can't see any progress, so here is the time to step back and remind yourself of two things. First remind yourself of what you are trying to accomplish, and more importantly, remind yourself of why you are trying to accomplish it. Once we focus on the why, the problem comes into a different focus and somehow becomes more bearable.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Use your gifts to the fullest. You probably have several things that you excel at, and you probably don't use those things as often as you should. Time management research consistently shows that people spend most of their time doing things that are not a priority and that do not utilize their special skills to their fullest.

If you do a time log for yourself and track how you spend your time, you will see that those things that you are truly gifted at make up only a small part of your day. Make up a list of two or three things you are really good at and make it a point to spend more time doing things that fall into these skill areas.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Do your homework in advance, in order to reduce stress in your life. If you want to reduce stress in your life; you need to change before change is necessary. Prevention is cheaper than the cure. If you wait until change is necessary, then you will be under tremendous stress. If you study well in advance of the test, you won't have stress, but if you wait until the night before the test to study, you will be under stress.

So prepare before the big day comes. Look down the road and see what is coming that you can prepare for now. Then take action to do your homework, and be ready when the event you are preparing for comes.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Many people are afraid of success because they feel that the more they do, the more other people will expect from them. I believe that is true and I also believe that one of the people who should be expecting more is you. Most of us can do more than we are currently doing, and we hold back for various reasons. Whom does this underperformance hurt? In many ways, it's you. If you could do more for your business, isn't there a good chance you would get some reward from it, in some way? The same is true in your personal life. If you could do a better job of watching your diet, or getting more exercise, who would benefit?



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

First of all again i am sorry
Again please note UPS picked up this package from us on Feb-19-12 and should have been delivered to you with in 5 working days
Usually after a week or more of tracking information showing no activity is a sign of a lost package

Please do not worry since your package is 100% insured
UPS lost package claim was opened
I will absolutely will not make you wait the claim time and process since in the past customers got upset waiting the claim time and process and gave me a bad feedback
You just got a full refund + a good feedback
Just please reply with your phone number since UPS will need it for the claim
I am very very sorry for what happened
Please reply

Again i am sorry



