monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Wang said that, the number of group buying sites in China is declining since half a year ago. And he believes that eventually, the No.1 group buying site will take over 70% of all the daily deals market while the second one will grasp 20%, and the rest will have to scramble for the remaining 10%.

According to Hitwise, an internet data research firm, Meituan comes in third in traffic after Lashou and Taobao Juhuasuan(淘宝聚划算). However, Wang claims that Meituan is the largest in terms of local services; for instance, the Chinese Groupon-like service boasts a total of nearly 300 deals per day with over 100,000 orders.



インターネットデータ調査会社のHitwiseによると、MeituanはLashouとTaobao Juhuasuan(淘宝聚划算)に次ぐ3番目のトラフィックである。しかしながら、Wang氏はMeituanはローカルサービスに関して最も大きいと主張している;例えば、中国人のグルーポンのようなサービスは、日ごとの取引合計が300件近く、10万の注文を誇る。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

To illustrate the precarious nature of the group buying model in China, Dataotuan looked at the number of ‘failed’ deals, or deals that sold less than five times. May recorded 4.9%, June 7.8% and July 8.7% and nearly half of these failed deals have no sales. Out of the top 10 players by revenue, QQ had the highest proportion of failed deals at 16.7% and Dianping, the lowest with only 0.5%. However QQ still dominates the market in terms of market share by revenue at 11.9%, indicating a kind of spray and pray approach to deal creation. Of the failed deals, online shopping accounts for 32% and life services accounts for 31%.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

That’s still true to an extent, but in the Weibo era, customers have a few more options. Today, for example, Shanghai Business carried a story about how CEOs on Weibo are being inundated with complaints. For example, the reporter found over 1000 recent complaints directed at Li Guoqing, CEO of Dangdang, a major e-commerce site. These weren’t complaints about the direction of the company, nor did they come from dissatisfied investors. One user wrote:

"I received broken audio visual products and when I complained Dangdang told me I would have to wait a month for a replacement! It’s truly more than I can bear."


確かにまだ限られているが、Weibo時代において、顧客はいくつかのオプションがある。今日、例えばShanghai BusinessがWeiboのCEOに苦情が殺到しているかについてのストーリーを伝えている。例えば、リポーターは主要な電子商取引サイト、DangdangのCEOのLi Guoqingへ向けた最新の1000以上の苦情を見つけた。これらは、企業の方向性についてや、投資家の不満から来る苦情ではなかった。あるユーザーはこのように書いている:


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Weibo, it seems, isn’t just an outlet for political frustrations that have nowhere else to go. It’s also increasingly an outlet for consumer frustrations, and one that companies ignore at their peril. If brands can be built on Weibo — and this is an idea many Chinese companies have embraced quite wholeheartedly — so too can they be destroyed. That doesn’t mean, of course, that your CEO has to be your new head of customer service. But if people are treating him that way — and Dangdang’s Li is far from the only CEO getting bombarded with complaints — that might be a good sign that your actual customer service team may need some adjustment.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Japanese Explores Start-ups in SEA, Gives Singapore and Malaysia a +1

Yuki Naruse (above) is an adventuresome young man from Japan who set aside one year to travel and meet start-up founders across the world.

I first met him in person in Singapore, where we got to know each other a little. I decided to invite him along with me to Bangalore, India last week. I’m glad he took the bait. India was more colorful with him around, as he was frequently tweeting updates or jotting down memos in his black notebook. His presence in Bangalore kinda made the TechSpark event feel a little more international too — a good mix of Westerners, Japanese, Chinese, and friendly local Indians.



