monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Interestingly, Zynga Boston hasn’t chosen to monetize hints for the puzzles and quests. In other classic adventure games and puzzle games, the player must give up something in order to get a hint on how to solve a puzzle or find an elusive piece of treasure on the map, usually buying a special item or taking a score penalty. Hyatt explains that through play testing, Zynga Boston is confident they’ve made the puzzles intuitive enough to where nobody will need a hint. And in case the large maps overwhelm a player’s eyesight, a “Show Me” button on the quest screen will automatically pan the camera to where the player’s next objective is at no cost to the player.


興味深い事に、Zyngaはパズルとクエストのためのヒントのマネタイズを選択しなかった。他のクラシックなアドベンチャーゲームやパズルゲームにおいて、プレイヤーはパズルを解明したり、地図上で見つけにくい宝物を見つけるためのヒントを得るために、何かを諦めなければならず、たいて、特別なアイテムの購入であったり、点数にペナルティが課される。Hyattはテストプレイを通して、Zynga Bostonが誰にも品との必要のない直観的なパズルを作ったと確信していると説明している。そして、巨大な地図がプレイヤーの視界を圧倒した場合、プレイヤーに何の負担も掛けずに、クエストスクリーン上の「見せて」ボタンが自動的にプレイヤーの次のオブジェクトにカメラを合わせる。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Gameplay itself consists of clicking on things the player sees on the map — such as an item to be picked up, or a discolored patch of stone to examine. Each action costs the player energy, but energy also functions as a sort of hit point gauge where the player is penalized every time they trigger a trap or fight with a wild animal. This encourages players to be strategic in detecting and disarming traps, and also in how avoid fights with snakes and rams and such by planning alternative routes through the maps. It is possible, Hyatt says, to go through a map without seeing all parts of it — which makes Adventure World the kind of game you’d want to replay.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

“In the end, they basically offered us a fantastic deal,” Gwertzman said, adding that Renren is footing the bill for a major public advertising campaign on buses and in subway stations in the major Chinese cities. Gwertzman wouldn’t comment on the terms of the Renren deal. But the experience echoes what we’ve heard from other developers in that Chinese platforms tend to be more flexible on revenue split than American social networking sites are. Renren’s open platform usually gives 48 percent of revenues to the developer from for-purchase applications, a higher cut because building a payments infrastructure in China and dealing with censorship make operating a platform here more expensive.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

(Platforms generally have to review applications before they go up in the store to comply with censorship requirements, so you can’t operate a platform like Facebook or Android where apps are only taken down after the fact.)

They launched the game six weeks ago, and quietly optimized the title before scaling up last week. Last Monday, the game had about 30,000 users on Renren and then they bumped it up to a half-million by the end of the week.

They’ll also be taking Zuma Blitz to Tencent and putting the game on a few parts of the Chinese Internet giant’s platform like QZone, which has 530 million monthly active users.




彼らはまた、Zuma BlitzをTencentへと採り入れ、QZoneのように月間アクティブユーザーが5憶3千万の中国のインターネットジャイアントのプラットフォームのいくつかの部分で、ゲームを始めている。