manhattan_tencho (manhattan_tencho) Translations

4.9 85 reviews
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Almost 11 years ago Female
Chinese (Simplified) (Native) Chinese (Traditional) Japanese English
Business Website Law Travel Culture
5 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
manhattan_tencho Japanese → English
Original Text





What I would like to tell everyone is, Japan values the language of thinking thus making it possible for the country to achieve economic development

Usually, you may not realise or feel the importance of words
However, if you have the time, please use it to enhance and enrich your thinking language which means to use it with the aim of increasing your words
If you are able to increase the number of words you can manipulate, your world will become fulfilling by many times

I feel proud about being able to work in a job which allows computers to understand words
Someday, I hope to make use of this job to let many people in the world know about the excellence of words which would then make me very happy as well