Notice of Conyac Termination

kyokoquest Translations

ID Unverified
Over 13 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kyokoquest English → Japanese
Original Text

Unfortunately, due to recent system issues and the international billing address it was stuck processing in our ordering system. I have released the order but doing so loses the payment method and we will need the card number again. If you could please reply with the best phone number and time to reach you I would be happy to take payment for the order. You can also call us at 800-813-6897, reference your order number and let the associate know you need to submit payment on that order. This will not delay shipping any further, the shoes will ship on Monday, but if we do not get payment you will receive a bill from us later. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to hear from you soon.



kyokoquest English → Japanese
Original Text

Social networks are platforms for personal connection and dialogue, a reality that has proved challenging for many companies that are not used to speaking to their customers in conversational tones. As companies have established profiles on Facebook, Twitter and other social channels, many have had to develop their brand voices anew.

Mashable spoke with the figures behind some of the most compelling voices on Twitter. (Since I primarily follow media and fashion brands and their teams, my sample is a bit skewed — forgive me.) Each has taken a different path to identifying and relaying the brand voice on social networks. Some, like fashion designer and CEO Tory Burch, speak directly on behalf of their brands.




kyokoquest English → Japanese
Original Text

It is through Twitter conversations that Burch identified demand for fashionable travel socks, and struck up a friendship with comedian Mindy Kaling, for whom Burch hosted a book signing event at her flagship store earlier this month.

The rest of Burch’s social media efforts are managed by an in-house team of two, says Berardelli. Although the content varies across platforms — “on Tumblr we do one strong image and a letter, and on Facebook we do more behind-the-scenes content,” Berardelli says — the team works carefully to make sure that all content stays true to Burch’s voice and inspired personal vision.



それぞれのプラットフォームでの内容(コンテンツ)はさまざまである―「タンブラーでは一つのイメージと文字を、フェイスブックではもっと裏舞台の内容をといったふうに」ベラルデリは言う、― しかし、チームはバーチの声と素晴らしい彼女のヴィジョンが内容(コンテンツ)に忠実に反映されるように慎重に作業している。

kyokoquest English → Japanese
Original Text

Brands who haven’t been able to leverage the voice of their chief creatives have had to develop other tactics.

One of the most unique personalities I’ve encountered online is DKNY PR GIRL, which is run not by a lackey in the PR department — as the account name might first lead one to suspect — but by Donna Karan International’s SVP of global communications, Aliza Licht.

The account is one of the most prolific and responsive I’ve seen, not only on Twitter, but on Tumblr as well. Nary a question, compliment or complaint goes unanswered. It gives real insight into not only the day-to-day workings at Donna Karan headquarters, but also into the PR business itself.


私がオンラインで出会った中で一番ユニークなパーソナリティはDKNY PR GIRLだ。PR部の下っ端が管理しているものではない―アカウント名でうすうす気がつくかもしれない―


kyokoquest English → Japanese
Original Text

Naturally, people started to realize DKNY PR GIRL was in fact, one girl, but yet it never really mattered ‘who’ the person was — it was the personality and content that mattered.”

Because the voice is always Licht’s, she doesn’t encounter any inherent challenges in crossing platforms. “Tumblr is an extension of Twitter … [for] when 140 characters isn’t enough,” she explains. Facebook, however, is run by the company’s marketing team and carries the voice of the DKNY brand, she says. Although it’s very responsive to fans, the voice is far less personal.

Her advice to other brands? “Keep the ‘social’ in media.”


人々は自然とDKNY PR GIRLが実は一人の女の子なのだと気が付き始めた。でもそれが‘誰‘かという事は全く問題ではなくて―大切なのはその人のパーソナリティと内容だった。」
