Katsuya Sato (ka28310) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Life after death 'possible' as scientists find genes spring to life TWO DAYS after animals die
In what could be a step towards answering one of the greatest questions of mankind - it could also have implications for organ transplants
Scientists have made a shock discovery that thousands of genes come back to life in a corpse TWO DAYS after animals die.
In what could be a step towards the answer to one of the greatest questions of mankind - whether there is life after death? - it could also have implications for organ transplants.
Scientists have long pondered whether gene activity gradually trails off - or completely stops - after an animal dies.



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

New evidence uncovered by researchers at the University of Washington in fact shows more than 1,000 genes remain active post-mortem - some of which only begin to splutter into action 24-48hrs after the event.
And any thought that it's some kind of reflex action - or some random genes flickering on and off - can be quickly discounted.
Moreover, the genes in question are associated with stress response - suggesting the animals are trying to re-establish activity - as well some connected with embryonic development.
More than half of the active genes are coded for proteins while the others were regulatory – indicating significant energy is still being used.



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

One theory is that DNA, which is tightly packed, loosens up after death freeing genes which were previously kept from being active to roam.
Researchers conducted experiments on zebra fish and mice - and discovered increased activity in 1,063 genes after the animals had died.
Most of the genes fizzled into action 30 minutes after the animals died - but some took between 24 and 48 hours.
They have published their results online in bioRxiv - an online life sciences service to make their findings immediately available to the scientific community - where they said the majority of the genes kick into action half an hour after death.


遺伝子の多くは生命の死後30分で活動が徐々に弱まりますが、いくらかの遺伝子については、活動が弱まるのに 28~48時間も掛けるものがあります。
研究者たちはこの結果をオンラインで bioRxiv に発表しました。このオンラインの生命科学情報サービスによって、この発見がいち早く科学学界の知れるところとなったのです。遺伝子の大半は死後30分で活動を開始する、と。

ka28310 English → Japanese
Original Text

Begin using your new postal code right away for the quickest delivery to your MyUS suite. The old postal code will become inactive in 30 days, so act now:
Simply enter 34249 instead of 34238 under Zip Code on your Ship To address when checking out US online stores.
Don't worry if you have packages currently in transit to MyUS using the old postal code, or you forget to use the new postal code. Your goods will still be delivered safely to your suite for the next 30 days.

Switch to the new postal code NOW to get the fastest shipping to your suite! During this transition, MyUS will waive any address correction fees that relate to the new postal code.


あなたの MyUS スイートへ最も早く配達するために、あなたの新しい郵便番号をいますぐ使い始めましょう、古い郵便番号は30日が経過するともう使えなくなります。だから、今すぐに行動しましょう:

配達を迅速確実にするために。新しい郵便番号には今すぐに切り替えましょう。この郵便番号切り替えの期間中は、MyUS は新しい郵便番号への切り替えに関わる 住所訂正の費用を徴収しないことにいたします。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

5 Surprising Facts About Egg Freezing
■1:Egg freezing is not recommended as a way for women to delay having children.
Despite a growing interest in egg freezing, the procedure is still not a recommended way for women to postpone having children, at least not in the United States.
In 2012, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) said there is not enough data to recommend that women freeze their eggs for the sole purpose of delaying childbearing. That's because studies are lacking "to support the safety, efficacy, ethics, emotional risks and cost-effectiveness" of egg freezing for this purpose, the ASRM said.


5 凍結卵に関する驚くべき事実
■ 1: 卵子を凍結保存することは、女性が子供をもうける時期を遅らせる方法としては推奨できません。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Still, the ASRM does recommend egg freezing for several other groups of people, including women who, for example, have cancer, and may lose their fertility during chemotherapy.
■2:Very few women who freeze their eggs actually use them.
Fertility centers have reported that the percentage of women who freeze their eggs and then come back to use them is relatively low. In a recent study, researchers at a fertility clinic in Santa Monica, California, found that, from 2007 to 2012, 232 women froze their eggs at the clinic to delay childbearing, but 95 percent of these women still had not used their eggs by 2015.


しかしながら、たとえば癌を患っていて、その化学療法中に生殖能力を喪失することが見込まれるような人々など、いくつかの他のグループに属する人々に対し、ASRM は卵子の凍結保存を推奨しています。
■2: 卵子を凍結保存している女性で、それを実際に利用する女性はほとんどいないこと。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

In a survey of 49 of these women, 16 percent said they were able to have children by other means, 30 percent said they were still not ready to have children and 53 percent said they hadn't used the eggs yet because they were still single.
■3:Pregnancy is still not a guarantee with egg freezing.
Many women who freeze their eggs say they think of the procedure as an "insurance policy" in case they aren't able to become pregnant at older ages. But freezing eggs does not guarantee pregnancy success. Studies conducted in Europe on frozen eggs from donors under age 30 found that women's pregnancy rates ranged from 36 to 61 percent.


■3: 妊娠は、凍結卵に対して依然、保証されたものになっていない。

ka28310 Japanese → English ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text






They are very rare 7 books published in 1923.
The environment at that time, such as Taiwan situation, Japanese crown prince's visit to Taiwan, exhibition of arts, Christmas Eve in Tokyo. the scenery of Sakhalin, the life of Chinese people, Korean wrestling, far-east Olympic report, car race in Suzaki and others, are introduced and explained with a lot of pictures in the books.
Please note that there is damage to a certain extent and make bidding, because they are very old books.

As I am not a specialist, I have no idea why and how these books were published.
I would like those who can understand the item by looking at the picture to take bids only.
※ There is a crack in the part of the case.

There is rust and mold on the back.

Judging from the condition, it should be an unused item.