Katsuya Sato (ka28310) Translations

4.9 315 reviews
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Almost 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
Computer Hardware Computer Software
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text


I received this ca !!!! You can not imagine my anger

I received a panasonic! It is not the cemera that I ordered, I paid 30 euros more customs and it is not the object that I bought, I do not want the one there! I require an interim refund + customs fees or the sending of the camcorder that I have sent

The lens zooms smoothly?
The autofocus is smooth and crisp?
No oil on the aperture blades?

I want a Nikkor 35-70mm f2.8D which is clean, no problem with the function and without HAZE and no balsam separation and without mold.

And with box, manuals and front/rear caps and HB-1 hood.

Budget is $220 to $230 (with shipping).

thanks a lot.



私はこのカメラを受け取りました!!!! この私の怒り、想像できないでしょう?

私はパナソニック製カメラを受け取りました! でもそれは私が注文したカメラではありません。私は30ユーロ以上を関税として支払ったのに、手にしたのは注文した商品ではありません。そんなもの要らないですよ!とりあえず、商品代金と通関手数料もしくは私がカムコーダの送付に支払った送料の払い戻しを要求します。


私は、綺麗で機能に問題がなく、曇りやバルサム切れ、カビのないニッコール35-70mm f2.8D レンズが欲しいです。




ka28310 Japanese → English
Original Text




I started to sell the item last week, and I could sell only two pieces yet.
Needless to say, we would like to send the item by sea freight, but it would be difficult unless the sales volume of this item increases.
I would like to discount, but it means that we would be in red ink if we take the cost for advertisement into consideration.
If we cannot discount, we cannot increase the sales. It is so tough.

I will do by best to sell the mat a lot, and will try to send them by sea freight as soon as possible.
I am sorry for making a lot of requests, but I would appreciate if you can lower the price of the mat.
Since I would like to keep dealing with you for a long time, I would not ask you about a discount unless it is really necessary.

ka28310 Japanese → English
Original Text







I am really sorry for having made you disappointed with our item.
I always have our staff members take the photo of the item as close to the actual item as possible.
However, the item picture this time was not actually like above, so we made you disappointed a lot.

Please let me issue a partial refund as a token of my apology for having made you disappointed.
I will issue a refund for $50. And can you please change "poor" rating you made to "good" rating on me?
I look forward to your positive reply.

It is a banner of the product advertisement which was displayed in the front of a store at that time.
Some part is broken, but I think you can still display it on the wall.

Since the condition is good, it might be an unused one.

Although it is an unused item, but there is some slight worn part.

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Connect way: Pressing two headsets till blue light flash, let the hands go, double click right headset quickly, then the red/blue light flashing at the same time; double click the left headset quickly, then the the red/blue light flashing at the same time too; now it means two headsets will connect automatically, after connected, the right headset will show red/blue flashing; go back to mobile phone and scan MB-77 and connect it.

Music player: Tap the call button to stop the music or continue to play music.

Receive or make a call: When there is a call, the bluetooth headset will ring, tap the call button to receive, hang up or reject a call.


接続方法: 2つのヘッドセットを青いランプが点滅するまで押し続けてから手を放し、右のヘッドセットを素早くダブルクリックしてください。すると赤と青のランプが同時に点滅します。; 左のヘッドセットを素早くダブルクリックして、やはり赤と青のランプが同時に点滅するのを確認してください。こうして、双方のヘッドセットは自動的に接続されます。接続後、右のヘッドセットでは、赤と青のライトが点滅します。;次に、携帯電話上でMB-77をスキャンして接続して下さい。

音楽プレイヤー; 通話ボタンをタップして、音楽の再生や停止を行ってください。

電話を受ける、または掛ける: 通話がある場合、Bluetooth接続のヘッドセットが鳴りますので、通話ボタンをタップして通話を受けたり通話をやめたり、通話を拒否したりします。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Automatically call the last phone number: The bluetooth headset will automatically call the last number.

Language change function: This machine has English/Chinese change function, pressing the call button 1second(not painting mode) at the moment there is voice prompt that the headset is started and the blue light is on, continue to press the call button for 1second (language changes successfully with voice prompt: Chinese models and/English)

Voice prompt: This machine has the voice prompt function(on, off, pair, successfully. When there is a call, the machine will automatically speak telephone number according the language mode: Chinese/English)


最後に掛けた電話番号に自動的に通話する: Bluetoothヘッドセットは自動的に最後に通話した番号へ電話をかけます。

表示原語切り替え機能: この機器は表示原語を英語/中国語に切り替えることができます。ヘッドセットの電源を入れ、音声ガイダンスが鳴ったら、通話ボタンを1秒以上押し続け(ペイントモードではない状態で)、青色のランプが点灯しているときにさらに通話ボタンを1秒以上押し続けます。(言語の切り替えが成功したら音声ガイダンスの知らせがあります。:中国モデル/英語)

音声ガイダンス: この機器には音声ガイダンス機能があります。(オン、オフ、ペアリング、成功を知らせてくれます。電話がかかって来た場合、機器は自動的に設定した言語を使って電話番号を発声します。: 中国語/英語)