john-buta Translations

ID Unverified
About 9 years ago
Japanese (Native) English German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
john-buta English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Release 1 of the Fox MRM solution is foundational in nature, paving the way for subsequent releases. Plans are to bring a data warehouse on line in late 2014, with data largely sourced from the Fox MRM solution.
Release 2 of Fox MRM slated to begin in early 2015, with the extension of mobile and deeper analytics capabilities. First SaaS implementation within 21st Century Fox Filmed Entertainment (Theatrical) business unit.
Fox MRM solution has been demonstrated to other 21st Century Fox business units, such as Fox TV and Fox Sports, as the client looks to standardize application development on a single platform.


Fox MRMソリューションのリリース1は、本質的には基本的なものであり、次のリリースの道を開くものです。 2014年後半にFox MRMソリューションから大規模に得られたデータと共に、データウェアハウスを導入する予定です。
Fox MRMのリリース2は、モバイルと深い分析機能の拡張と共に、2015年初頭に始まる予定です。 21世紀フォックス・フィルム・エンターテイメント(劇場)ビジネスユニット内で、最初のSaaSが装備されます。
クライアントは、単一のプラットフォーム上でアプリケーション開発を標準化する予定なので、フォックスMRMソリューションは、Fox TVやFox Sportsなどの21世紀フォックスの他の事業部門に対してもデモされています。

john-buta English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

NOTE: FLYCAM 180 does not work under water, nor is it waterproof, so avoid direct exposure to rain or water spray. Also the bearings are not sand proof; so avoid getting dirt or sand into them.

The FLYCAM 180 Gimbal has been completely redesigned with higher-precision
and heavy duty bearings. The Gimbal body, yoke and handle are strong and precisely registered to each other. The operator can easily center the Gimbal in the field.

 Place the Gimbal on the docking stud (as you would for normal balancing), give yourself a four second drop time (2 or more seconds), and aim the camera along a line through the two bearings in the yoke.


注:フライカム 180は水中では機能しないだけでなく、防水性もありませんので、雨や水スプレーに直接触れさせないでください。 また、ベアリングはサンドプルーフではありませんので、どろや砂が入らないようにしてください。

フライカム 180 ジンバルは高精度で高耐久性のベアリング使って完全再設計されました。
ジンバル本体、ヨーク、ハンドルは、互いに強く、正確に位置合わせされています。 オペレータは現場で容易にジンバルをセンタリングすることができます。


john-buta English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

One of the most common traits that the wealthy have in common is that they began earning money at young age. For example, a 12-year-old Mark Cuban sold trash bags door-to-door, Warren Buffett sold packets of gum to his neighbors when he was just 6-years-old and Richard Branson bred and sold parakeets as pets at the age of 11.
If you had this entrepreneurial spirit as a child, then that’s a solid indicator that you’ll become a millionaire since you’ve always been on the lookout for ways to make money.
2. You’re an overachiever.
Were you that student who wasn’t satisfied with a B in class? Millionaires have the mindset to shoot big. They’re not satisfied with making just $1 million. They want to make $10 million.



john-buta English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

3. You’re really, really good looking.
I know. This sounds like a bunch of bull and discriminatory, but research conducted by Daniel Hamermesh, an economics professor at the University of Texas in Austin found that this is the case. According to his research, “attractive people are likely to earn an average of 3 percent to 4 percent more than a person with below-average looks.” That may not sound like a fortune, but that adds up to “$230,000 more over a lifetime for the typical good-looking person.”
Hamermesh found that attractive people are able to charm interviewers and are able to land more sales.
4. You have an action-oriented mindset.


これは、バカ話や差別のように聞こえるが、オースティンのテキサス大学の経済学教授であるダニエル・ハンマーメッシュによって行われた調査で、これが事実であることが分かった。彼の調査によると、「魅力的な人は、平均以下のルックスの人よりも平均3%〜4%の多く稼ぐ可能性がある。」 それは幸運のように聞こえないかもしれないが、それは、「典型的なルックスの良い人は、生涯にわたると、合計23万ドル以上になります。」

john-buta English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

“Are you the kind of person who sees an opportunity and then takes action to take advantage of it? If so, congratulations, because it's that kind of action-oriented mind-set that can propel you to financial freedom,” says Todd Campbell, author of “Your Guide to Better Stock Picks.”
“For example, it's been proven time and time again that long-term investing can produce significantly more wealth than short term trading, yet many Americans fail to make the most of their best long-term investment vehicle: their workplace retirement plan.
Do you contribute to your plan? If so, do you contribute 10 percent of your income? More? Less?


「あなたは機会を伺い、それからそれを利用するアクション起こすタイプの人ですか? もしそうであるなら、おめでとうございます。それが、あなたが金融自由化に邁進できるアクション志向のマインドセットのようなものだからです。」 と、「良い株式選択へのあなたのガイド」の著者であるトッド・キャンベルは述べています。
あなたは自分の計画に寄与していますか?もしそうなら、あなたはあなたの収入の10パーセントをささげていますか? もっと多くですか? もっと少ないですか?

john-buta English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

In my understand that the artwork of carton is ok for your side and plastic bag is ok as well ,is it correct ?

By the way, please find artwork of carton and plastic bag with stamped best before date on it

We will one best before date 2017.12.31 for all finished product in this order OR

We will stamp best before based on production date ( around 3-4 days for this order)

Concerning processing flow chart , we will send to you tomorrow

We will start processing this order in end of this week , you plan to come our factory to check online processing or not ? if yes, we wait for you






私たちは、今週の終わりに、この注文の処理を開始する予定ですが、あなたはオンライン処理をチェックするために我々の工場に来る予定ですか、それとも違いますか? もしそうなら、我々ははあなたをお待ちしています。