jaga Translations

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jaga English → Japanese
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Tuesday's rumor also claims the cheaper iPhone will be getting the color treatment, though failed to offer any details on the matter.

Apple is widely expected to launch an entry-level iteration of the iPhone in a possible bid to compete with cheap Android models.In March, the well-informed analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said the less expensive unit fiberglass and plastic in order to shave build material costs. Additionally,Kuo believes the low-cost iPhone version will boast the same design as the iPhone 5,including the handset's 4-inch screen.

Finally, the latest rumor pegs July as a likely timeframe for Apple to debut the next-gen iPhone and corresponding budget model,largely congruent with market watchers' expectations.



Appleが安価なAndroid携帯電話に対抗するためにエントリー版を投入するだろうと多くの人がみています。3月に情報通のアナリストMing-Chi Ku氏は、材料費を削るために低価格版iPhoneはファイバーグラスやプラスチックが使われると述べています。また、Kuo氏は低価格版iPhoneはiPhone 5と同じデザインで4インチのスクリーンが搭載されるだろうと考えています。


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The relatively huge seed round indicates that Canva’s investors are extremely confident in the team and its vision. “Design is moving into a more collaborative and social world, and I predict Canva will be leading the way,” said Lars Rasmussen.

Rick Baker of Blackbird Ventures thinks this startup is proof that Aussie companies can think global from day one.

“The desktop design industry is ripe for disruption and the Canva team are the best people for the job,” he added.

Visit VentureDex for a directory of angel funds, accelerators and venture capital firms in Australia and Asia.


シードラウンドの規模が比較的大きいということはCanvaの投資家たちがこのチームおよびビジョンに大きな信頼を寄せていることを示している。「デザインは共同でおこない、ソーシャルな要素を取り入れる方向に変わりつつあり、Canvaがその道を切り開いていくだろうと見ています」とLars Rasmussenは述べた。

Blackbird VenturesのRick Baker氏はCanvaはオーストラリアの企業が始めから世界的視野で考えることができることを証明していると思っている。



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Vietnam’s Microchip Industry Keeps Getting Bigger

If you know anything about the beginning of Silicon Valley, you know that it all started with a group of men called the Traitorous Eight, who worked in a company called Fairchild Semiconductor. They were pioneers in chip manufacturing and laid the foundation for the most productive tech valley in the world. Chips are still one of the most important areas in technology, they are in every computer device on the planet and it’s a highly competitive field with the likes of Intel, AMD, Texas Instruments, Toshiba, Samsung, Qualcomm, and lots more competing. Which chip is going into the latest iPhone, HTC, or Samsung phone is headline news.



シリコンバレーの始まりについて何か知っているなら、すべてはFairchild Semiconductorという会社で働いていたthe Traitorous Eightと呼ばれる男から始まったことを知っているはずだ。彼らはチップ製造のパイオニアで、世界で最も生産性の高いテクノロジーの渓谷の基礎を築いた。チップはテクノロジー分野の中で最も重要なものの一つだ。世界中のすべてのコンピューター装置に使われおり、その分野ではIntel、AMD、Texas Instruments、東芝、Samsung、Qualcomm、その他大多くの企業が激しい競争を繰り広げている。どのチップが最新のiPhoneあるいはHTCや Samsung製の携帯電話に使われるかが重大ニュースになる。

jaga English → Japanese
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Visitors to AIME were able to select their education programme highlights via the mobile app launched for this year’s show, a feature that also allowed them to browse through a detailed list of full show events, view their appointment diaries and even demonstrate how to navigate the show floor.

Making this app even more useful was yet another first for 2013, with visitors able to line up pre scheduled appointments with their preferences from the more than 800 exhibitors through new ‘Visitor Appointment Diaries’, previously reserved only for hosted buyers. This offered greater visitor time RoI and the ability for exhibitors to also maximise their own participation.



このアプリには2013年に新しく「Visitor Appointment Diaries(来場者予約スケジュール帳)」経由で800以上の出展者からお好みの出展者との事前予約を手配することができる機能が追加された。それまでは招待バイヤーのみに限定されていた。これにより来場者は効率よく時間を使うことができ、出展者は参加したことを最大限に活かすことができた。

jaga English → Japanese
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10 Step Guide to Running a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Yesterday marked the end of HelpLearn.Asia’s event. One of the topics that got me sitting up was crowdfunding – a relatively new concept in Asia – that Daryl Arnold of Newton Circus (not the hawker centre in Singapore) shed some light on.

Hear ye, all you who are interested in raising capital but are sick of trying to convince the rich people to invest in your idea. Try tapping into the masses instead. Besides raising money, crowdfunding also serves a marketing purpose. It’s another way of getting the word out on your idea and to test your concept.



昨日はHelpLearn.Asiaイベントの最終日であった。強く興味をひかれたトピックの一つがクラウドファンディングだ。Daryl Arnold of Newton Circus(シンガポールのホッカセンターではない)がこのアジアでは比較的新しいコンセプトについて説明してくれた。
